The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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My first impression was that he really seemed to care about people and their feelings about their weight.rnMy impression has not changed. I have made a few observations, he seems to be very busy and I thought he should hire another surgeon, which he has done very recently.rnHis office staff have been very knowledgable and very considerate.rnThe thing I like least about Dr. Snyder is he seems to be in a hurry a lot.rnI think patients would want to know that he has been there every step of the way. He has come in on Saturdays when he was supposed to off and come to see us in between other surgeries to make sure we had what we needed.rnDr. Snyder is very big on after care. He will have someone call you if you do not come in when you are supposed to.rnHe has classes that we go to. They give us a chance to ask questions and Teach us about Nutrition.rnDr Snyder told us about all the risks and gave us his Cell phone number in case we had any questions.rnSurgical competence and bedside manner are equal.


Very nice, informative, respectful. I'm confident in his credentials and experience.


My first impression of Dr. Snyder is that he passionately wants to help obese people become healthy. That impression never changed. He gives you all the tools you need to be sucessful in his program, right down to employing a registered dietician and a notebook of things to expect, things to do to prepare, a shopping list of things to have on hand for after the surgery, a list of expectations as to what you should be doing after surgery to become healthy, and many more tabs.rnrnThe office staff was very helpful, although I sometimes had trouble getting calls back. I just had to be my own advocate and keep calling and leaving messages, and emailing when the calls didn't work.rnrnI didn't dislike anything at all about him. He is high energy, and sometimes that's a little intimidating to someone who is basically sedentary like me, but I hope that as the weight comes off, my energy levels will go up, too.rnrnHe demands execellence of himself, and he demands it of you, too. Make sure before you have your surgery that you KNOW what you are going into, and the side-effects you could experience because of it. Make sure you follow his eating suggestions BEFORE surgery so that you know how you'll eventually be eating after surgery. LOSE WEIGHT before surgery, it helps him be able to move around in your belly. He does address the risks of the surgery, both physical and emotional, and warns you that there will come a time you'll wonder \"why did I ever do this?\" I told him that time would never come.rnrnHis aftercare program is excellent. There are several different support groups you can attend at the hospital, and he requires visits to his office the week after surgery, then 3 weeks post-op, then 6 weeks post-op, and then again at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months, and thereafter once a year. At the first 3 appointments, you also attend nutritional classes so you know what you can be eating and how to transition to the next steps.rnrnI would rate Dr. Snyder a 10, extremely competent, enthusiastic, personable, helpful (he even gives you his personal pager number in case you panic or have problems). And his bedside manner is great, along with his surgical competence.... both are wonderful!


Dr. Metz and his whole staff were very helpful in answering all my questions. They were all wonderful in every aspect from my pre-op, to surgery day and my aftercare. Im so glad Dr. Metz was my surgeon.


Dr. Snyder is very professional, courteous, caring and I found him to be a skilled Bariatric Surgeon. I found his office staaff and nurses to be friendly and caring. Dr. Snyder gave me his cell phone # to have it in case i needed to call him, which was thoughtful.

Dr. Synder stresses after care and his office provides information to help with the various steps. Through Rose Hospital, he offers support classes and group nutrition classes at no additional cost. I feel these classes are extremely helpful to staying focused, connecting with others and long-term success.


My first impression of Dr. Chae was complete confidence! He is very knowledgeable in his professional field and communicates that to the patients. He is very up front about all risks and explained the positive aspects of the surgery. He answered all my questions A to Z to relieve all doubt or stress going into the WLS procedure. He makes you feel good about yourself and what lies ahead. I love him dearly since undergoing the surgery! I rate his bedside manner and surgical competence as great! He has a very structured aftercare arrangement designed toward patient success. The Midtown office staff is absolutely awesome and caring! You don't feel an ounce of embarassment for being overweight. The staff truly cares about you as an individual and imparative toward your success! The only problem I ran into ALSO was getting a hold of the SkyRidge Medical Office staff to make an appointment or follow-up on information. You rarely get a live person and had to leave a message on most occassions. I communicated by email 98% of the time, which took away from the customer experience. I found this to be very annoying and frustrating when I wanted to speak with a human individual! A lot can be learned from the Midtown Office which really rocks.


Dr. Metz is AWESOME!!!
He is so laid back, and really listens to me. (He even pointed out skin cancer on my husband's nose -- for which I will forever be grateful).
They could not get an IV started prior to surgery, which made me question things, and his sense of humor really put me at ease!
I just cannot say enough good things about him. I am from Nebraska, and I gladly drive 4 hours to see him for each follow-up appointment.
He has a structured aftercare program and his entire staff is extremely supportive.
I highly recommend him to anyone wanting bariatric surgery!


My first impression of Dr. Chae was complete confidence, he is very compassionate and makes you feel good about who you are. I love him even more since my surgery! The office staff is wonderful, caring. You don't feel one ounce of embarassment for being overweight. Dr. Chae is very detqail orientated, wants whats best for you. He truly cares about you as an individual! He has a very structured aftercare, to him it is very imperative to you suceeding. You will not be left to fight this alone!! He's very up front about all risks and positives. All questions are answered. I have nothing but good things to say about him, bedside manner and surgical competence are equal. The only problem I ran into is getting a hold of the office to make an appointment, you rarely get a live person and need to leave messages and they will call you back. This was frustrating!


If there is a Gold Standard in Bariatric Surgeons, I believer that Dr. Snyder set the bar. rnrnHe and his \"hand\" selected team didn't miss a beat. It is an extraordinary experience to go through this journey with him and his team. rnrnI believe there could be some improvement in the pre-surgical office processes. But as far as the actual procedure. it was well explained and I was given every tool I needed to be successful.rnrnMy overall experience was a 99% positive.rnrn


Dr. Metz was very good at explaining everything about the surgery to me and working with me right before my surgery. He was very concerned, but very sweet at the same time. Right now he does my fills and answers all my questions. I think he is a great surgeon who did a wonderful job. I had no complications. I chose Dr. Metz because he was a very well educated and experianced young doctor. I chose surgical competence as his best asset. rnHis staff was very professional and efficient. I was able to get through the process quickly without snags in less than a month. I give them all an A+rnThis is just my personal impression of Dr. Metz and his staff.It doesn't mean that you will experiance the same treatment.

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