The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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Dr. Snyder is very passionate about WLS and it shows everytime you see him. He is very informative and requires patients to go to a mandatory seminar he offers monthly. He is very caring, but doesn't sugar coat anything. He has an awesome bedside manner, and a great sense of humor! Aftercare is super important to him, as that's when the work for you begins... and he wants each one of his patients to succeed! I would recommend anyone who is interested in WLS to attend one of his seminars, it definetly gives all the information you need in order to make an informed descision.

I think he is the BEST Dr. for this proceedure, I give him 2 thumbs up!!


My first impression on Dr. Snyder was what a relief, someone is listening to me. I have a problem with my weight and her is here to help.
After the first class he did about what I would expect scared me!!!! Dr. Snyder asured us that after care was very important. He also added that he is getting together a support group.Knowing that I was his 28th surgery I thought what was I getting myself into.
As I was being prep for surgery I was crying. I was afraid of dying. I told this to Dr. Snyder and he said "It will be alright I have help here in the operating room." I was still crying as I went under.
He came to me in the hospital and said "You did great." He told me everything that will happen, pain, food, walking etc. I was in so much pain. I was cut open from breast bone to belly button.
I was release from the hospital after 5 days.
It seems that I called the Dr. office every 5 seconds. But, they were kind and understand.
My aftercare has been hard for me due to my husband loosing his job, no health care. Knowing that aftercare every year is important I couldn't go. This stressed my out to the point that I gained 10 lbs. I was so unhappy with myself.
I finally have my life back together and took off all 10lbs but another 10lbs. more.
Dr. Snyder has saved my life!!!!!
He is my shining star. I have lived today to see my new granddaughter.(Yes, my first).
Thank You Dr. Snyder!!!


Wonderful, passionate and compassionate

Staff was equally compassionate, since all of them have made the journey

Snyder's Rules + Snyder's Tools = SUCCESS

Support programs and pre and post-op nutritions classes are mandatory

Matter of factly, precise


Both are excellent


1st impression was that he was very caring and had a personal interest in his patient's success. He seemed very knowledgable and experienced. My impression has really not changed. He even gives you his personal pager #. He was very attentive in the hospital. I was slightly dissappointed I did not see him in post-op appointments, but only before I got to know his great P.A. Patrick. All staff were great. Lori has been paticularly kind and helpful. Great aftercare and it is emphasized very strongly. Even helpful to other Dr.'s patients who are not as attentive. Only slight disappointment was when I had one problem after sugery-I had to wait a while to get help, but every thing turned out fine . I was just scared at 1st. The risks of surgery were well explained verbally and written and we were tested on our learning. I would rate Dr. Snyder and his staff as #1 anywhere. I would be concerned probably the most about surgical competence, but bedside manner goes a long way toward the physical and mental health of the client. If you know your Dr. cares about you, you are more likely to talk to him and bet the best of care.


I researched numerous surgeons, sevral could fit me in right away. But I will say this, Dr. Snyder is the ONLY surgeon that bothered to personally return my call. His interest was not just about the surgery, but the person. He is genuine and has a true regard for the health abd well bieng of his patients. I was and to this day remain impressed with his dedication to helping obease individuals in a non-judgemental, caring, understanding and supportive manner. His pre-op program leaves absolutely no questions as to the journey you are about to undertake. The support system he has in place for you throughout your journey (pre, and post op) is phenominal!! Although I am sure that my spelling has not done him justice here (i live by spell checker) I ....from my hear....emplore you to go through his is educational, and prepares you for everything. You WILL NOT find a better barriatric surgeon. I realize that this seems like a paid political advertisement. It is not. To put it simply....i put my life in his hands...and he delivered...and gave me a wonderfull life in return!


Dr. Snyder is, in a word, dedicated. He is dedicated to doing the best job he can as a surgeron, which means that he is also dedicated to providing his patients the best possible chance to succeed at reaching their weight-loss goals. This was my first impression upon meeting him, and it continues today, nine months after he installed my Lap-Band. His staff is awesome, and from what I've seen, they all work as hard as he does. Pre-op education and post-op aftercare are STRONGLY encouraged and easily accessed. Dr. Snyder and his staff have been with me every step of the way, and I feel fortunate to have found them.


