Questions and Answers
Topic: Long Term Complications
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Below are questions posted by the public about bariatric surgery and related issues. Please note that we are working very hard to make this system as well-organized as possible. If you have a question to ask, please make sure that it hasn't already been asked yet. Redundant questions reduce the quality of this service.
- ! year post op and having vomiting issues (May 11, 2009) (View) (1 answer)
- *Bowel Adhesions and prolapse (Aug 7, 2006) (View) (4 answers)
- 2 years post op and having abd cramps and pain (Oct 4, 2009) (View) (1 answer)
- 2015 Osteopenia Update and Help needed (Jun 22, 2015) (View) (1 answer)
- 5 yrs Post, and losing Hair Again, and Teeth detiorating (Jun 28, 2008) (View) (5 answers)
- 5yr postop lapband food "sticking" and pain/pressure under left ribs (Jul 9, 2015) (View) (2 answers)
- 6 months out with a terrible sore throat and wondering if it is from lap band (Jan 29, 2009) (View) (7 answers)
- 6 Years Post-Op and having VERY painful gas pocket. (Jun 12, 2007) (View) (4 answers)
- Abdominal tumors post-op (Jan 23, 2009) (View) (3 answers)
- Any info out there on long term bowel issues? NOt sure what is considered normal anym (Feb 15, 2010) (View) (2 answers)
- anybody have non-cardiac chest pain? (Mar 17, 2011) (View) (5 answers)
- Anyone about to lose these jobs because of compliactions? (Sep 18, 2007) (View) (7 answers)
- Anyone with bowel obstructions after having rny 5+ years ago at BTC (Bariatric Treat (Jun 26, 2008) (View) (9 answers)
- Anyone with obstruction issues 5 years post op? RNY surgery? (Jul 25, 2009) (View) (5 answers)
- bad smelling gas (May 19, 2009) (View) (3 answers)
- Bariatric Surgeon in Colorado Springs? (Jun 12, 2006) (View) (3 answers)
- Best test to diagonsis buring tearing pain on upper left side (Apr 18, 2010) (View) (5 answers)
- Complications over 6 years after RNY intussusseption anyone else having problems? (Jan 2, 2009) (View) (7 answers)
- Could the RNY cause elevated liver enzyme levels and dilated ducts leading to liver? (Apr 27, 2010) (View) (3 answers)
- developed a Hiatal Hernia 3 yrs after Roux n Y (Sep 15, 2009) (View) (2 answers)
- Diabetes? (Mar 15, 2008) (View) (4 answers)
- difference between dumping and low blood sugar crashes?? (Apr 25, 2009) (View) (3 answers)
- Dismotility and upper left quaderent pain (May 29, 2006) (View) (5 answers)
- diverticulum in pouch (revision?) (Jun 30, 2008) (View) (4 answers)
- Do I have Obstruction of the opening of the stoma? (Oct 31, 2007) (View) (4 answers)
- Does anybody have problems with stomach getting swollen and gain weight (Jul 26, 2011) (View) (3 answers)
- Does the mal-absorption and the medications lead to osteoporosis? (Nov 10, 2008) (View) (2 answers)
- Dulcolax pills are wonderful solving my SEVERE constipation. (Apr 30, 2010) (View) (4 answers)
- Duodenal re-positioning (Jun 30, 2009) (View) (no answers yet; please post yours!)
- Duodenal Stent (Jun 27, 2009) (View) (2 answers)
- Elevated PTH (Mar 11, 2009) (View) (2 answers)
- Every time I eat my stomach hurts and is hard to the touch? (Apr 24, 2008) (View) (8 answers)
- excessive weight gain (May 15, 2013) (View) (2 answers)
- Fatty liver after lapband (Jan 22, 2009) (View) (2 answers)
- For the longer term post-ops (Aug 29, 2006) (View) (9 answers)
- Had surgery, had a revision, still need help... (Jun 17, 2008) (View) (7 answers)
- Hair loss, nausea, and energy depletion two years post op VSG (Dec 27, 2009) (View) (7 answers)
- Has anyone else had a fistula and had to have a revision? (Aug 27, 2006) (View) (5 answers)
- Has anyone ever perforated where the anastomies were created? (Feb 14, 2009) (View) (5 answers)
- Has anyone gotten fibromyalgia after getting a lap band? (Nov 1, 2011) (View) (1 answer)
- Has Anyone Had A Band Holiday for Slippage? (Feb 2, 2012) (View) (1 answer)
- Has anyone had a post -op leak? (Aug 14, 2007) (View) (7 answers)
- Has anyone had an RNY twice & failed both times? (Feb 6, 2010) (View) (3 answers)
- Has anyone had any malabsorption issues after gall bladder removal? (Apr 9, 2009) (View) (2 answers)
- Has anyone had esophageo-cutaneous fistula? (Jan 10, 2007) (View) (2 answers)
- Has anyone had long term complications after having Fobi Pouch procedure with RNY? (Nov 9, 2010) (View) (no answers yet; please post yours!)
