The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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My Doctor; Dr Michael Snyder
I liked him immediately. I kept liking hime more as time went on. He has a very reassuring quality to him. You just know you will be taken care of. He is very compassionate. His staff is very well informed, and friendly. He is a great doctor. He did the surgery lapriscopically on me. He emphasizes aftercare strongly. There is a support group of his patients that meet regurarly. And he encourages it. He has a very structured after care program. He addressed the concerns of risks of the surgery appropriatly. I would give him very high reviews, he is just wonderful. I think the best in colorado.


He is a dynamic, energetic, positive person who will not do surgery on those who think surgery will "fix" their problem; he will help those who look upon surgery as a tool to help you get where you belong. He has no compunction about telling patients they need to wait or that they aren't a good candidate.

He insists you attend a 2-hour informational session before you have your initial appointment. I totally agree with that. He just doesn't have those sessions often enough. Right now, I think he only has them once every 60 days.

Dr Snyder's staff is usually good. I had some trouble getting one staff member to move forward on my insurance paperwork because I had a time crunch where my insurance was going to end and I'd have to begin all over with another insurance company if we waited too long.

Dr Snyder is great about aftercare. He has set up support group meetings twice a month. He invites pre surgery folks to attend these meetings if they desire. He gives out instructions at each visit that are aimed at your post-op number of days and continues until the next scheduled appointment. They are informational and instructional. He and his staff are great cheerleaders to their patients. In my opinion, that is huge at all stages.

He addressed risks. He didn't sugar-coat but also didn't scare you to death.

Dr Snyder is a great surgeon. He was wonderful while I was in the hospital. Once I did regular office visits, I felt like he didn't have enough time to spend with me. I always felt rushed. Because of that, I forgot to ask some questions and had to call in later to get my answers.

Dr Snyder is very competent and his bedside manner was wonderful. I think he is the only Rouen Y surgeon in the north Denver area. I would, and do, reccommend him to everybody who is going to do this.


There is only one word to describe Dr. Snyder - WOW! The man is great. My first impression was that he was a fast talker and did not have time for anyone once things were completed. Boy was I wrong! I figured that with all of his patients that I would be lost in the shuffle like with my general practioner - no way. Dr. Snyder remembers things that my husband doesn't. He has a big heart. His office staff is excellent. Brenda is extremely nice and helps you with anything that you need. I'll tell you this - the people in Dr. Snyder's office as well as Dr. Snyder do not sugar coat things. They will tell you how it is.


I really like the surgeon that I have chosen. He was very nice and quick to respond with any and all questions that me or my family had. I know that he will be there after the surgery is over. And that is very comforting. This is a life long commitment and he wants to be there for his patients. I highly recommend Dr. Snyder to anyone interested in having this surgery. His office staff seemed very knowledgeable and Praise the Lord for Brenda who there just arent enough of her to go around in that office but she is still very prompt about returning calls as well. Dr Snyder talks about aftercare very much and he wants you to know of others that he has preformed this surgery on and emphasizes on the Support Groups and calling, emailing if you need him. He let me know of all the risks upfront and has a Seminar that he requiers you to attend before meeting with him at his office. VERY INFORMATIVE I would like to have both competence and bedside manner great. I know that has both...


Dr. Chae is very kind and understanding. He does not make you feel uncomfortable in any way.I would recommend him to anyone! His staff is great to.


Dr. Chae has been fantastic from my first meeting with him through my last visit on Aug. 9th'02, (5 weeks out.) He is straight-up honest and very caring in regards to physical and emotional health. I am thrilled to have had him as my surgeon.


My first impression of him was a good one. He gives you his email address and he answers very fast. His office staff was very helpful. However, after the surgery, I wasn't excited. I felt he was more interested in admiring his nice scar on my stomach than in what I was worried about. Something happened in the hospital and I tried to bring it up but he brushed it off. It did take a lot longer to recover than they had told me and I had to resign my job which left me with no insurance to have any follow up work done. All of the problems were not from the doctor. My logistics were the biggest problems. Basically, I was in a lot of pain and I had to get some pain medication strong enough to get me through a day so that I could apply for a job to get back on insurance to try to get something else done. That is where I am at the present time. I have not lost the weight that I needed to and have developed other problems. I would recommend this doctor still. However, I would only recommend him to people who live in the area so they can easily access him and the support group.


After meeting with Dr. Snyder personally, all I can say is he is THE MAN. When you enter his office, you KNOW what a caring doctor he is; all the seats in his waiting room are extra wide!<p>He even gives a written exam to his patients before they have surgery to test their basic knowledge (based on his lecture & his written manual). This may sound like overkill to some, but it gives me a great deal of security knowing this man CARES about how informed I am & wants to help me KNOW everthing I can about this.<p>I came to my final consult with 2 pages of questions, all of which he answered to my satisfaction. He not only seems incredibly knowledgeable & confident as a surgeon, but is personally just a delight to talk with. His aftercare program has a reputation as one of the best in town. I have already been attending a support group of his patients & what a help that has been. I could not be happier with Dr. Snyder!


Very great!!!!!!!!!!!!
What more can I say. He was kind as well as honest and understanding. I was well informed. Therefore I did not leave the hospital with any questions or fears. I would recommend him to anyone in the surrounding Denver area. I drove from Colorado Springs, and it was worth it!!!!
As a matter of fact, I have moved to the LA area and I would recommend him to people that are here.

It takes courage to regain control over your life. Emotionally it can be quite tolling. Therefore it is very important that you have people who are knowledgeable as well as kind. I found this in Dr. Snyder and those who work for him.

You know it doesn't take great bedside manner to be a doctor. However it does require great bedside manner to be a "GREAT" doctor!

May the Lord continue to bless Dr. Snyder and his staff.


I met with Dr. Snyder June 19th, after having waited since January! That is when I attended one of his monthly seminars, which is required prior to making an appointment. The majority of questions, concerns, and information is addressed at the seminar, which means by the time you get to the initial appointment you are very prepared. This program is very structured and includes extensive aftercare and a support group that meets twice monthly. The only problem I have is getting there because it is about an hour's drive north of me. They are planning to add a "south" support group soon for that reason. Dr. Snyder is extremely personable, especially for a surgeon. Most I have dealt with in the past have had awful bedside manners and were very arrogant. But he is great and seems very compasionate. We reviewed the paperwork I received at the seminar and had filled out, and discussed my questions. He then gave me a brief and basic physical exam and said he felt I would be a good candidate! YEA!! Although it was a short appointment, I did not feel rushed. His staff is also great, and immediately scheduled me for my pulmonary and psych appointments. By the time I get them done, I should have heard from the insurance company, but I have been told by coworkers that this is not covered. If not, I will probably be self-financing, which his office will also help me with. The Dr. has just moved to a new office and it is VERY comfortable. The seats are GREAT, I wish I could find some for my house like that! There were several post-ops in the office when I was there, and all were doing great, with wonderful losses and all good things to say about Dr Snyder. I feel very comfortable going with him as my doctor. The only complaint I would have is the long wait, but I guess that is a good thing because it means he is doing lots of surgeries and honing his skills. Overall I would give him very high marks so far.

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