The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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My first impression of Dr. Chae is that he is very thorough and professional.

The office staff is extremely helpful and willing to work with you in all areas.

There is nothing about Dr. Chae that I disliked, he is very good.

I didn't have any problems after surgery, so my after care was minimal. However, if I needed to ask something or was having problems, I would not hesitate to call.

I was thoroughly informed about the risks of surgery. Dr. Chae also made sure that I was physically able to handle the surgery before he performed it, including sending me to several doctors to make sure that all was fine.

I would say Dr. Chae is one of the better doctors I have been involved with.

Both are excellent.


OMG, Dr. Snyder showed me right away what a wonderful person he was, and how caring and how dedicated he was to this disease we all know as obesity. I was impressed with him BIG TIME!!!
My impression only got better. He is da man!!
He has the best office staff I have ever encountered. Talk about nice! And they return your calls, not like other dr.'s offices.
I can't really say I disliked anything about him. He is da man!
He is dedicated to this practice and this life saving procedure, and he is very caring to your needs, because we are all scared, even if we don't show it.
Aftercare, hmmm, well I am now a "family member" to him as he says it. He wants to be there for everything, to help you through it. That shows his dedication to each and every patient.
A very structured aftercare program. He has put in many hours putting it in print also, so we all know what to expect when we are just pre-op's.
He addressed the risks to me very bluntly, which I liked. I don't like being told one thing, then another. He put my mind at ease and I felt very confident with him as my surgeon.
He was wonderful on both accounts. He always has a smile for you, and what a postive energy he emits. It is contagious like a smile.


I found Dr. Snyder off the internet when I was looking for information. He contacted me and told me I would need to attend one of his seminars in order for me to be seen by him. I attended and found it very interesting. I found him very polite and helpful with my
questions. His staff is realy helpful. I finished all the paperwork and was sent to a phyciatrist to make sure I know what is ahead for me. She discouraged me no to get it done.
the paperwork was sent my my insurace company and they took 5 months for the denial to come in. I since then transferred to another job and the insurance company then took 3 months to get approval because they said they never received the paperwork which was sent to everybody in their department.
I would recommend getting everybodys name and keep getting after them.
Dr Snyder gave me a booklet with all the information needed for the operation. He gave me websites which will help me with my questions. I can call him anytime with questions.
On the 16 April 2002 I go in for my pre-op and on the 29 April 2002 is when I get the operation.


Dr. Chae is an amazing man. He is the best Dr. that I have ever met. Of all my complications, he has been there for me, emotionaly and physically. I recommend him to anyone. His surgical expertise is the best and he genuinely cares for his patients. He is not only concerned about me, but my family as well since I spent a month in the hospital with complications. I feel very comfortable in his care. I wish more Drs. were like him.


I've gone to Dr. Snyder's seminar, and what impressed me most was his unbelievable passion for the struggle of the morbidly obese. I have a consultation with him in 2 days, and I should know more about him then.

Dr. Snyder is an excellent person! His office is a little slow compared to what their papers say on getting things to the insurance, but that's due to some new changes being put forth by Brenda! I'm so excited! He's intense, and he cares a lot about his patients. Aftercare is stressed greatly. I will let you know more when I see him again for my pre-op appt. on 4/10. My surgery is scheduled for 4/23.


I saw Dr. Snyder today. My office visit was brief. It was about 15 minutes. He pretty much read my history and said " let's go for it". Since I will pay for it out of pocket all the insurance hassle is nil. I like Dr. Snyder. Everyone I have talked to really can't say enough good thing about him. Next is phyc and lung tests.


I went to doctors meeting and was impressed.Everyone was so was just great and had overweight poeples best intrest at heart.He has an office staff that is second to none.The two ladies working in his office are angels.Every body answered all my questions in detail and so i could under stand.I would highly reconmened dr. Snyder to any one interested in this surgery.I think he was the best doctor that i would wait till i could get a surgery date with him.I can not stress enough about his office staff.They were great to talk to and very understanding.It is very hard waiting for insurance approval and when calling office the staff was AWESOME!!!!


My first impression of doctor Snyder was he is totally committed to help in the fight against morbid obesity. He made me very comfortable from the very beginning.

Doctor Snyder has a very well structured after care program and he really stresses after care. He addressed all of the risks of the surgery and makes sure you understand them.

I would not have had anyone else do this surgery for me.

Doctor Snyder has surgical competence and a great bedside manner.



1/6 Saw Dr. Snyder at six months. He made me feel very good about where I am and how I'm doing. He's super busy these days, support group is huge. I think it's worth the wait, but I'm also grateful that I found him when I did. Some people have surgeons who cut corners and claim that things like aftercare don't really matter. These people need a Dr. Snyder. He knows that the surgery is only the first step and that we need follow up the rest of our lives. You won't find a more dedicated, caring man. Call and get to a lecture right away. You can always change your mind later, but get this first step out of the way. Email me anytime for more details.
7/30 I am almost six weeks post-op. I first met Dr. Snyder in January at one of his lectures. My first impression was that he was a very energetic and committed surgeon. That impression has not changed. I don't know where he gets his energy, but it never seems to flag. My surgery went over very well. I had some minor complications post-op and we're still working on those. However, he has been available and supportive through the roadbumps. I must say that these are MINOR complications and I was prepared for the possibility. Dr. Snyder's staff has to keep up with him and for that alone they deserve a medal. <p> Dr. Snyder emphasizes aftercare and has a very proactive patient base. The support groups are patient run and happen twice a month. This is very helpful for pre-ops and recent post-ops. <p>
Dr. Snyder is the most available doctor I've ever heard of. He gives patients his pager number, answers email and makes time when you need him, even if you aren't scheduled. <p> The only thing I've noticed recently is that Dr. Snyder is VERY busy. This is good and is a reflection of how much time and concern he has for his patients. If you are new going to him, be patient. You may wait a little in his office, but you won't have to wait a year for the appointment. One other piece of advice: Don't be afraid to slow Dr. Snyder down and ask him all your questions. He goes very fast, but he will take time for you and all your questions. It also helps both doctor and patient for the patient to be fully informed. <p> You are in good hands with Dr. Snyder.


Dr. Micheal Synder is a very fine doctor.

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