The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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He was very calming, gave me a piece of mind. I worked with him directly. I was very scared and he was very understanding and compassionate. Till this day if i need anything... I call or email he will personally respond! :) Also I had a complication when I was out of state and he was on the phone with the hospital there a lot checking on me, and getting updates. He is very Genuine and in the business for the right reason. Great sense of humor as well. He answered any and all things and continues to till this day a yr and a half later. He tells me he is my doctor for life.


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was that he was going to be right on point for me. He has a great sense of humor and a way of making you feel confident in your decision to have WLS. Dr. Snyder and his staff have a very structured game plan and take you through every step necessary to make this a good experience. Very informative and answered any and all questions asked. I think as time goes on, my overall satisfaction with chosing Dr. Snyder will get nothing but high scores from me.


MY first impression was that he was very very knowledgable. rnrnI have no issues with Dr Snyder it is more his staff that I am having issues with. Besides the fact that they never answer the phone or return phone calls and that they are rude 90% of the time I have no issues!!rnrnWell I would hope that I get the chance to have Dr Snyder as my surgeon but as of right now I don't know whats going on with his staff.


Dr. Chae is one of the best doctors I have ever met. He genuinely cares about his patients and is very encouraging. His dietician, Kelly, has been instumental in my success so far. They are a great team and I owe a lot of what I have been able to accomplish to them.


My husband and I were very impressed with Dr. Snyder and his staff from the beginning. He just continues to impress me as time goes on. He geniunely cares about his patients and it shows in everthing he does. What other doctor gives you his personal cell number so you can contact him anytime of the day or night if you have questions or problems after surgery!? I believe he has the most strict pre surgery requirements and the best pre & post surgery seminars, support groups and informative classes that you'll find anywhere. I've talked to many gastric surgery patients in the last two years and from what I've been told about their doctors and experiences...Dr. Snyder is the BEST THERE IS!!! He's Awesome!!!


My first impressions of Dr.Snyder was that he was a very smart and caring man. He has alot of energy which makes you excited. We sat through 2 of his lectures because I just wanted to learn as much as I could and it was fun for me listening to him speak. He is very dedicated to his patients and expects the same dedication out of them. He has a great support system with classes and different things going on. I would recommend him to anybody and think he's just one of the best!




My first impression of Dr Snyder was he is an extremely funny man with a huge desire to make peoples lives better. I don’t have anything bad to says about Dr Snyder. When I attended his seminar I was so scared at first but Dr Snyder made me feel very comfortable being there. I also enjoyed the fact that at the seminar he doesn’t try to cram people together, the seats were spaced perfectly apart. When I went to my first appointment with him I was so excited! Dr Snyder made me even more excited when he told me what his goals were for me, him having confidence in me just made it so much better, and I know for a fact that I will meet his goals for me which are now my goals as well. I am just completely happy with the surgeon I have chosen!


I went to several of Dr. Snyder’s seminars. Finally I have had the Laparoscopic Roux-en Y gastric bypass. (Thank You) Dr. Snyder is the best at what he does! I had total faith in him and that is why I only wanted him to do my surgery. Dr. Snyder is so compassionate to his patients and is very experienced in what he does. I had a very good experience!rnI would like to thank Dr. Snyder’s staff, everyone was very personable with me and I felt very comfortable.rnDr. Snyder has a professional guidance team, Kim Delamont in nutrition, his leaders in the support groups are great. Also Amanda is very informative in what questions you might have. Dolly in the office is very compassionate and gets things done! Thank you to Rose Medical Center for having Dr. Syder, he has changed so many lives!rnrnSincerely,rnrnJ. Workman


I loved Dr. Metz and his staff. Very caring, helpful and full of compassion.

When I had questions they were addressed quickly and honestly.

I would give him a 10 out of 10

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