The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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I have been taking some of the necessary test for the surgery. Brenda is so cool!
She works very hard to get me appointments.
Pat is also cool. I like the fact that the
staff have experience in some way, with this
I have been to a seminar and today I met with Dr. Snyder. He was wonderful. I still don't have a date yet and I was depressed about it. I am a teacher and I have to have enough healing time before school. However, my school begins the 3rd week in August so I only have the first two weeks which is not enough time to get ready for 6 and 7 year olds. When I first came into the office Brenda began talking with me about maybe having to put the surgery off until August. Bless her heart!! She and Pat are so very helpful and work so hard. I embarrassed myself by almost crying and letting them know that I could not have the surgery if it had to be in August. Brenda was so sweet trying to think of other options. I enjoyed my talk with Dr. Snyder. He is very sympathetic about your needs. I used to be a scrub nurse and assisted in the earlier operations of this type so I really understand what they are going to do and how it works etc. so we spent a lot of time going over my tests results. I feel bad about causing so much trouble.


I met with Dr. Snyder on Monday the 28th of May. I have been to several of his seminars and have been very impressed. He is so commited to this and to making this a success for you too. Brenda, his right arm, is there for you also. He lets you know what to expect and what he expects from you. The after care is routed out so that there is no confusion as to what you need to do.
I am excited to get moving on the procedure and get on with my new life. I am so looking forward to tying my shoes and hiking/walking with out it being something that I remembered doing once upon a time.


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was that he was a kind, caring, gentle person, who I truly believe for whatever reason, really cares about the quality of life and injustice that bariatric patients endure. My impression over the last two months has been confirmed through my interactions with Dr. Snyder! He is great to talk to. After meeting him for the first time, I felt very comfortable with him (and we all know how important that is!) He is very responsive through the use of email. I believe as a new office staff, there are some challenges to work out and some opportunity for growth, but that will definately come in time. I think future patients should be aware that this is not an overnight process, however I believe that if you are proactive in your approval process that not only will it go quicker for you, but you also feel some sense of control. Dr. Snyder is a great person as well as surgeon. He will not cut corners for don't even ask! He emphasizes aftercare a lot. Not really one conversation has happened where he has not mentioned after care. Dr. Snyder has a structured aftercare program in place and he has developed (with the assistance of his awesome team) a support group structure that is wonderful! Dr. Snyder addressed the reality of the risks of surgery as well as encouraging patients to express concerns and suggestions of the risks during his lectures! Nothing is hidden. Everything is discussed openly and honestly. My philosophy is that "Knowledge is Power" and I believe Dr. S feels the same way. I would rate him overall as a competent surgeon, who gets things and processes done! Without his assistance, I surely would still be waiting! I think surgical competence is very important, however if the surgeon doesn't have the bedside manner or the ability to be kind and caring, what good would his skills be...if no one came to him! Both are extremely important! However these comments were just my personal impressions of my own personal experience and I am making no statements about what other people may experience.


LOVE HIM! Very nice man without the stereotypical condescending tone. His office staff is wonderful and their compassion and care is fabulous. Now how many doctors are known to either call you or e-mail you? Not many but he will. AMAZING!


Met Dr. Snyder May 24, 2001, what an amazing person. This Dr. truly cares for his patients. His support group is great and he is there to answer all questions. He has encouraging words for all. My husband was skeptical until he talked with and listened to Dr. Snyder. His lecture is in depth and knowledgable. Glad I found him and his great staff on the internet. Waiting for my surgery with great excitment. He is fast paced but caring and will help you if you need it. He stresses after care very much. He wants all of his patients to be successful.

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I really liked Dr Snyder. No-Nonsense attitude about the surgery. The information seminars are very good.


I was highly impressed with Dr. Snyder. He is a very kind and strong personality. The more I talked with him the more I came to respect his attitude about obesity. He is a very dedicated Dr. with a very dedicated staff. Every time I had to call the office for information or questions they were always willing to give or get what ever information you required. Dr. Snyder is very much in to after care and followup. Once you have this surgery you are as he states a part of his family and he definately takes care of his family. I like the idea that I can call him or email him and he never seems put out. He is always available to you. He is very thorough with his lecture expalining every aspect of the surgical proceedure, the hospital care, the surgery itself and the aftercare. He goes over all the pros and cons and lets you make the decision. He in no way tries to influence your decission. He is a A-1 Doctor. His bedside manner is outstanding and his surgical competence goes beyond compare.


Dr. Chae is a very smart and personable man who is a human being in the best sense of the word. He is a good listener who meets your gaze and seems to really care about how this momentous decision will affect you. So far I can't see any thing that I don't like about him. The University Hospital has the feeling of growing energy and work. Each person I met, from a nurse that I asked directions from to the front office man was curtious, kind and efficient. This clinic has pre and post operative support groups. They are run by a Registered Dietician named Kelly. I liked her immediately, although I rather think that a person that leads a support group should have the experience in common with the group. I will tell more after I attend.
I am more impressed with him afer meeting him again for the preop testing ect. He is very organized and precise. He listens very well even when he may not want to. His staff discovered a possible problem on my blood work and tracked it down and eliminated the at all cost. I feel safe with Dr. Chae.


Dr. Snyder is the best doctor i have ever seen. he puts you at ease immediately. I found him on this web site and he emailed me back right away. i went to his seminar on 1/18/01 and got the work ups done asap. i am waiting for insurance approval and then i will meet with dr. snyder again. All of the feedback that i have read about him is very true. He really is dedicated to WLS and has a very personal manner. Dr. Snyder gives you the truth regarding the entire process, i never felt that he was trying to "sell me" or talk me out of it either. i feel that i know about everything there is to know in large part because of his book. I have complete trust in Dr. Snyder's competance and i look forward to seeing him regularly for the rest of my life.


I found Dr. Snyder on this web site and sent him an e-mail. He e-mailed back within 2 days and answered my questions. He also told me something about himself and his practice. He holds an open lecture each month on weight loss surgery. I attended the 2/20 lecture. The lecture was very informative and Dr. Snyder is full of energy and very passionate about morbid obesity. I live in Kansas and Dr. Snyder is in Colorado and his wonderful staff arranged for me to have consultations with the psychologist, pulmonologist and Dr. Snyder while I was in Denver for his lecture. It was a great experience. Dr. Snyder has put together a terrific team that will work hard to help me succeed.

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