The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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Dr Snyder has been my angel. Helping me thru and showing me nothing but kindness and respect. Never once has he treated me as "fat" or blamed that on my health problems.

The staff bent over backwards to make sure I got in to surgery before the end of the year and surgery changes.

I was made aware of all the risks and after care I needed and get prompt appointments.

I rate the staff and Dr snyder an 8. They get busy but that is because there is so much of a demand and sometimes things get caught up.

Surgical competence to me is more important. I want to feel safe when I am getting worked on, bedside can be left to the hospital staff. =)


Wow, Dr Snyder was very pleasant and patient. He put my wife and I at ease almost immediately with a positive outlook and a very comfortable attitude. After his evaluation of us, he set everything aside and gave us an opportunity to ask questions. At one point he leaned back and started to put his feet up before he realized he was about to put them on the examination table. From this little gesture, we got the impression that we had all the time in the world to ask every question on our list without a time limit and no rush. Dr Snyder answered all our questions without any reluctance, even the questions about the risks and the potential hazards. I had expected some reluctance to talk about the potential complications, but he was very open about every issue we brought up.


My first impression of Dr Snyder was exciting and neat. He's a very energetic person and applies a very positve attitude to his patients. My impression didn't change at all, I truly appreciate him for helping with through the process of making a decision and taking the jump. Dr Snyder's office staff is the best medical office I have ever been associated with. They're all very nice, informative and quick in responce! There is not one thing that I don't like about Dr Snyder. Future patients should understand that Dr Snyder will not let you go into this life changing procedure before your entirely informed of the phases the patient goes through during and after the surgery. Wisdom is power and he gives you the chance to take power over your life and the decisions you make. Dr Snyder and his staff are dedicated to seeing that the patient receives the right aftercare that will set you towards success. The staff is very involved in the support groups making it so that even if you have had the surgery your success will be part of staying connected with other people that have been where the patient is or is going to soon be there. The risks of the surgery are highly disccussed throughout the entire time the patient is going through there phases of pre op medical history, the risks are given in details and in terminology the average patient can understand and the risks are discussed on how they can affect the patient personally and statistically. Overall Dr Snyder is a great person and a fantastic surgeon. He makes each visit fun and informative; he agrees to spend time with each patient and makes sure we have the rescources needed for success. I would never have gotten control of my life without him and his great staff! I personally think that surgical competence is on some degree more important than bedside manner, but both run together when working with a great physician.


I loved Dr Chae!! Susie is just as wonderful. I was weighing in on the scale and Dr Chae came out and introduced himself to me. Most Drs office' you dont meet the Dr until 30 min have gone by sitting in the the small room. He was prompt and very detailed about everything. Answered all my questions honestly. My mother had the surgery about 3-4 years ago. I wish that she would have seen him. I would recommend him to any one! I rate him a 10+


My surgeon is Dr. Michael Snyder in Denver , CO. He is absolutely wonderful. He has a very knowledgable background on bariatic surgery and specializes in it. He does not do all types of surgery. His staff is also exception in dealing with the bariatric patient. Several members of his staff have also had WLS. Follow up after care is a critical part of your success so Dr. Snyder has extensive support groups and care. I would rate Dr. Snyder very highly.


I thought very highly of Dr Snyder from the moment I met him, during a educational seminar on the surgery. I still think highly if him today. Although I had many complications in surgery and thereafter,Dr Snyder kept the same attentiveness and concern throughout the entire process. His office staff are very polite and caring even when they are entremely busy. This office (and Dr Snyder)are consistently busy and therefore don't always have enough time to devote to each patient but they do try.
Dr Snyder strongly emphasizes aftercare in the form of support group and calling any of his staff (as well as him) if you have any questions.
He also provides a lot of information prior to surgery to ensure you are making an informed decision.
I would rate Dr Snyder an 8 overall.


Dr. Snyder's first impression was very positive and honest. I truly believe that he is a world-class surgeon and person. I had a lot of complications with my surgery. My surgery was scheduled for Oct 18. On Oct 20 I was back in for emergency surgery because my new pouch was leaking and I was in terrible pain. I spent 2 weeks in ICU. I was on a feeding tube for six weeks and now over two months after the surgeries I am barely able to get thru a workday. But here is how I look at it. Dr. Snyder saved my life twice. His integrity, skill, reputation and experience gave me the courage to do the operation that would save me from a life of obesity and all the unhealthy things that it entails. That was the first time he saved my life. The second time he saved my life was when the complications occurred. He never left my side that afternoon and evening. I have never heard of a surgeon who would actually wheel their patient to the X-ray room and help the patient onto the table. After x-ray he then -himself -wheeled me to the surgery room. A world-class surgeon doing the work of an orderly. But he knew what to do to save my life a second time. I wonder what a lesser surgeon would have done at a time like that. I am still trying to get back on my feet and it has been a hellish ride at times-but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and am extremely glad that I choose Dr. Snyder.


Dr. Chae has been in the WLS surgery business for a long time. My fisrt impression was good, he was pleasant and answered all questions with great knowledge. Susie is ao pleasant and warm, and responds to emails and calls very promptly. My one on one with Dr. Chae is scheduled for 1/7/05.


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was that he was very passionate about what he is doing to help change the lifes of obese people. He is very professional, and can crack a pretty good joke to help break the ice. He has a great staff. Dr Snyder is very big on aftercare, which helped to put me at ease. He does a very good job of emphisizing the risks of surgery, he tells it like it is, and doesn't sugar coat it, he makes sure you know what you are getting yourself into. I would rate Dr. Snyder and his staff an 8, no one is perfect, and he can admit he is a work in progress, always learning new things about the field of WLS.


My first opinion of Dr. Chae was that he was a soft spoken man with a lot of compasion. I cried thru the whole first interview, and really thought he would find me too off my rocker to be able to handle the surgery.He was so compasionate and told me i was so normal in being scared. My impressions of him have never changed, he is generous with his time and energy, everytime i see him. Never too rushed to sit and listen. And if i sound to efusive then so be it. This is the man who gave me life on a new gold platter.All new patients should have the best and this is the man they want.His office staff are the best best best and i love Lisa and Kelly.
sincerly, Debbi Law

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