The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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From the time that I decided to really take charge of my personal health, Dr. Matthew Metz was there to help me make the right decisions for myself. I went in thinking that the sleeve would be the easiest; and, found that, when I travel out of country, I need more (not less) medical care. I changed my mind and went with the roux-en-y instead. I am SO very happy that I did that! I had surgery in July of 2012, three years ago. Prior to surgery, I took 6 prescribed medications for health problems ranging from "border-line" diabetes to high blood pressure and thyroid disease. I now only take the food supplements necessary for my body to utilize the food I eat. No more prescriptions! My medical costs have gone from a monthly (or 6 week) checkup to once a year follow-up for my surgery. I have lost one of myself, going from a size 3XXlarge down to a size SMALL or size 8 pant! I am very healthy, happy, sleep better and always have more energy than I did when I weighed nearly 300 pounds! My knees, hips and back do not hurt like they did before and my sleep schedule has improved to where I now sleep about 5-6 hours in a row! I cannot say enough about having the surgery; everyone has the ability to take charge of their health - I encourage you to do the same. I hope anyone who is skeptical about the results will (at least) come to the support group at Parker Adventist to chat with others who have been in their shoes. So many don't do anything because of fear (or ignorance); come chat with others who have had surgery, or are contemplating it - you will learn so much - and, knowledge is a real weapon at your disposal to help you make the right decision for YOU!
Thank you, Dr. Metz! I owe my new life to you!


Cindy Norris-Brown Dr.Metz is the most caring, professional, and knowledgeable surgeon I have ever been a patient of. I tell all of my friends and coworkers to go to him. I am a nurse on a surgical unit at a teaching hospital and I am impressed by Dr. Metz and his willingness to share his knowledge with others, he actually told me any of our residents who are wanting to learn his skill he will mentor because he wants people to learn the right way for patient's safety. I will be having surgery again soon and I feel very confident in Dr.Metz! Not to mention he has an excellent team behind him. HE IS A TEN STAR SURGEON!!!


Fantastic guy! Very positive, very energetic, helpful! The main thing - he does so many of these surgeries - he is super experienced, fast and precise. It really minimizes the tissue damage and post-op pain. After I read all the kind of horror stories about pain after the surgery - it was nothing even close... I had more trouble from the hospital bed - you know - they are designed with the idea you will want to go home after first 20 min laying in it...

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Couldn't ask for a better surgeon. His team is amazing.


This doctor and his staff are just wonderful! I can't rave enough about the support, thoughtfulness and respect that this staff gives it's patients. They are so supportive, especially after surgery, which is a great relief. The nutritionist is fantastic and it so wonderful to go to those meetings. I can't imagine having had a better surgeon for my sleeve.


Dr Chae performed a VGS surgery for me on 7/7/14 (any numerologists out there, this seems like a auspicious number?)
He seemed on top of everything from the get go he was calm, certain and very professional. The office staff is helpful, cordial and professional as well and everyone seems most empathetic.
After discussing the options, programs and prerequisites we agreed that the VGS was my best option.
I was in hospital overnight and released the next day. The day after that I returned to work.
While one week out there is still some pain and discomfort, I have tapered off the prescription pain pains and now am taking Tylenol.
The worst part for me was the phase 1 diet, oh how I hate broth and jello!
Tomorrow I get the drain removed and have my first post op check. Wish me luck!

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wonderful, honestly caring, genuine, great bedside manner


I am very Thankful to have had Doctor Chae as my surgeon. I had some concerns before the sugery and and he answered every guestion I had. His Staff was very attentive and helpful.


I have nothing but exceptional things to say about Dr. Metz and his staff. My first experience with Dr. Metz was in 2011 when I attend a seminar on bariatric surgery at this time I found Dr. Metz to be very informative, willing and able to answer the questions presented and extremely professional and polite. A few months following this seminar I had my first appointment and began the process of qualifying for the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Dr. Metz surrounds himself with a staff that is equally knowledgeable and as caring as he is. By September of 2011 I was having my Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery everything went exceptionally well. My post surgery appointments were full of encouragement, successes and emotions. I appreciated Dr. Metz’s honesty and straightforward attitude. A year and a half later I was down 80 pounds, looking great but facing emotional stress that comes with life. I had started breaking the rules that I knew could…would put my health in jeopardy and the next thing I knew I found myself meeting with Dr. Metz again but this time it was in an emergency situation. I had a perforated bowel and developed ulcers that required an immediate and complicated surgery. I found myself in the ER…I was scared, disappointed in myself and embarrassed that I had done this to me. Dr. Metz had been contacted by the hospital, arrived early in the morning and greeting me in his usual candour manor. Did he scold me? Yes…did he help me? Yes…He said to me “Let’s fix this together.” In both cases Dr. Metz consulted with me prior, explaining my condition, the procedure he’d be performing, while in the hospital he visited me daily as well as speaking with my spouse/family explaining to them the necessary support required in order for me to be successful. I wouldn't have gone to anyone else...


I chose Dr Frank Chae for my surgeon because he has excellent credentials. Meeting him was a pleasure. After that he asked me to follow a process:
1) Pre-evaluation
2) Medical Records of previous 2 years stating obesity issues and weight records
3) Appointment with a Psychologist
4) Nutrition class of 5 hours (really good)
I completed all the requirements that they asked for, insurance coverage, etc.

My bad experience started with the lady in charge of dealing with patients, since the beginning, I did not understand why, maybe because I am of hispanic origin, she treated me with animosity, this animosity was evident in her body language and rude attitudes that I will never understand because I was respectful towards her all the time, but she made every effort to let me know in many noticeable ways that she did not like to be in a position of having to extend any customer service courtesies to me.

When I visit the Psychologist, he asked me to take a test, when I finished I approached her and asker her where to leave those papers, she pretended to be busy and with a demeaning attitude she said "put it there!"

Once, I called her to ask about my case, she asked me again for my medical records, I told her that I already gave them to her (?) it seems that she needs to be more organized, because every time I called her she did not seem to remember the state of my case, and asked me to wait 2 or 3 weeks, she never called me back to follow up on my case, after a while finally she called me to tell me that my insurance approved the surgery and that I will have a co-payment or out of pocket of $1,650 aprox. payable to the hospital, but when I asked her for my surgery's date, she rudely told me that "it is a process! The insurance took a lot of time with the approval", they need a letter signed by the doctor.

Weeks and weeks went by, and my husband called her, when he asked her about my case she made every vocal expression of disgust... disconcerted I decided to look for reviews, I found many people that in the past went through the same bad treatment that I endured, so I decided to go personally to find out what was happening with my case. When I got there I asked her if I could speak with a different person, (the lady in charge of dealing with the insurance company), because I was tired to deal with her. I don't want to believe that she could intentionally delay my case because my health is in question. She tried to justify herself, when I show her the printed reviews that other patients had posted about staff/processes delays and frustrations. Her only concerned was to blamed the negative reviews on another coworkers. The only thing she cared about was justifying herself. She clearly told me: "I don't care what you tell the doctor, your perception is wrong" but what is clearly wrong is her attitude towards minorities.

In summary, she said that it was her co-worker's fault, the lady in charge of contacting the insurance companies, that caused all the problems cause she sits on the papers. The same morning the lady in charge of dealing with the insurance companies called me and in a very rude tone told me that my insurance had denied my surgery. After almost 3 months of seems to me that they just retaliated against me because I confronted them with their wrong attitude.

It is clear that Dr Chae doesn't know how some people of his staff treats his patients. Those ladies are arrogant and discriminate against minorities :(
It is a pity because he is such an excellent doctor.

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