The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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*He is a very caring person. Just to finally rnmeet him was the best! rn*His staff is veryrnfriendly & knowledgeable. rn*All WLS patientsrnshould know about Dr. Snyder.rn*He is very adament about after care.rn*He talks about the risks and the benefitsrnof the LapBand, this is only a tool not rnan easy way out.rn*Overall Dr Snyder is a 10+ in my bookrn


I would ABSOLUTELY recommend Dr. Chae to anyone thinking of having weight loss surgery. I found Dr. Chae to be knowledgable, caring and willing to explain procedures and protocol. Dr. Chae did excellent work on my surgery and also assuring my nervous husband that all is well. Thank you Dr. Chae for making my life so much more enjoyable.


I first saw Dr. Synders face on television, he was being interviewed on a local news station and with him two of his patients and collegues. I realized that he was practicing at the hospital that I gave birth to my child Rose Medical Center of Colorado.rnOnce I decieded to find out first hand in depth about the surgery I signed up for the required oreintation and information seminar with the surgeon and his staff. Once I met Dr. Snyder in person my first impression of him was that he should have been a comedian. He is so personable and funny, which made me feel comfortable amongst other things. After listening to him speak about his skills, credentials and the different procedural options I began to realize just how qualified he was medically but also how he was so excited to be able to be used by God to help individuals struggling with health and obesity. He's a great surgeon and I was glad to allow him the opportunity to reconstruct my temple so that it would again be in working order for me and my Lord.


**5/22/08First impression was at the seminar, very passionate about helping people lose weight. Very knowledgeable and informative. Can't wait for the next step in this life changing process. **7/16/08,**Gastric Bypass** I've meet Dr.Snyder in person. I had to fill out pages and pages of medical history. I was very impressed that Dr. Snyder read the material. How do I know this? He asked me questions that would take some reading to find out!. So make sure you take the time to fill out his questions and paperwork in detail. Very friendly, made me fill at ease. He spent a lot of time with me. He answered all my questions and made sure I felt comfortable in his office. This is a life changing decision and I believe that Dr Snyder is the best doctor out there. His staff really seems to support and believe in him. They respect him and that says a lot. Over the last week I keep going back to what he said to me before I left, which was, \"It's time Deb starts living again, are you ready to get your life back?\" That's the hope I was looking for and Dr. Snyder is going to give me the \"tool\" to do just that!rn***9/7/08 Well it's been almost two months. I have one more test left, have passed everything so far. It's been a long wait, but necessary. I still want to do this. I'm now waiting for my insurance to approve the surgery. I have not spoken to Dr. Snyder since July, but I have spoke to his staff. They have been supportive. Have tried to loose some weight, but that hasn't worked. Still waiting patiently........


I truly believe there couldn't possibly be a better surgeon, general and bariatric, than Dr. Michael A. Snyder, M.D. I was impressed from the very start with Dr. Snyder, and my opinion hasn't changed in the almost 18 months I have been under his care. Dr. Snyder's office staff is professional, cohesive, well organized, friendly and caring, prompt, attentive and efficient. What do I like the least about Dr. Snyder? That he likes Linkin Park better than The Cure ;) Future patients, please be assured of Dr. Snyder's utmost professionalism, kindness and genuine caring for you as a person and his excellence in bariatric treatment. Dr. Snyder fully emphasizes aftercare and the aftercare program available through the Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery is comprehensive, thorough and open ended. Dr. Snyder's door is never closed for his patients; assistance and support is always available. As a patient, I was fully and thoroughly informed of the risks associated with bariatric surgery (in my case, laproscopic RNY 9/24/07). Both Dr. Snyder's surgical skills and bedside manner are absolutely stellar! Out of ten stars, I give him fifteen! I see that we're not supposed to give 100% positive reviews . . . okay, well, I just had to have my gallbladder removed, at ten months post-op, and Dr. Snyder performed that surgery as well (8/7/08). It was an emergency cholecystectomy, and he worked me into his schedule on extremely short notice, in between scheduled surgeries. After the surgery, no one from Dr. Snyder's office came to see me to give me a surgical report in person. I received excellent nursing care at Rose Medical Center, so I don't have any complaint about my medical management. I just prefer to see my doctor at least once post-op and to get a verbal review of how the procedure went and what was done, etc. At my follow up appointment two weeks later, I expressed my concern about this to Dr. Snyder, and he fully acknowledged the oversight and apologized. He then made a copy of my surgical report from my chart for me to keep, and reviewed it with me. I'll note that Dr. Snyder came to see me following my gastic bypass three times following the surgery, during my hospitalization. I have to say, I'm a Snyder fangirl through-and-through! Julie H - Denver, CO


