The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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I was very impressed when I first saw Dr. Snyder at the seminar. He is a very compassionate doctor with a neat sense of humor. I immediately liked him and knew I made the right choice. His office staff is very busy, yet, they are pleasant. They are helpful and caring. I have learned, over the past several months, that Dr. Snyder is the best surgeon for wls in the state.


Two words come to mind when I remember meeting Dr. Snyder for the first time. Confident and Compassionate. He was confident in himself and in his very special talents and knowledge - just the type of surgeon you want! And compassionate to those of us who so easily read the eyes of others. Over time, my instincts proved true.

Dr. Snyder's office staff have always been very helpful and available for anything I needed.

If there was anything to like least about Dr. Snyder, um, that would have to be that he is just too busy to spend all his time on ME! Seriously, my experience was that he truly wants the best for each of his patients. He and his staff maintain a professional but friendly relationship with patients. Next to seeing that your health is top priority, each patient is assured that their dignity is upheld.

I've personally recommended several individuals to Dr. Snyder. I have no doubt that my family and friends will be treated with the utmost respect and care with Dr. Snyder.

The aftercare is equally important as the surgery to Dr. Snyder. This is not a group that collects their fees and waves bye bye. The aftercare is part of the process, making sure everything is progressing as it should. The aftercare is very organized and exact in the expectations he has of you. He always welcomes communication even after 16 months! I like to email a picture now and then!

I've actually shared my paperwork from Dr. Snyder from before, during and after surgery issues. Everything was covered. No circumstance was omitted. The surgery, the risks and benefits and after care were all outlined fully.

If you can't tell by now, I have to admit I would rate Dr. Snyder excessively high. One thing that assured me that my beliefs were correct was that the nurses at the hospital seemed to have a great respect for him. I think that says a lot.

I truly believe Dr. Snyder's competence is outstanding. His 'bedside manner' is wonderful. Both! All of the above!

If I ever need another surgery, I hope Dr. Snyder can be the one to do it.



Very Thorough and disciplined.

Was very informative and knowledgable on all the different conditions and side effects that may and maynot accure. Straight forward on everything, epecally if you ask.

Friendly & helpful.

Extremely busy.

Vary Good His way or the highway! He has a good reason for everything he asked you to do. If you don't understand why just ask him why.

Strongly advises aftercare. He belives it is a large % of your sucessfullness. He really wants you to suceed to your goal.

Yes a very structured program.

Laid them all out at the first seminar.

Very Good & Thorough.

Both I felt where Great


Dr. Snyder and his staff are awesome, especially in dealing with me being impatient - as I am so anxious to have surgery. They have all treated me with dignity and respect and have always responded to me in a timely manner. I highly recommend Dr. Snyder to anyone considering this surgery.


My first contact with Dr. Snyder was through email. To my surprise he answered me within 24 hours and on a weekend. I was already scheduled for surgery with another surgeon but when my primary care talked to me he insisted that I needed to see Dr. Snyder before I had surgery. So after my initial contact with Dr. Snyder I headed off for his seminar. Again to my surprise there were about 300 people in attendance. The other sugeons I had interviewed only had about 10-15 people at theirs. This peaked my interest. Then after hearing the passion in his voice and his personal story as well as the personal stories of his actual patients, I knew I had to have a consultation with him. Since I was already approved by my insurance company my appointment was scheduled within a week of The seminar. After meeting with him for the first time one on one, I knew he was the one for me. The difference between Dr. Snyder and all the other surgeons I had see before was that Dr. Snyder listened to me and actually cared about what was happening to me. He made me feel comfortable and he explained everything in terms I understood. His passion for the work he does really makes him a one of a kind. His staff follows his lead in every way. Although he has hundreds maybe even thousands of patients he always made me feel I had his full attention and I am important to him. He is very organized and his before and after care programs really help in preparing someone for the surgery. You are never alone when you are part of the Denver Bariatric Community. I would reccomend to anyone considering Bariatric surgery that you owe it to yourself to at least meet with him once. I did and it enriched my life beyond my dreams.


I have attended Dr Snyder's seminar and he is Wonderful. I have had my first meetign with Dr Snyder and he said that I am an ideal candidate for surgery and now the process has started.


Dr. Chae is the nicest man ever. He sat with my husband and I for almost 2 hours and answered all of our questions. Susie and Kelly are both sweethearts!!


My surgeon was Dr. Snyder. My first impression was that he was very committed to his mission. He is very compassionate and although he seems to be on overdrive he spends whatever time you need with him. He has always answered my emails even on Sundays. He is always there for his patients. His office staff are friendly and acommodating. Dolly is efficient and experienced at her job of getting insurance coverage. Lorie is very special. I really count on the fact that Dr. Snyder has an overall program that is you are expected to follow. Nutrition classes, support and after visits for life. I feel very blessed to have Dr. Snyder as my surgeon. I drove from Greeley for him because of his passion.


Dr. Snyder really is great. He is so cautious through my entire process that it really gave me a sense of security. His staff is great. They are so nice to work with and they really did go the extra mile. Dr. Snyder's assistant Patrick is also really great. I really cannot say a bad thing about my experience with Dr. Snyder and his staff, pre-op or post-op.
He has a structured post-op program with support groups that meet a few times a month. He actually tested me on the risks of the surgery during the pre-op appointment to make sure I really do understand the risks. I would rate Dr. Snyder, his staff, and the assisting doctors, a 98 out of a 100.


What can I say about Dr. Snyder and his staff, except that they are the greatest. From my very first impression of Dr. Snyder at his lecture, through every office vist, he has been compassionate, helpful, professional, and very open and friendly. He was available to answer all my questions, and when I had to page him he called me immediately (and I do mean immediately, I had barely put the phone down from paging him). His office does a very thorough and complete workup pre-op, which made me feel comfortable that nothing would be overlooked or rushed. His staff was great and I want to especially thank Connie, Patrick, Laurie, and Dolly - they are all very helpful and great at their jobs. I know 5 other people Dr. Snyder has operated on and all had great results with no problems. I would absolutely recommend Dr. Snyder to anyone who is researching surgeons.

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