The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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Dr. Synder was very open, and wanting to help those of us with weight issues.rnThe office staff are great, occassionally they seem a bit rushed.rnThe aftercare program is very good.rnDr. Synder would get a 9 out of 10 on my scale.rnDr. Synder has both, good bedside manner and surgical skills.


I met him for the first time on November 4, 2008. My surgery is November 10. He seems like a very personable doctor who cares about the health and quality of life of his patients. In fact, the past few times I've had visits to other doctors, my blood pressure has been elevated and he put me at such ease it was 118/52!


I first met Dr Snyder on 8/29/08. My husband and I had the opportunity to ask him all the questions we needed and he was very straight forward and caring. I felt so comfortable the minute I walked into his office, especially when I saw that the chairs were large enough for any size of person to sit on. Dr. Snyder said that after reviewing my medical history, he believed I would be a great candidate for bariatric surgery. I told him I was interested in the RNY. I chose to do all my pre-ops where I live in New Mexico and then have everything sent to him. So far the only person I've dealt with in his office has been Dolly, and she has been very helpful.


Dr Snynder was the best. He had a wonderful personality, immediately puts you at ease and is very skilled at what he does. I would tell any future patients that you are in good hands. He has a wonderful program, very well oiled machine as far as what is done pre op vs post op. rnrnHis office staff I had some difficulities communicating with as far as the need for them to return phone calls and emails. It was harder for me as I lived three states away. It took me a while to get the message across.


Dr. Metz was awesome!!! Recovery was quick and pretty much painless. I would recommend him to anyone.


I have met him before because my Mom had RNY surgery with him. What impresses me about him most is that he is so compassionate about people that the rest of society usually ignores. He makes you feel totally at ease when you meet with him and always says he is no rush with you and your appointment. If you have a million and one questions, he will sit with you and answer every one of them. He is just a nice guy in general. I am so excited to start my weight loss journey with him as my doctor.rnrnMy surgery went so smooth and quick, my family didn't even have time to figure out what they wanted to eat and actually eat it. I am proud to say I am one of his patients.


Dr. Chae is soft spoken, but extremely knowledgeable and experienced. He has a genuine concern for his patients and their health. Not only does he go over the possible risks, but he has a video presentation to make explanation of the surgery more visual and easier to understand. Susie is so sweet and accommodating. I have a surgery date of August 1, 2005, and I will update this after I am home from the hospital. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ My surgery date was postponed to August 15th, 2005, due to low Potassium. I was devastated, but Dr. Chae assured me that the surgery would happen. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ My surgery was 22 months ago, and I am still losing. I am 5'7" and now weigh 134 pounds. I want to lose another 10 pounds before starting my plastic surgery. After completing the plastic surgery, I plan to gain 10-15 pounds back to help firm up. My life has changed for the better, and I owe it all to Dr. Chae, Susie, and Kelly!!!! Without God guiding Dr. Chae's experienced hands, the surgery would not be possible. I had previous surgeries, and my abdomen is full of surgical mesh. Dr. Chae was able to navigate through and perform the Bypass surgery with no complications. I still cannot believe how great I look and feel. When I pass my reflection, I have to stop and take a second glance because I cannot believe that skinny person is me!! I now have more energy and a much better outlook on life. Yes, it was difficult at first, but this is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. THANK YOU Dr. Chae, Susie, and Kelly for making my dreams come true. I will be emailing PICs to your office soon. Anyone considering having Dr. Chae as your physician, feel free to email me at sexy shelby (without a space) at gmail dot com. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ My surgery was more than 8 years ago, and I am still extremely pleased with Dr. Chae. I am able to eat whatever I desire, as long as the portions are small enough - even deserts. Unfortunately, my car was rear ended by an 18 wheeler 2 years ago, and I was on bedrest for several weeks before having back surgery, and things were rough for about 6 months. Having severe back and ankle injuries and pain, I am no longer able to do most exercises. I did gain 40 pounds back, from the 183 pounds I originally lost. No big deal. I am watching what I eat, swimming as much as possible, and I have lost over half of those 40 pounds I gained back. I would not have been able to do this without the surgery by Dr. Chae. My only regrets are not having enough money to have all the reconstructive surgery I desire, and not getting the bypass surgery done years earlier. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I took my husband to Dr. Chae since we moved back to Colorado. Sprint changed their coverage of Bariatric surgery this year, and we did not notice the policy change. That is okay, my husband has a new job that does cover the surgery, and we plan to have him get it done toward the middle of next year. Dr. Chae is the only doctor I trust, and I know he will take great care of my better half.


Dr. Chae is my hero. He was wonderful in every way. He took the time to go over everything with me he answered questions. He personally returned phone calls, I really don't have any complaints. I would recommend him in a heart beat! Thank you so much, you are the greatest!


Dr. Snyder is amazing. He is the most compassionate, caring, funny doctor I've ever met. He is also very accessible since he gives you his cell phone number! I attended his seminar in October 2007 and knew that he most likely would be my doctor, but after meeting with him, I was convinced. He totally understands all of the physical, emotional aspects of being obese and he is very non-judgmental and kind. He also is very knowledgable and knows what he is doing with bariatric patients. He is ver competent! The aftercare at Denver Bariatrics is wonderful. They will take care of you for life and if you have any questions, they are always ready to answer. The aftercare is very structured and you are never \"orphaned\" after surgery. Amanda, Dr. Snyder's nurse is so cool! She also went through lap band surgery and so she really knows what it is like, plus, she is funny!! The only negative thing I would have to say is that from my experience, the front desk staff aren't super nice... but it is well worth going to see Dr. Snyder and the rest of his staff!


I found him to be very nice and knowledge able about the surgery process. He has done lots to these surgeries, 1500 or more. rnrnHe however like every medical person I know is very surprized that i have such allergies to artificial sweetners ( mainly sensitive to preservative and sulphites. )rnrnBut still going to go on with this. rn

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