I have a large kidney stone and I'm wondering if my RNY surgery in 2002 contributed.

My nurologist said he had seen two other WLS patients on the same day I went in who have symtoms of kidney stones. If WLS is a contributing factor, how does one prevent them? MM    — MeLinda M. (posted on April 22, 2008)

April 22, 2008
It may just be a coincidence. More people are getting WLS these days. I've not heard of any connection between WLS and kidney stones. Gallbladders are commonly checked prior to WLS, and removed if a problem during the surgery.
   — Dave Chambers

April 22, 2008
A high protein diet can cause kidney stones. I did Atkins for a year and ended up needing surgery to remove a kidney stone. I can only speak for myself as far as what I do to prevent them. Lots of noncaffeinated noncarbonated fluids and because I had uric acid stones, I take allopurinol which lowers uric acid levels. I haven't had stones since. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 22, 2008
Kidney stones are not a common problem from WLS. It is very common however for Gailblatters to fail. The Gailblatter issue is more offen found to fail in RNY patients. All I can think is that you may not have been taking 100 oz of water. I have a freind that is not a WLS patient that drank little water and his doc said he had kidney stones because of that issue. Best of succes to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 22, 2008
The usual connection is using calcium carbonate, not enough water, too much coffee, tea or cola, not enough citrates OR all of the above. I'd say for me, it was all. At 3 yrs post-op. My husband had cleaned up his act before he got his at 7 & 9 yrs, EXCEPT, the brown liquids and water part. I guess I don't need to tell you that with 2 bouts of them, he's pretty darned water logged today!
   — vitalady

April 22, 2008
I have had kidney stones both before and after WLS so I'm not sure. I don't think that there is a higher incidence of stones post-operatively, however, all stones are different. Have you had any of your stones analyzed to see what they are made of or is this your first? Mine are from calcium. I have heard that high protein diets can cause some to form as well. What does your urologist say about it. I have not found a way to prevent them.... wish I could, I'd rather deliver a baby than a kidney stone. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

April 22, 2008
I had a kidney stone earlier this year. I was told by my WLS and also my urologist that WLS does in fact help to cause kidney stones. It changes your system hence the occurences of both kidney and gall stones. I am now on a medication for them. It doesn't make them not come back but if you are prone to them it will make the time between them longer. For example if you get one every year it changes the time to about five years. Hope that you are feeling better and check on the medication for it. I am taking liquid potassium citrate. They also took me off the calcuim citrate that I was on since that helps to cause the stones also.
   — Brenda R.

April 22, 2008
I got kidney stones before I had my surgery. I was taking slim fast. The Dr said I had calcium deposits so it was too much milk in my diet. Drink, drink, drink. Lots of liquids. Water, juice if you dont dump. Any liquids but milk based.
   — Joanc

April 22, 2008
Contrary to some of he oheranswers you are getting...I have had a series on kidney stones (small ones) since I had GBS in December. My surgeon as well as my PCP told me this is VERY common in GBS patients.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 22, 2008
It might be a by product of the surgrey. If you take calcium and biotin they can both contribute to stones. I had them before and after the surgery. Go to a urologist and do a 24 hour urine test and they can tell you what is in or not in your system that is causing the stones and prehaps you can adjust your diet accordingly. Bel
   — Belanna

April 22, 2008
alot of doctors try to blame kidney stones on high protien levels but it has been found to be false. It is a build up of protein by products and salts. But it is more because people who don't eat enough of the right kind of proteins, that means a variety of animal and plant proteins, will digest their own organs to get it- this can cause it, also as you lose weight your body releases all the junk you stored in your fat cells. Best bet - keep eating your protein, avoid salts, and drink distilled water- hard water has a lot of minerals and salts in it. Don't do soft water either.
   — Cdavis226

July 20, 2008
YES..the surgery causes stones, I'm a prime example of it..I have lost both of my kidneys from having too much calcium oxalate and too low of calcium citrate...They surgrically took my left kidney out, I had developed a large stone that had blocked the kidney, and it killed the kidney...3 weeks after having the kidney taken out, the right kidney went into acute kidney failure, they did a biopsy and it shows my kidney is crystalizing..I'm on dialysis now..My dx. is oxalate nephropathy, tubulointersitial nephritis...I have had 3 specialists tell me it is all from the RNY...Everyone always have your labs include the creatine and GFR, and BUN, to keep a close watch on the kidneys, the damage can not be undone.. Good Luck to you.. Sherry
   — bobsgrl75

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