The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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What is there not to say about Dr. Snyder. The main thing I can tell you is that the two times I did have to page him (and I hated to do that) he returned the call inside a joke, I didn't even think the page would get to him that quickly..the man CARES!! He is your surgeon, cheerleader and friend. Is there anything I could say that isn't so good..well, the only thing I could possibly say is that I think he has just a little drill seargant in him! LOL
I wouldn't have used anyone else..He's great


May 23 2001--- I met with Dr. Snyder today and he is a wonderful Dr. Though I think the scale in his office is a little outta wack. Ha Ha I am looking forward to having my surgery with him for my Dr. Very nice, kind and considerate man. Kinda skinny though. lol:)October 22, 2001 Dr Synder is such a wonderful surgeon, I owe him so much. I can not say enough great things about him. If you want the best Bariatric surgeon around, go to Dr. Snyder:)


He was very friendly to my daughter and I. Everyone at suport group and his office is very nice & very informed about everything that I've asked about. He went over all the info with me. My surgery is Monday Oct. 8th 2001. I've heard nothing but good info from the other patients about him and his manner of dealing with his patients.


2-21-01 I went to a meeting with Dr. Snyder and was quite impressed. He seems very passionate about the plight of the obese. When I got there they weigh (me 246lbs) and take your height (me5'6"). Everyone was great. Dr. Snyder is starting his WLS practice here after being in Oregon & Virginia. His first Colorado surgery will be March 7th. I met the 2 lucky patients. They were soooo excited. Good luck to them. I will update more later.

3-8-01 I have my first consult with Dr. Snyder on wednesday 3-13-01. Wish me luck. I'm lopoking forward to meeting him in his office.

3-14-01I had my appt with Dr. Snyder today. Things went well. I really like him. He made me feel very comfortable.

4-19-01 I had my pre-op with Dr. Snyder yesterday. He has done nothing to make me feel uncomfortable. He is the GREATEST!!!!
4 more days.

5-2-01 When Dr. Snyder was finished with my surgery and was testing my new pouch for leaks he realized it was too big. He could have left it like that and all would have been fine. But he decided because I put all of my faith in him he spent another hour and a half making it the right size. He went that extra step for me. I appreciate him more than he'll ever know. He is really committed to his work. THANK YOU! DR. SNYDER

7-02-01 Dr Snyders follow-up care is incredible. I have heard alot of bad things about post-op care with other Dr's. I feel very fortunate and thankful to have Dr. Snyder as my Dr. He has become a big part of my life.

8-15-01 Everything Dr Snyder has told me has been on the up and up. He hasn't led me astray in the slightest. I've never felt lost or forgotten. I have no fear for my health when it comes to Dr. S....


Dr. Chae was immediatley friendly and seemed very interested in what I had to say and how I felt. He was very open about the risks of surgery and that this is a very serious step and should not be taken lightly.
His staff was very nice and informative.


Dr Chae tried very hard to impress on me the magnitude of the surgery and the possible side-effects and complications. I had to take 4 nutrition classes and have a psych evaluation before I could even make an appointment, so I had a pretty good idea of what to expect already. I was more than ready. He continues to be a very soft-spoken and humble man. His staff was extremely supportive and helpful. The one thing I liked least was the fact that he only has one day in clinic per week. If you are seriously considering the surgery, don't be put off by the information that his wait list is about a year out. If you finish the classes and see the psychologis, you will get in sooner. He is very conservative about progressing the diet after surgery. He also sees you at least twice after surgery and wants you to check in about six months out. If you are not experiencing any problems, a phone call or e-mail will do. He has a structured program to follow after surgery, but the same dietician that teaches the nutrition classes also facilitates a support group for post-op people that pre-ops are invited to join too. We learn the most from each other. I was very impressed with Dr. Chae. He has both surgical competence and bedside manner, which I find very important.


6-22-01: Although I have posted my note on Dr. Chae previously, I feel it appropriate to comment again. I think he is such a careful and safe a doctor. I had some post op complications...a pulmonary embolism three weeks out. This may or may not have been due to my surgery. Dr. Chae was very kind and visited me twice in the hospital even though I was being seen by another group of pulmonologists. I had some sever abdominal pain 4 weeks out and he was quick to respond and made sure I had follow up apointments. He carefully described what he thought it was and suggested I go back on Liquids for two weeks. This cleared up the possible inflamation. He is a GREAT listener, and a GREAT surgeon.