First off this surgery was still not an option for me...but I went to Dr. Snyder’s Lecture. I was so impressed that I finally made the decision to do it! He was real, and kind... and he didn't look at anyone as a $, or #. Office Staff was good with one exception which Dr Snyder took care of. He really cares about us, and wants his staff to care as much as he does. There is not one thing I can say bad about Dr Snyder or Patrick. They are so giving and kind. They are ALWAYS there for you!!! All Patients or future ones will know my deepest respect and recommendation to Dr Snyder, and Patrick. Dr Snyder checks up on me even when I have not been in contact with his office for a while... He really cares!!! After care, he is on top of the surgery making surethat I was doing well! If not... he wants you in his office no matter if you have etc... I have those things... that's what draws me more to Dr Snyder and Staf, again he really cares about his patients!!! The risks for me were real. I am 34 now with a husband, and an 8yr old daughter who are my life. At times I still get scared when I think what could have happened, especially when I hear that this surgery did not work for others. I knew this was my last straw when I finally did this. I wish in all my heart for everyone who is considering this surgery to meet with Dr Snyder if you live here in Colorado! I have helped 2 others in California have this surgery, but I am sad because they do not have Dr Snyder by their side. Dr Snyder along with Patrick has the best bed side and surgical manners ever. I hope all those who have meet him, or are about to will appreciate him and his wonderful staff as I have. I have nothing bad to say about my experience.I truly can not say one negitive thing about my decision, or Dr Snyder and his wonderful staff!


Dr. Snyder is the best doctor on earth. Besides his training and expertise, he is one of the most caring and respectful individuals I have ever met in my life. After meeting with 2 different doctors, going to 3 different seminars, and researching WLS for over 3 years, it became clear to me that entrusting Dr. Snyder with my health care and WLS was the best decision I could have ever made. I was familiar with surgical risks prior to meeting with Dr. Snyder but during my first office visit, he was honest and up-front in discussing the risks. In rating Dr. Snyder on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, he would be about a 1000 in my book! He demonstrates the perfect combination of surgical competence and bedside manner. Since my surgery, his continued care plus the support groups have kept me on-track to goal (just 10 more lbs to go)! I now participate in the doctor's seminars as a patient rep and also co-lead the Westminister support group.

Dr. Snyder, thank you for giving me the tools to reclaim and live my life!


He seemed more exited about the surgery than I did.

I was more impressed over time.

Very caring.


That he listens to what means the most to you.
That it is very important.


That the surgery was high risk.




Dr. Snyder holds a wonderful orientation session that everyone who wants to be his patient needs to attend first. It was a 2-hour meeting that covered the basics of the surgery and what to expect after the surgery. All forms that need to be filled out are passed out at the meeting, as well as a 30-page booklet. I was very impressed with him and have continued to be. He is always available to answer questions, and responds quickly and thoroughly to emails. He deeply cares about all of his patients, and never makes you feel like a number. Dr. Snyder has a very in-depth after care program and stresses the importance of it heavily. We had to promise that we will come back at the required times and also when we feel that we aren't losing as much as we should. He never makes you feel like you aren't succeeding - he is very positive and energetic. He goes over the risks of surgery in-depth and doesn't sugar coat the minor problems that his patients have had. He's never lost one yet and I don't feel he ever will - he is very competent. I am willingly and joyously going to hand my body over to him on the day of my surgery. He has made sure that we are all fully informed and ready to take on the challenges that the rest of our lives will entail. I of course have nothing to compare this situation with, but he gets a 10 in my book!

Being almost 2 years post-op now, I can honestly say that I continue to be impressed with the quality of care from Dr. Snyder. I have communicated him various times this last year, whether in person, via email, or on the phone, and he has always made me feel that my concerns are important, He is completely willing to spend the necessarily time it would take to get me to my goals, and to keep me there. After-care follow-up has always been extremely important to him, as it should be for every surgeon. His assistant and office staff also reflect this integrity. I feel I have the best team in the world on my side!

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