The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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My first impression of Dr. Snyder was that he made you feel at ease & I liked him very much. My impression did not change over time. His office staff is very courtious and helpful and responded very professionally to my needs.

Future patients must realize he is a very busy man but he is a very responsive Dr. and if you have any questions about anything he will answer them for your. Doesn't make you feel like he is in a hurry. He has a very good aftercare program which continues for a year or longer if needed. His staff helps with diet you need to be on and assists with any questions you might have. Can contact them day or night.

He was very frank that this type of surgery sometimes has complications.

I would rate him overall as excellent. I would highly recommend him to others.

Both surgical competence and bedside manner is great.


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was back at the end of June when I first attended his seminar.He was very profesional, curtious and funny. ( I really appreciate a good sense of humor. He can laugh at himself too.) My husband and I had our consults together. Dr. Snyder was informative and friendly. By looking at him you would have never guessed he had a weight problem at one time. Although it was the first time I met him in person, I felt like I was visiting an old friend.


I am a bit late with this. I first saw Dr. Snyder in February 2003. My surgery date was May 13, 2003. I returned to the hospital with complications via the ER May 29, 2003. At this time I am ~3 months out and have lost ~60 pounds. I wrote a little more detail at the message board postings. I wish to say that it was worth the wait to have Dr. Snyder perform my surgery. That both Dr. Snyder and Patrick are absolutely the BEST!! That I am still here because they are that good and they care. I would not trade for any other surgeon, Dr. Snyder is wonderful. Hope all your surgeries and recoveries go well. This surgery definitely makes a positive difference.


Dr. Chae is very forthright and honest. He knows what he is talking about. I was surprised by his information concerning RNY vs other procedures. He only does Lap RNY and has done over 200 to date. I really liked his style, I felt very comfortable with him, and I felt that he really knew what he was doing. He did not rush me into a decision. He also made me feel comfortable about the risks and also the outcomes. I also like his staff. They were very comfortable and down to business. 7-30-03 I was amazed when Dr Chae called me on the phone to check up on me after I was hospitalized for diverticulitis. This condition had nothing to do with the surgery or his skill as a surgeon, yet he took the time to call to check up on me. When I did respond, he requested that I come in for another physical check up with him, just to make sure all is well. That does not happen often, a Dr to call you on your cell! I am so impressed with Dr Chae, and feel so confident in his abilities. And, I am so thankful that I had this surgery done. Life is very different, and I feel like the real me is surfacing!


Dr. Chae couldn't have been better. A young Asian, he is soft spoken, friendly, direct, and thorough. He listens. Great bedside manner. Super followup.


I was very impressed with Dr. Chae. He was so friendly and didn't make me feel bad about being overweight. He answered all my quesions and was very nice. His staff was great. Susie and Kelly are wonderful. My stay in the Hospital was not great due to my have a hard time coming out from under and the morphine on top of it. It made me feel better every time I seen Dr. Chae. His smiling face and warm hand shake made me feel comforted. Susie has been great post-op with my e-mailed questions. I think Dr. Chae is an A+ surgen!


Dr. Chae was really friendly, and made sure I didn't have any questions. However, after a while it got annoying every sentence would end with "did I answer all your questions?" He really didn't give me a chance to think about any, but he also seemed to race through information, which didn't bother me, because I had already researched and discussed this surgery with my PCP, psychiatrist, etc. The staff at his office are SUPER friendly and outgoing. (If anyone talks to Susie, ask her about her Step Mom...I was there a few extra minutes because of that conversation:)). Dr. Chae pointed out how risky this surgery is, yet also explained how unlikely it is you can die from it, which totally put me at ease. He knows his stuff, that's for sure. Of course, I'm biased given that he went to McGill University Med School in Montreal, PQ in Canada. I'm from Canada, and I know that school is GREAT! Whoever has him as a surgeon, you're in safe hands.

6/21/2003-I am a bit upset with Dr. Chae's office at this point. I found out that they did not send in the pre-cert until 6/3/03. From there the insurance company has 7-10 days to process the pre-cert, and THEN they have 30 days to decide if I am approved or not. You'd figure that Dr. Chae's office would know all this information. Now this puts me at a possible approval/denial date beyond my currently scheduled surgery date!!!


Very good first impression - responded quickly to all of my e-mails and was very willing to work with me to accomodate my schedule. My impression has only become better has time has gone by...he really cares about people, even before they become 'patients'!

Dr. Snyder totally believes in aftercare... he stated that he practically becomes a part of your family after surgery...

I would rate Dr. Snyder on a scale from 1-10 as an 11....

6/11/03 I know I have made the right choice...he is very caring and concerned about his patients. He is also working with me to get this completed in a timely manner due to my circumstances. I would recommend him to anyone.


First impression - very caring, knowledgeable and understanding. I've since come to know that he IS all the above and more. He truly cares/loves his patients!! His PA, Patrick is also wonderful and is a great asset because he has also gone down this road personally. His staff, who one (Louann) has also had the procedure, are kind, considerate, warm and very thorough! Dr. Snyder is very thorough, before, during and after and, unlike is asked about this survery - there is NOTHING negative about him, his staff or anything - Face it - he's a God-send and anyone that has him as their surgeon, is blessed!!


My first impression was that Dr. Snyder was awfully tall and thin, and that he looked like he really enjoys working with people and is committed to helping the MO to achieve better health. He is really serious about education and long term follow up for his patients. This impression has only strengthened as I have seen and heard him work with preops and postops. He is very frank about the risks and commitment that this surgery requires. At this time I rate him as excellent, his staff as well.

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