- Has anyone had stomach surgery 20 years ago? (Feb 6, 2007) (View) (9 answers)
- Has anyone had to have their surgery to move the stomach because too much small (Jun 1, 2009) (View) (no answers yet; please post yours!)
- Has anyone had trouble with Neuropathy? (Feb 20, 2010) (View) (4 answers)
- has anyone w DS become an alcoholic had surgry12/01 (Jan 14, 2011) (View) (6 answers)
- have people had blood pressure troubles before WLS (Apr 26, 2007) (View) (7 answers)
- Having internal bleeding; dr's unsure of source of bleeding??? (Jul 20, 2006) (View) (8 answers)
- heart rythmn problems and breathlessness (Apr 24, 2007) (View) (8 answers)
- Hernias with muscle spasms? (Sep 9, 2010) (View) (3 answers)
- How ( tests) was your problem diagnosed correctly and who determined it (MD or GI) (Sep 7, 2009) (View) (2 answers)
- How can I lose weight safely with severe hypoglaucemia? (Dec 29, 2007) (View) (7 answers)
- how can one tell if their lapband has slipped just curious Im new to this here (Sep 13, 2009) (View) (1 answer)
- How does one know if the lap band has slipped? (Apr 26, 2007) (View) (2 answers)
- How many post ops are dealing with insomnia 2+ years after surgery? (Jun 20, 2011) (View) (10 answers)
- Hypo Glycmic (Jan 5, 2010) (View) (7 answers)
- I am 2 1/2 years post-op VBG and still having problems with vomiting. I just had an (Jun 22, 2008) (View) (6 answers)
- I am 5 years post op and recently developed severe diarrhea. (Jan 12, 2008) (View) (4 answers)
- I am having heart problems. Anyone else? (Aug 30, 2006) (View) (6 answers)
- I am recovering from a perforated ulcer. (Aug 24, 2010) (View) (1 answer)
- I had my lap and done 4 years ago I only lost 50 lbs. and have regained that plus (Jul 13, 2015) (View) (1 answer)
- I had my surgury one month ago and I still can't eat solid food it feels like its in (Dec 10, 2007) (View) (6 answers)
- I had RNY done i Jan of 2002, starting weight 510, in 2008 I had it (Jul 18, 2012) (View) (no answers yet; please post yours!)
- I had the gastric sleeve April 30th,2009 not losing anymore. (Sep 14, 2011) (View) (3 answers)
- I have a large kidney stone and I'm wondering if my RNY surgery in 2002 contributed. (Apr 22, 2008) (View) (11 answers)
- i have gained 30 lbs. since jan fo 2009. Three months. (Apr 24, 2010) (View) (no answers yet; please post yours!)
