Every time I eat my stomach hurts and is hard to the touch?
I am 6 years out. Every time I eat my stomach hurts so bad to the point I feel like I just don't want to eat hungry or not. I don't eat and drink at the same time. I chew my food properly....but I still hurt. I have tried all over the counter gas medicines. I have been chewing Tums and Rolaids like crazy to help with the pain. Does anyone have any suggestions, comments or something? — lalaissweet (posted on April 24, 2008)
April 24, 2008
If it is hard to the touch it may not have anything to do with your
surgery. I think I would call the dr. There may be something else going on.
— Claudia C.
April 24, 2008
I would call my doctor ASAP and get seen. What you are experiencing is NOT
normal. You need to be evaluated by your physician immediately. Good luck.
April 24, 2008
Anytime you have chronic pain like this, go to the experts and get it
checked out...Chronic severe pain as you seem to have is a sign that
something is wrong...especailly 6 years post op! Go to the hospital...or
call your surgeon immediately! Don't wait!!!
Good luck!
— .Anita R.
April 24, 2008 failed to describe the pain that you are it
acute? severe? aching? chronic?...of course you should consult your
doctor...however, as you seem to indicate...if you believe it is gas...try
1/2 tsp of fennel seeds with is great...check it out on
naturopathic sites...also...I am six years out (and doing great)...but have
similar stomach issues...I regularly eat yogurt with L. acidophilus...which
is GREAT for digestion...and I use Swedish Bitters...hope it helps....Good
— Samantha M.
April 24, 2008
I am not a medical practitioner but what you are describing sounds to me
like a stricture. This is a common occurrence in some animals where the
stomach can be twisted and cause a knot in the intestines. it causes pain
and the belly to feel hard. I would go see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. This can
OFTEN be resolved simply by just LOOKING at the stomach with a laproscopic
camera! Putting the camera DOWN the esophagus and into the stomach will
often relieve the pressure on the stricture and cause the normal operation
of the intestinal tract to resume.
I do not mean to panic you but I do hope that things are resolved
satisfactorily soon.
Best wishes,
— hubarlow
April 24, 2008
I sometimes have the same thing happen right after I eat. I can feel my
stomach get hard and it starts to hurt right near my pouch area. I thought
it was gas too but now I wonder.... I'm going to check with my doc. You
should too. Good luck to you!
— RoosMom
April 24, 2008
Lela, you may have a gastric ulcer. You need to follow up with your
surgeon and get checked out, but it could be something totally unrelated to
wls. Patricia P.
— Patricia P
April 25, 2008
I'm assuming that you haven't had this pain for 6 years so, something new
and unusual for you is not good. Have it checked out please. If you had
LapBand, maybe a little unfill might help. If Bypass- you could have a
stricture. Usually with ulcers- your stomach hurts when it is empty- not
after eating.
Good luck,
Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC
— DawnVic
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