The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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I did my homework for over 6 months before choosing a surgeon. I think if one is going to make such an important decision that is going to change thier life so much as this proceedure does, that they need to be as educated as much as possible. Dr. Snyder came up on the top of the list in every criteria I set. He has an excellent record, the lowest complication rate, 0 fatality rate, he has the best follow-up care of any one I researched. Not only is he a skilled surgeon, he is compassionate and caring. How many other surgeons out there return your page immediately. (In my case it was under one minute) The nurses at Rose like and admire him. I think that says a lot. He was so careful to make sure I knew all aspects of the surgery and all the risks. I think that is why they say Dr. Snyder's patients are the most knowledgable. I would absolutely rate Dr. Snyder a 10 out of 10!


I was very comfortable with Dr. Snyder and his office staff immediately. His program sounds sensible and manageable, even to an old nurse like me. The aftercare program is extensive and appears supportive. I will update after my surgery.

I was initially disheartened by my visit with Dr. McMahon, psychologist, at Dr. Snyder's office. With a repeat visit I felt more comfortable with the process and her role.


I am switching docters and pending a apointment with docter Snyder... Had my first apointment with Docter Snyder He is so nice and young looking for a minute there I did not it was him his assistant was so nice to I am glad I changed Docter's. Docter Snyder is also a good listener too.
Docter Johnell was very nice and very
imformative. His Staff was very nice the first person I met was his wife Patrice and was very nice she informed me on everything and let me ask all the questions I wanted and that was alot of questions. I really have no complaints on him. He has alot of programs that i needed to take prior to apointment and stresses alot of after care which I totally like. They address the risks of the surgery clearly and point blank to them. I would overall rate him a 10.


dr.chae was great and on the ball at all times.and the office staff ,well just heavenly i think, i was always treated with respect on each visit.always let him or any dr. know how u are feeling ,i was scared to ask if he had lost any one yet but susie put me at ease right away.and kelly elliott his dietician was very,very good at letting us know what to expect after the surgery and the vitimans we would need and the best place to get them in the denver area.will have my 1st. visit after surgery 0n 4-2 -04 to have drain removed.after the dr, let me know of all the known risks and benifits i felt better able to choose this for my self.overall i would give dr, chae and staff a 91/2 out of ten... last but not least bed side mannor and surgical competence are required for mind and body. sue


I went to the siminar and I think he is a wonderful person and doctor. He seems to care and be very responsive to the needs of people that suffer from obesity. He really wants to help people out, he is not just concerned about the obese for montary gain.

He address all the risk and help me understand more about the process of the surgery. His staff is also very helpfully and nice.

The best thing that I like is to him he belives in after care for a lifetime. Which is what everyone needs before and after this lifetime commitment.


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I spent three years researching bariatric surgery and surgeons in Colorado and elsewhere before selecting Dr. Snyder. Dr. Snyder is an exceptional physician and surgeon with an excellent reputation. I can't compare his technical skills with other bariatric surgeons but I do know that my family and I were completely comfortable putting my life and well-being in Dr Snyder's hands. Dr. Snyder takes more time and care with his patients and is more accessible and responsive to their needs than any physician I've ever come across. He is always available by phone or email to respond to questions and concerns. I cannot recommend Dr. Snyder more highly. I feel he is giving me every tool and all the ongoing support and care I need to succeed with my surgery and aftercare. While no one is perfect, the few flaws or issues I've encountered with Dr. Snyder and his practice and staff are, in my view, truly picking nits.


Dr. Snyder is obviously a busy surgeon with a great reputation working in a growing area of medicine (maybe I should say shrinkin!). At my initial consultation I found out that he is also very personable. He was very pleasant to deal with, I had no trouble giving him information that is so personal (regarding weight, you know, there is always the shame).

The office staff is pleasant. I think that they are very busy though, and I hope they hire more staff soon. I don't like feeling as if I am bothering them if I have a question. Maybe even email updates regarding the status of insurance, scheduling, etc.? Bless Dolly's heart, she's a little tornado - she needs a helper!

I appreciated the written materials the Dr. gives at the seminar. It has helped me a lot to know generally what to expect. I'm hauling it around and rereading, which would normally drive me insane. The Dr. recommended re-reading though, and it has been helpful.


I liked Dr. Snyder from the start, he was very matter of fact and did not try to encourage or discourage me about the gastric bypass surgery. He provided me with enough information to allow me and my family to make an informed decision about the choices I had for my future health and lifestyle. The staff at Dr. Snyder's office is very helpful and made every effort to support me in every way possible. The problems I did experience were centered around the paperwork I needed to have completed for the Family Medical Leave Act, in order to my husband to be available to assist me with aftercare and appointments. There appears to be a signficant conflict between the information required under the FMLA by the Department of Labor and the HIPAA Privacy requirements. We were able to work through the paperwork, but I think that is something that needs to be resolved not only by Dr. Snyder, but the entire medical community and the Department of Labor. I really like Dr. Snyder's aftercare program and follow-ups that he has scheduled. I like the fact that he doesn't just do the surgery and leave you on your own. Dr. Snyder's office has two support groups available, which makes it very helpful both before and after the procedures. Dr. Snyder is not afraid of answering any questions about the surgery or the risks involved, nor does he give you the impression that if he answered your question that you may change your mind about the surgery, in that way, he wants to make sure you know what you are getting into and be confident in your decision. I really liked Dr. Snyder as a surgeon and a physician. He has made me feel confident in his surgical abilities (having performed over 300 procedures) and made me fee comfortable when he saw me post op, even when he just 'popped' his head in to make sure I was doing alright, even though he had already seen me earlier in the day, which to me says a lot about his committment to his patients.


Very kind and understanding, Dr Snyder is quick to make you feel comfortable. He is upfront and honest about the procedure and what to expect after. His after care program is extensive and requires you to attend several sessions with a great nurse who helps you to relearn your eating habits. Dr Snyder is a very high energy person and sometimes you feel a little rushed with him, so be prepared with your questions before you go in. He is a great surgeon who I would not hesitate going to again in the future.


Dr. Chae and his staff has been up to this point very professional and caring. Susie Arnold is a doll. She's great about responding to e-mails. She describes Dr. Chae with the utmost admiration, and to me that says a lot about someone if the people who work with him on a day to day basis have nice things to say. Dr. Chae is a very knowledgable surgeon, gave me lots of stats about the safety of this procedure, he also let me know that he has yet to "lose" anyone with this surgery, and he performs 200-300 a year, for the last 7 years, I believe.
So far I have been very pleased.

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