The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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We had our chance to meet Dr. Snyder at his lecture on 1/18/01. We found him to be very professional and personable. Since then we have had our 1st appointment and are very happy, excited and impressed with both him and his staff. When we seemed to experience time delays in getting appointments with the pulmonologist and psychologist Dr. S was true to his word and called them and we were moved up impressively in their schedules.
We already LOVE Dr. Snyder.


I have met with Dr. Snyder several times and attended his seminar twice. I am very close to a surgery date and feel very confident with Dr. Snyder. He has a wonderful personality, is funny and is very excited to be involved in WLS. Dr. Snyder leaves nothing to chance. He tells you everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. He is very patient and answers every question. I really believe that my surgery will be successful because Dr Snyder guides you thru every step. Dr Snyder's staff is great, very friendly and helpful.


I just had my first consultation with Dr. Chae and am very impressed with him and his staff. He seems very knowledgable and through on the risks and dangers of the surgury which he explained first and foremost. Kelly the dietician was very friendly and the first in years not brand me as hopeless (like many of the Army nutritionists). Sandy, the insurance clerk, was very knowledable about Tricare (more so than some of the Army doctors) and was very optomistic about approval.
I am scheduled for 4 nutition classes and a psych eval over the next 2 months then he will submit my packet to Tricare for approval.


Dr. Chae was extremely busy and very nice. His office staff was the same. He answered all of my questions and made me feel very comfortable.


I instantly liked Dr. Chae. He was warm, understanding and very to the point. He understood my frustrations on failing at all diets and thought the surgery would be benefical for me. Very nice man. My impression only changed for the better as Dr. Chae was truley interested in how I was doing. Apparantly I was one of his healthiest patients as this surgery was my choice and wasn't needed out of medical necessity. His office staff is a tad slow..this is due to all the people wanting to have the surgery. I just had to constantly leave messages and would eventually get a call back from the Admin. There is absolutely not ONE THING I dislike about Dr. Chae. After Surgery I was very emotional and he held my hand and really talked to me...he said it was normal to be afraid. He outlined all risks involving the surgery, I meet in the clinic at University Hospital again in 3 weeks for a check up, but I am doing so well, they told me I could wait 4 if needed. University also has a support group I'd like to go to as they discuss Nutrition. I give Dr. Chae 100%, he is the best Dr. I have EVER dealt with. His surgical competence is great as well as bedside manner. I highly recommend him. I am telling you I have NOTHING negative to say. NOTHING.


Young. He looks a lot younger than he is at first meeting. He is intense and very straight forward. He educates well and gives the pros and cons. After the surgery he was a bit less interested, but that is pretty common with surgeons if their are few complications. When i did have a complications he did keep me out of the hospital and for that i am grateful. The biggest drawback was his support staff who were slow and didn't seem to take much seriously. The case manager keep me waiting weeks, up until a week before surgery to let me know if my insurance was approved. This was not because of waiting for an answer from the insurance co. but because she hadn't sent in the paperwork. It was approved over the phone the first time she called. Urgh! The aftercare program is almost non-existent. The pre-op program is supportive and educational. I rate the doctor is great, but his support staff are weak and the aftercare program is almost non-existant, although I hear an aftercare support group has been started for a minimal fee. The hospital nurses and staff were great.

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