A friend of mine shared with me her personal experience with Dr. Snyder, that is, just how amazing he was and how in-tune he is with a very obese person's challenges losing weight traditionally. He gets it - as he says, diets don't work, but for someone morbidly obese (or super morbidly obsese like me) WLS will work to help someone become healthier and lead a more active, fulfilling life. He and his surgical team put safety above all - so there is rigorous pre-op testing and during surgery some non-standard safety steps are taken to ensure the patient's safety. That made an impression on me.rnrnI was also extremely impressed with the full program he provides - it's not just surgery - there's so much more! I attended many support groups and other programs offered pre-op and am looking forward to attending them post-op because I know they'll help me on my journey to health. I tried to lose weight and get healthy on my own for years - it didn't work. I'm soooo ready to ask for help and utilize the tools available to me and made possible by Dr. Snyder.rnrnDr. Snyder is top-notch in his field - he's very compassionate and attentive. I had my surgery one week ago (8/25/08) and I did have a complication two days in. I suffered a hernia and distended remnent stomach. My nurse at Rose hospital kept in constant contact with Dr. Snyder during the night when things started to go awry and within hours I was back in surgery to repair the complications. The quick response and action of my surgeon made all the difference. Now I'm home and getting stronger day by day. I feel great! So as far as how I would rate Dr. Snyder - even though I experienced one of the possible complications gastric bypass surger could have, I would still give him a 10 out of 10 stars! He really is just that good!


Dr. Snyder is the most genuine doctor I have ever met. He actually calls his patients back himself and weighs them in and talks to you about any fears, questions ar concerns. I can't say enough nice things about Amanda who does the fills. She is so gentle and has an answer for any question you may have. From the beautiful office, to the amazing staff, I would reccomend Dr. Snyder to anyone considering WLS.


Dr Chae believes very strongly in what he's doing. He's personable and professional, businesslike and efficient but does leave plenty of opportunity for questions and concerns. rnrnHe listened to my concerns and actually kept me in the hospital an extra day in order to get my pain under control.rnrnDr Chae's staff is fabulous; helpful and friendly, jumping through extra insurance hoops for me and providing extra copies of statements for Flexible spending, etc.rnrnDr Chae provided me with a structured plan for excersise and after care. I was very impressed and would recommend him easily.


Dr Snyder seems to have genuine concern for his patients. I believe he is the most competent bariatric surgeon in the Denver area. However, he is so busy that I feel like \"just a number\" as he delegates most of his patients care to his nursing staff.


My first impression of Dr Snyder was that he was very good at what he did, he was very confident and that made my impression of him better because I felt comfortable with his ability as a surgeon and new that he would be my Dr throughout my weight loss journey. His staff has been okay to deal with, I kind of felt like I was doing all the work, It did take days for anyone from his office to call back and/or respond to a question I had. I didn't dwell on it though because ultimately they did handle my questions and or phone calls. I guess they are really busy as there are how many people try to get approved and or scheduled for weight loss surgery and with him being such a great Dr it is no surprise that he is super busy!!! The one thing I didn't like though is that it seems you don't ever see or hear from Dr Snyder, the day of surgery seems to be the only time you see or talk to him, after that you deal mostly with the staff, but so far they have been friendly. They are very good about giving you information on support groups. I have just started by post op care and haven't really been in but once for my 2 week checkup so can't really have an opinion on their aftercare program. Overall I am very happy with Dr Snyder and feel I made a great choice for my Bariatric Dr.rn

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