The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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I was/am very impressed by Dr. Snyder. I had some post-op problems and he was immediately responsive. The only trouble that I have encountered is that much of the information I am given does not apply to lab band patients. As he does more and more of these procedures I am sure that will change. I would have liked more post-op information that applied to me.


Dr. Snyder is a very up beat and friendly doctor. He is very open with you and you can ask any questions that you may have. He dose not make you feel rushed. All his patients love him and his staff. Everyone is very nice and caring. Dr. Snyder does not make you feel like less of a person because you are overweight, he understands. He has a great support group established that meets regularly before surgery and after surgery. The support group encourages you to attend on a regular basis as this helps you be successful with your surgery and life after surgery. Dr. Snyder is very open about the risks of the surgery but also the risk of carring excessive weight that can not be controlled by diet alone. My experience has been a very positive one.


He is a high energy person with a great sense of humor. He is regimented, doing things the same way each time - that gives me confidence. His office staff is great although there is sometimes a 3-4 day lag time in responding - which can seem like forever when you are waiting. The total process is emphasized from the first meeting through the post-op activities, not jus the surgery. I feel informed with enough information to make wise decisions, including surgery risks. I feel that, if I had to choose, surgical competence is needed over bedside manner, but, with Dr. Snyder, I don't have to choose.


He is very empathetic, supportive, and engenders trust and hope. He requires attending a seminar to hear about the program. He tells it like it is. He compares all the types of surgery.

He has exceeded my expectation. He fully supported me during and after my surgery.
Very professional staff.

Very comprehensive program.
He is a great doctor. I fully recomend him to anyone who is thinking about bariatric surgery. He has post-op clinics to learn about the do's and don'ts as well as a guide to use with all the things the patient needs to know for the entire procedure: before, after surgery, and through the 1st year after surgery.




Dr. Michael Snyder is the most awesome, His knowledge, dedication and care towards Bariaric surgery is beyond anything or any other surgeon I have met or read about. The first impression I got when I met him was that I trusted him. The office staff is very structured as is the program from start to 6 weeks post op.
They have answers to most questions and are very polite. Dolly, who does the insurance matters is right on top of things. Please note that Dr. Snyder takes his practice very seriously and he is very thorough. He provides a very informative packet to read at his seminar and speaks down to earth, none of that medical terminology mumbo jumbo so a person can understand every little detail, he is so educated on the subject. He always has time for questions. He is great with replying to emails or phone calls. He is very strict about the care of his patients. He makes sure they are attended to and comfortable. He checks in on them at the hospital. I had the laproscopy procedure done and I can't me more happier with the way I was treated from day 1. He also left me a beautiful tummy meaning that I didn't scar. Thank you Dr. Snyder. Your one of a kind!


Dr. Snyder is an amazing man! He is very thorough in all he does. As a surgeon, he is extremely competent. He is very concerned with aftercare. He has a very pleasant, calming, and reassuring bedside manner. Thank you, Dr. Snyder!!!!
Dr. Snyder's office staff are very helpful. Patrick, Dr. Snyder's PA has been very friendly and helpful also. Dr. Snyder also has a wonderful educational team set up. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the pre and post surgery classes offered by him. Connie, Kim and Sue have been very helpful in learning more about about life after surgery --- THANK YOU!!
Overall, Dr. Snyder and his team have been just wonderful. I think I am really lucky to have him!


I was impressed with Dr. Snyder's professionalism, training, and his sincerity. Not only is he a well trained physician, but he truly cares for the Obese. Over time, these impressions grew, rather than deminished. He works hard to do his best and improve his ability to take care of us. His staff is competent but not up to the professionalism that I would have expected.

Future patients should know that he expects you to work as hard as he does. He wants you to know what you are getting into so you need to read, read, talk, and read some more!

After care is a critical part of the plan. Without it, the surgery would not be worth it.

Risks are always discussed up until the last few minutes before surgery.

I believe Dr. Snyder's surgical competence is greater than his bedside manner BUT his bed side manner is terrific!


Dr Snyder is in my opinion the best of the best. I went to his lecture in January 2004 and was able to schedule an appointment within a month of that. He is a very kind and compassionate man who did not miss his calling one bit. The office staff are also very easy to work with and never let you know if they get tired of hearing from you while waiting for your approval. I have to say that there really isn't anything that I could say I dislike about the office. Dr. Snyder is a very busy man, but you should expect that when you are going to the best. He strongly believes in aftercare. I went to nutrition classes both preop and post op. But pay attention in these classes, they are so important to your success. I am a medical assistant and so I did alot of research about the procedure and talked with other patients so I had a good idea as to what should be expected. Dr Snyder and Patrick (his PA) are both great all the way around.


<B>Initial Meeting</B>
When I met Dr. Snyder the waiting room was full, and he came out and apologized to the entire waiting room, and said it was abnormal that the wait was so long, and that it wasn't acceptable to him to make everyone wait. He was very personable. He looked alot younger than I imagined. (I imagined some little white haired doctor). Dr. Snyder talked to me very compassionately, and kind. He talked with me like I was a person, and not just another patient. He made me feel as though he really and truly cared. I liked his staff as well, they were very kind to me. Dr. Snyder even showed just what a dedicated doctor he is to his patients at the lecture. I feel I have chosen the best doctor possible for me.
<P><B>After Surgery</B>
At almost a year out, I have found Dr. Snyder's office to be accomodating, understanding, and true to their word when it comes to caring about their patients "after" surgery. In having this surgery performed by Dr. Snyder, I know I was very lucky and blessed. After reading my operating report from the medical records I recently attained, I read that Dr. Snyder was methodical and tedious in his work to make sure before I left that table that I had a successful surgery, and that everything was working the way it should. I know I was in great hands and still am.

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