Do I have Obstruction of the opening of the stoma?
I have this horrible pain/burning in the back of my throat. It felt like heartburn, but after chewing 2 TUMS and then trying 3 teaspoons of Pepto Bismal, I still feel really bad! I'm 5 1/2 years post op and I don't have a gallbladder. I had surgery on June 26, 2007 to fix my small bowel (it was herniated into an opening). I feel that if I could throw up I would feel better. The pain also feels like I have a big ball of food stuck in the back of my throat. — Rachelle Sexton (posted on October 31, 2007)
October 31, 2007
It sounds like something is causing acute reflux. I would contact the
surgeon who fixed your hernia. It could be that adhesions (tissue
sticking together) are interfering with digestion in some way. This acid
could cause damage to your as soon as you are able.
Prayers are headed your way...Good Luck,
— jimmychrissy1
November 1, 2007
I would also say it is acid reflux. Sometimes the TUMS EXtra strength
help. The Dr.s can prescribe some med to help with this. Don't let it go
untreated. The acid is not good for the throat and not to scare you but if
it goes untreated, it has been known to cause cancers in the espophagus.
My mother has dealt with acid reflux for about 15 years. Just call the Dr.
— neisha =.
November 1, 2007
Try Gas X with Malox. It is my cure all.
— Carlyn M.
November 1, 2007
I don't know if you have obstruction or not, but when I feel like that my
Doc. said to take 1/2 teaspoon of Adolf's Meat Tenderizer with 1 teaspoon
of RealLemon Juice and mix with 4 oz. of water. Sip slowly for an hour.
That seems to help me a lot. Good luck and God Bless. Bev
— okiegirl
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