- I need to know if there are drawbacks to the great decrease in ghrelin. (Nov 16, 2009) (View) (8 answers)
- I would like to ask any Fire Fighter, Police man/woman, or EMS worker who has been (Oct 13, 2007) (View) (4 answers)
- I would like to know if diarrhea is a side effect form WLS (Oct 14, 2009) (View) (8 answers)
- I'm 12 years post RNY, and apparently 100% lactose intolerant, has anyone else had th (Nov 4, 2014) (View) (2 answers)
- I'm having a hard time! (Oct 30, 2007) (View) (9 answers)
- In August I'll be 5 years out. I've gained back almost 100 lbs of the 130 lbs I lost (May 26, 2007) (View) (7 answers)
- INTERNAL HERNIA (Apr 2, 2007) (View) (4 answers)
- intussusception (Mar 29, 2008) (View) (7 answers)
- Is complications from RNY wls expected? (May 4, 2008) (View) (7 answers)
- Is the mortilty rate really only 13.6 years after surgery??? (Nov 29, 2009) (View) (8 answers)
- Is there really no other way to fight this??????? (Oct 21, 2009) (View) (3 answers)
- kidney stones (Oct 9, 2007) (View) (4 answers)
- Leaks at Staple Site (Aug 16, 2007) (View) (5 answers)
- long term effects (Mar 30, 2009) (View) (3 answers)
- Looking for a Bariatric Malpractice Attorney in California (Apr 22, 2009) (View) (4 answers)
- low blood sugar 3.5 years after open RNY (Jul 24, 2007) (View) (10 answers)
- Malabsoption? Does anyone know 15 plus years out if we will have (May 20, 2007) (View) (6 answers)
- Malabsorption and advise on getting strong again (Nov 9, 2010) (View) (3 answers)
- May need a liver transplant - should I have bypass surgery (Dec 6, 2010) (View) (3 answers)
- Multiple pouch opening dielations and more to come (Mar 1, 2008) (View) (4 answers)
- my blood-sugar level gets crazy at times (May 19, 2011) (View) (7 answers)
- My pouch is less than two cm, is this why I'm still sick? (Apr 2, 2009) (View) (4 answers)
- My wife is 9 years post op and has been diagnosed with malabsorption (Jan 21, 2010) (View) (4 answers)
- nausea and vomiting 6 years post op help! (Oct 20, 2008) (View) (7 answers)
- Need a surgeon willing to answer questions (Sep 15, 2011) (View) (3 answers)
- Need advice on treating ileus, slow moving intestine. (Sep 24, 2014) (View) (1 answer)
- Need to talk to anyone that may be anemic??? (Jan 10, 2010) (View) (8 answers)
- noy bring able to sleep because of vomiting and extreme amount of flem reflux (Oct 20, 2009) (View) (4 answers)
- numbness/neuropathy (Jun 8, 2008) (View) (5 answers)
- pain around belly button and radiates to right. (Jun 10, 2008) (View) (5 answers)
- Pain in the Rib Cage Area 6 mos post-op (Jan 24, 2009) (View) (6 answers)
- PLEASE Help; Define excessive thick mucous vs. foamies (Jul 22, 2014) (View) (no answers yet; please post yours!)
- problems w/ stomach looking into revision (Nov 7, 2007) (View) (6 answers)
- protein albumin (Jun 7, 2007) (View) (4 answers)
- Reoccurring Intussusceptions. Please help! (Aug 17, 2007) (View) (9 answers)
- Return to work after 2nd surgery in a month? (Oct 15, 2008) (View) (2 answers)
- Severe Abdominal Pain- Hernia or Scar Tissue? (Aug 17, 2009) (View) (6 answers)
- started loosing again (from 218 to 125 in 7 month, now 125 to 110 in weeks (Apr 19, 2010) (View) (6 answers)
- Stoma dilation and Severe GERD (Jun 3, 2012) (View) (no answers yet; please post yours!)
- Transient severe stomach cramps? (Feb 3, 2009) (View) (7 answers)
- Two part question about a hernia and finding a doctor HELP PLEASE!!!! (Apr 3, 2008) (View) (3 answers)
- WHAT ARE THE LONG TERM EFFECTS AT A OLDER AGE-AGE 60 AND OVER (Aug 14, 2006) (View) (2 answers)
- What are the symptoms of an obstructed bowel after WLS? (Feb 6, 2007) (View) (3 answers)
- What can be done about bowel obstructions? (Jan 14, 2008) (View) (5 answers)
- What is recommended for someone who has had 2 hernia repairs with the stitch? (Dec 22, 2007) (View) (3 answers)
- What woukd cause a severe dumping situation?? (Aug 26, 2015) (View) (1 answer)
- When Will things Change????????? (Aug 31, 2009) (View) (6 answers)
- where can I go to see a Dr. experienced with severe complications? (Sep 6, 2007) (View) (15 answers)
- will i get better (May 3, 2010) (View) (5 answers)
- Will I still be able to have a kid? (Jan 12, 2009) (View) (10 answers)
- Will the surgery make you really sick? (Jun 21, 2006) (View) (3 answers)
- Wondering what the long term results for the sleeve ? (Jun 5, 2012) (View) (2 answers)
- Wt gain, hard time with hypoglycemia! (Mar 30, 2009) (View) (4 answers)
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