Our first impression of Dr. Snyder was one of professionalism and compassion. We learned very quickly one of the best ways to speak with him was via email. He is really good about responding to email.
Dr. Snyder's office staff is friendly and informative and they have been cheering us on from the very 1st phone call.
Future patients should know that Dr. Snyder is very thorough and he does not cut corners or take any chances with his patients care. Don't try to get him to short cut his system he JUST WON'T DO IT.
Dr. Snyder is very concerned with Aftercare.
He is developing a support group and he schedules regular return visits for life.
He says once you are his patient you are his patient for Life!
Dr. Snyder does not sugar coat anything he answers all questions and is honest about the risks of surgery.
We Rate Him as THE BEST.
We can't say which is better surgical competence, bedside etc but so far we think he is great.

I wanted to update you on our surgeon.
All that was written above was written prior to surgery.
I wanted to tell you a little about him at the hospital and after surgery.
In the hospital we saw Dr. Snyder everyday as well as his team of North Denver Pulmonary who checked on us as well.
Dr. Snyder was very available if we needed him. He provided us with beeper number and made sure the nurses knew there was no concern to small to have him contacted about.
He was very sure to keep our pain management a priority.
As for after care we have worked with Dr. Snyder to start a support group and it is growing rapidly. We are anticipating speakers with special expertise in Exercise, behavior modification, Wound care, and nutrition as well as members of other support groups in the area to speak about their experience.
He is always available for questions and concerns.


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was good. He is extemely thorough in his delivery at the seminar my husband and I attended. He speaks very very fast and admits to it, but is willing to try to slow down and he does answer all your questions. He has actually written a small booklet about this surgery and before the surgery you are tested, via a written test, to make sure you understand what you are getting into. I was impressed with this. The items you miss, he goes over with you and makes you initial that you understand the correct answer. (He is probably covering his back as well with this, but I appreciated this creative idea). He has a structured aftercare program and strongly emphasises aftercare. He has a group of patients starting their own support group of which I will attend the first one this week. Fortuantely, I have attended classes and support group of a much larger scope in Denver which have been extremely helpful. Dr. Snyder recomended this group foremost. After the surgery, I will expound more on his bedside manner.

Dr. Snyder was a good doctor. He is a very busy man but will give you the time you need, you just need to ask. He actually emailed me and asked me to go on and continue my information on him and my progress with the results of the surgery. That impressed me.

A group of Dr. Snyder's patients have formed quite a large support group. At the last meeting there were probably 25+ postop and preop patients. I learned a lot at the support group, especially about wound care. I have been fortunate in that so far I have not had any problems with an infection.

Dr. Snyder's staff is very professional. They went out of their way to make you feel welcomed and cared for.

I feel Dr. Snyder's surgical competence was better than his bedside manner. But according to people in the support group that had problems, he was great to work with through the problems. I just have not had any problems requiring this type of attention yet.


Met with Dr. Snyder on the 22 of March. His staff-Brenda in particular was wonderful in scheduling all my appointments with the pulmonary and psch all on one day so I would not have to make several trips as I live out of state. I found Dr. Snyder very fast paced. My husband was very imopressed with both Dr. Snyder and his lecture. He was also very surprised as to the number of people who attended his seminar. The worst possible thing about Dr. Snyder is you feel as if you have been run over by a train as he is non stop. He is very determined about after care and stresses that highly. Do not know at this point what his bedside manner is. Overall I would say he is an excellent Dr. Have found Dr. S. to be an excellent doctor and would recommend him to anyone giving serious thought to this operation. Would also strongly advise anyone considering this surgury to attend his seminars and to gather as much information as possible by net, person, lit. etc. He is very strong on after care and does not stint on talking to you when every YOU need to speak with him. He is avaible most of the time and has immense patience with his patients. He addressed all the risks of the surgury including some you would not think of. Overall I rate him par excellence and has a great bedside manner. His is also willing to go to bat for his patients when they are not treated right in the hospital. As long as you are open and honest with him he is willing to give his best shot for you. WARNING WARNING he is the roadrunner and YOU are the wily coyote!!!!

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