The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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Dr. Snyder was wonderful throughout my whole process. I first met him at an informational forum which he conducts monthly. His office staff also was in attendance and I was able to meet and speak with them as well. They are all very helpful, warm, understanding and extremely knowledgable. Dr. Snyder truly is compassionate to the needs and issues of obesity. Dr. Snyder offers a very informative and structured program to educate you ever step of the way. The aftercare is very well structuted and he and his staff are readily available every step of the way to discuss any concerns you may have.


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was of kindness. My impression never changed about him, although, I understand more now that he is compationate. His office staff is very inviting and really easy to deal with. I have nothing negative to say about anyone. I think that future patients should know that Dr. Snyder is a great person to work with. Dr. Snyder empahsizes aftercare very strongly, no laziness. Yes, Dr. Snyder does have a structure aftercare program that everyone that is having surgery has to follow. Of, course Dr. Snyder addresses the risks of surgery, any good surgeon would.
I rate on a scale of 1-10 and 10 being the best... I would rate Dr. Snyder as a 20... topping my scale. I think that Surgical competence and bedside manner are both great.


My first impression Dr. Snyder was ... "this is the Doctor that I want to do this surgery"... I am a nurse and have had the opportunity to know a lot of doctors. Dr. Snyder has everything that I want in a doctor: compassion, understanding, wonderful knowledge, and willingness to listen. I have met with him for my initial consult only... and he was wonderful. He took time answering all my questions, I didnt feel rushed at all. His office staff is wonderful. Louanne is always nice to talk to... she always sounds so happy. Dollie is wonderful also... she sometimes has a way of sounding short... but over time I have noticed that she is a no-nonsense type of person who is really just a hard worker... she does everything she can to get you approved with insurance... if you can imagine our own frustration.... we only deal with us... she deals with ALL of us... I would not want her job at all. There was not one thing that I did not like about Dr. Snyder. I rate him a ten!!!!


My first impression of the guy was : Dr. Snyder was very approachable and easy going. (he almost ran over my wife at the seminar :)
Over a period of time I started gaing more confidence in my Doctor because of other peoples feedback.
I didn't like that he was in a hurry the first time I spoke with him but I realize he is in a hurry so that he can meet everyones needs as possible. Future patients should know that Dr. Snyder really does care about you and how you do after your surgery.
Dr. Snyder epphasizes after care as one of the most important parts of this journey.
Dr. Snyder has a very structured after care program that involves his ecellent staff and there are rumours of an exercise program for post ops floating around.
I rate him 10 out of 10 an excellent choice.

When it comes to my health all of the above are important. I want nothing but the best when my life is is on the line.


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was that he was young and very jittery. However, upon hearing his lecture and his expertise on the subject he impressed me. He is funny but serious when he needs to be.

His office staff is very, very nice. I am glad he moved to a new office because his old one was kind of dark and dumpy!

Regarding the surgery, I was annoyed at first with his "fly-bys" in the early morning because I didn't think I was awake enoungh to talk to him before he was gone! I know he has a lot of patients to see - I guess I just wanted MY TIME!

On a rating of 1 - 10, I would give Dr. Snyder a 7.


I finally met with Dr. Chae last week. I was
very impressed with his knowledge and concern
for me as a patient. I feel confident in his
abilities. His staff was friendly and helpful


An amazingly compassionate man, Dr. Snyder speaks passionately about the pros and cons of the surgery and follow up care. He pulls NO punches. -- My opinion has not changed over time as he continues to keep close tabs on all of his patients. -- His staff is amazing, responsive, helpful, funloving, and people I always look forward to seeing. -- Dr. Snyder expects his patients to follow the program he has developed to a T. His program allows for maximum results & he knows it! Be prepared to read and learn! -- The aftercare program is one of the most structured I have ever read about and not at all hard to follow. Lots of things to read and people to turn to in support groups or one-on-one discussions. -- Pre-Op, Surgical and Post-Op manner is professional and no-nonsense.


From the minute I walked into Dr. Snyder's office, I had a positive feeling. His staff was very friendly and knowledgable. The office furniture was comfortable and big enough to accomodate his patients. Dr. Snyder was energetic and very positive. His primary concern was the health of his patients. He answered all questions. I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He loves his job and it shows. He is very competent and caring. He told me exactly what to expect post op and of the risks and benefits of the surgery. He makes himself available to his patients. I feel like I can call with any questions. Furthermore, his aftercare program is awesome. He is a wonderful surgeon and person!


I first meet my surgeon in 2002 when I needed my gall bladder removed. He was so nice and really informative. I appreciated his honesty, kindness, and of course his confidence. Of course I realized he was also a bariatric surgeon and that caught my eye. I thought about it for a year, and I found myself back in his office. I just couldn't imagine going to another surgeon.

My impression of dr. Snyder only changed for the better. I came to realize he really cared for people and there health, and that was really nice and definitely re-assuring about the whole process.

His staff is definitely great. They are very nice and very helpful, but also very busy. I couldn't imagine doing what they do, there great!

The only thing future patients should know is that the office staff and the surgeon are very busy. But they do care about every single one of there patients and if you need anything they are there for you the minute you need them. Sometimes they are not able to get to the phone when you call, but if you leave a message they will definitely call back. Just understand he has a lot of patients, and a lot of responsibilites.

Aftercare is definitely a major keypoint in his process. He does have a structerd aftercare program. Don't be dissapointed when you don't see Dr. Snyder for follow-up appts. I think a lot of people expect to see him. Patrick Sawyer will be seeing you. Patrick is awesome, hes nice and great. He is Dr. Snyders PA-C. Along with Patrick, you will see Connie, the head of bariatrics at Rose Medical Center. And between them all they lead a great aftercare program to follow your progress and help you in anyway they can.

Dr. Snyder is very blunt with the risks of surgery, he lets you know all the risks from the very beginning and continues to let you know. I think he just wants everyone to make there own descisions, knowing all the risks and of course the pros.

I would definitely rate Dr. Snyder as an excellent surgeon. If I could go back in time and do it all over again, I would definitely not hesitate to go back.

I definitely feel that surgical competence and bedside manner are important, and I think Dr. Snyder has both.


He was probably the most caring person I have ever met on my overweight journey. He was open and honest. And he took his time w/ me. And answered all my questions. I have no fear now after talking with him. He was very real with me. The only problems was having to wait to get in to see him. But that is a huge problem almost everywhere. And didn't have a lot to do with him. He has some fabulous support people in his practice. I have already met w/ Susie and Kelly. And attended the nutritional class. He was open and honest with me regarding the surgery risks. Not only does he havea tremendous surgical talent, but his bedside manner is fabulous!!!!

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