The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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Dr. Snyder is a great person to know. He is very personable to all of his patients and is very approachable. He is very knowledgeable about weight loss surgery and doesn't hesitate to answer questions that you have. If he doesn't have an answer (unrelated to the medical part of the surgery), he has surrounded himself with great staff in the office, who do know the answers (example- insurance claims). Dr. Snyder talks kind of fast but you can just tell that he is excited about his line of work and how he can help others. He stresses the importance of working with you and the patient responsibility of being successful. He is also very real about risks that could happen as with all surgeries. I would rate Dr. Snyder high because he takes his time during your consult with him and really tries to get to know each person. He is readily available to speak to patients via phone (home or cell) and via email if necessary. He is one that really does take care of patients and is committed to patients after surgery as well.


I am very glad to report that the doctor that I chose for my WLS has been excellent!!rnI liked Dr. Chae from the very beginning, and still like him today. I am very greatful to him for giving me my life back. He is a VERY capable surgeon.rnSometimes it pays to go out of state to get procedures done.rnI absolutely adore Dr. Chae and his whole team. I don't really call them staff because they work like a well oiled machine... They are a great team. The aftercare they have provided for me has been absolutely wonderful. I'll have my second visit August 22, 2008. I think that is more than enough visits so far. rnIf I had to rate Dr. Chae from 1-10, where 1 means terrible and 10 means outstanding, I'd rate Dr. Chae a 10+.rn


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was at the initial seminar I attended. He struck me as knowledgable, understanding of patients, and easy going. He comes across as an expert in the field of Bariatric Surgery and his record supports that. His office manager Carl is lovely and his nurse is very bubbly and friendly. The rest of his staff has not impressed me so far. I have a very difficult time getting them to respond to email and return calls. And the front reception girls are...well, sullen is the word that comes to mind. My interaction with the bariatric staff at Rose Medical has been pretty bad. I find thier manual to be poorly written and poorly organized, the pre-op nutrition teleconference class I attended truly a disapointment, and in the post-op nutrition class the information was poorly presented and disorganized, although the presenter was very friendly. However, I would not let these things deter me from choosing Dr Snyder - he is an excellent surgeon and any staff difficulties are of minor importance compared to his abilities. He has a structured aftercare program and says his goal is to get Band patients to the sweet spot in 3 months. The thing I probably liked the least was that I did not get a ton of one-on-one time with him in the consult. But he did welcome and answer my questions. Overall I think I selected one of the best bariatric surgeons in the state of Colorado. I think is bedside manner is also excellent, he is very confident in his abilities and I felt very safe with him. And he has a nice sense of humor, and is understanding and non-judgemental with his patients. I think a good portion of his staff have had bariatric surgery, so I do find that to be a plus.


I love Dr Chae!!! He is a very soft spoken man. He is a very caring doctor. My impression is that he truley cares in your feelings and want to make sure you understands what he is telling you.


First Impressions: Office environment - a bit harried and maybe could improve in some ways. Silly things, like the couch in the waiting area is VERY low to the floor and sucks you in. I have pretty good muscle tone and I still made funny noises getting up - can't imagine a superobese patient managing without help. Also, when they go to measure your height, the yardstick is tacked onto a doorframe with a cabinet right beside it. Like probably most MO patients, I'm a bit wide in the bumper, and the cabinet made it so I couldn't stand up straight, and the thing measured me at 5'4\" even tho I've been measured three times lately at 5'5\". rnrnStaff: I'd already dealt with Allison via their Yahoo-group site, and while she was sometimes slow in responding, she was very nice. At the office, I thought the staff was terrific, but I could see that they were busy to the point of frantic, and I thought they probably could use some help getting organized.rnrnDr. Metz himself is everything I'd heard he was. He's very young, also very nice. He took a lot of time with me explaining the procedure and patiently answering the LONG list of questions I'd come up with over the 8 months I've been planning for this surgery. He hasn't done as many VSG's as I might like (he's fresh out of his fellowship, where he did \"a bunch\", but he's only done 5 since coming to Denver), but I'm confident that he knows what he's doing. So far I feel very good about him. I also followed with an email with a few clarifying questions, and he responded within 24 hours. rnrnAfter surgery: Several members of the staff came to visit me while in the hospital. Very, very nice and very helpful! There still seems to be some organizational issues, e.g. moments where not all the people know what's going on, though. I had one person telling me my post-op diet was one thing and another person saying something different. Some of this could be the hospital, which kept putting \"gastric bypass\" on my chart, even though I told them I'd had the sleeve. rnrnDr. Metz is not only quite a talented surgeon but he's also a very nice guy with a great sense of humor. rnrnSumming it up - At a month out, I'm feeling great, and thoroughly enjoying my sleeve. It seems to me my experience has been unusually easy, compared to others on the sleeve forum, and I credit Dr. Metz. He explained that he goes to some trouble to avoid narrowing at the curvature of the stomach, and to leave a bit of extra room at the bottom, which can help with nausea and acid. He also takes care to get most of the gas used to make space during the procedure out of the body before he closes, and because of this I had very minimal gas-related discomfort. I highly recommend Dr. Metz to anyone in the Denver area who is considering Bariatric surgery.


Dr. Snyder is great. I knew I wanted him as my doctor the 1st time I met him. He did my surgery with no problems. He is great and will listen to all your concerns. Every time I have needed to speak with him after surgery he gets right back to me. I would recomend him to anyone. Thanks Dr. Snyder!!!


Dr. Snyder was great through the entire process however apparently once you're out of the hospital you don't see him again. I assumed he would want to have at least one follow up appointment after my surgery but I just meet with his assistants.rnrnI still really like him and they do have a lot of aftercare options for you but I just was hoping to at least see him once more after my release from the hospital because he is very reassuring and comforting...


Unbelievably attentive to detail and patients concerns. More like having a best friend as well as a doctor and surgeon, along for the entire journey!


My Dr and his staff have been so great.. answering questions and returning calls.. im so glad to have them


dr snyder is the best!!! his whole office is awesome. i work in a doctors office ( family practice ) and have sent quite a few of our patients to see him for lap band or gastric bypass. he has an excellent way of speaking with his patients. i would reccomend dr snyder to anyone.

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