The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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Went to a seminar Dr Snyder host and boy was I impressed. Dr Snyder is professional, yet down to earth and he speaks and explains information in basic terms to be understood. His office staff was present and was excellent in answering questions. I am excited about my journey with Dr Snyder and his staff.


Dr. Snyder is a great surgeon; he and his team know what they're doing.rnBut I'm not going to lie, their post-op is a mess. I read the information book they gave me cover to cover, but there were things I still weren't prepared for after surgery. Gas is really common, but I wasn't prepared for that and I thought the pain and pressure meant something was wrong. rnThey also stress getting up and moving after surgery, every day, to make sure your metabolism doesn't slow down. I got the impression that if I didn't do exactly what they said, I'd fail. Instead, I would say that each person is different, and you need to listen to your own body. I wasn't ready to get on a treadmill the day after surgery. rnTrying to get in contact with them, or at least getting follow-ups for requests like medical record copies is pretty much impossible. They have a lot of patients, and they're very busy, but once you have surgery, I think you fall a little lower on the priority list.rnHaving said that, I would still recommend them. As I said before, they know what they're doing, and Dr. Snyder is a really nice guy who empathizes with you.


I immediately liked his staff and efficiency. They called me before my appointment to get insurance information and made my appointment and checking in procedure much easier. Dr. Chae was very informative, patient with our questions, and passionate about helping people through this surgery. He was always professional, wearing a suit and tie, even at the post-sergical hospital visits, but personable. I appreciate his experience, membership and leadership in bariatric professional organizations, and low complication rate. I would definitely recommend him to ANYONE looking into surgery.rnrnI did find him to be very thorough, but almost to the point of rushing through appointments. Although he easily answered my questions i sometimes very hurried. However, I prefer this type of Dr. as I myself am a \"get down to business\" person.


I am working toward having sugery due to my insurance. When I first went to Dr. Snyder's seminar, I was so impressed by his nature and personality. I felt like "here is someone that really understands my life as an obese person and has no judgement. It was an incredible feeling.
The office staff were great. I am waiting for clearance for surgery from insurance.


I really like Dr, Chae, he is in my opinion the best at what he does and gives a patient the freedom to decided on their own what type of surgery to have. Sometimes he takes awhile to warm up to you-- so don't be disheartened. He is very serious about his job, which is the reason why I picked him. His staff is great and very supportive. I had my surgery at Skyridge medical center and my experience was excellent! The nurses were very caring and knew their stuff! DR. Chae came to visit me everyday while I was in the hospital--I was in 3 days-- He does have a structured aftercare program and several support groups in the Denver area--none in my area yet--(Boulder). The groups are free to anyone who had surgery with Dr. Chae. Kelly is an awesome Nutritionist and helps you through the insurance hoops.... Tara Lynn is the Exercise physio. and she is just great. Dr. Kaplan is the psychologist and he is the calm sounding boarding all of us need.
Overall I would rate Dr. Chae a 10 out of 10!

My only problem with is sometimes the office is hard to get a hold of. I have to call many times to get ahold of Suzi-who is understandably busy--but sometimes I didn't get a return call within 48 hrs. which was frustrating.


I've been very pleased with Dr. Snyder. He is obviously very busy and appointments are very short. However, during that time, you have his complete focus. His mind is so quick it's almost hard to keep up. rnrnMy husband and I were especially impressed with his emphasis on aftercare and peer support. rnrnHis staff is mixed. Some have been more helpful and friendly than others.rnrnSo far, I would rate the surgeon as a 9.5/10 and his overall practice as a 7.5/10.


Dr. Snyder is a high-energy, positive force of life. I believe he has a sincere mission to help morbidly obese people achieve a healthier lifestyle. He is very personable and approachable. His practice is huge,and the only negative comment I have is that for those of us not living in the metro Denver area (I travel from southwestern Nebraska) the support system just isn't in place - yet. I think his support staff members are very good, and are always working to provide excellent aftercare support.


Dr. Snyder is fantastic. He has a wonderful bedside manner, and he's a perfectionist. If you are going to have someone operate on you, they better be a perfectionist! I have no complaints about Dr. Snyder, but I was not entirely happy with his office staff. I had difficulty getting them to return emails and phone calls. Usually after the third email or call, when I expressed frustration, I'd get a call. I realize how busy they must be, but timely returned communication would have made the process go much more smoothly and with less stress.


I have done my consult with Dr. Snyder, and just found out this morning from Dolly that I was approved. Dolly was very helpful with the entire insurance process. She definitely knows her stuff. Dr. Snyder was great. He talks a mile a minute, and is completely OCD (which for a surgeon is definitely a good thing), but he wants to know you and your story. He seems to be in tune with what people with obesity have gone through, and what they desire after surgery. I'm sure part of it is from hearing it over and over again, but at least he conveys it in a very sincere manner. I feel like I've made a good decision with Dr. Snyder and his team. I know I will be in safe hands, and am encouraged by the intensity of the pre- and post-op programming afforded through Dr. Snyder and his team.

At this point I have only gone to the orientation and set up my consult. I'm looking forward to meeting him because he was great at the orientation! I must say, his office seems a lot more with it than the prior surgeon I had been referred to who is now not returning any of mine or MY DOCTOR'S calls/emails!!! Thank goodness for choices. :)


Dr Snyder is a gifted surgeon who makes you feel comfortable and helps answer any questions you have. I have been pleased with the pre op care as well as the after care he and his staff has provided. They are truly commited to helping the obese.

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