The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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He was a very "warm" individual. He really seemed to care. He now seems to be a lot busier than he was when I was seeing him all the time, but he still remembers me, and seems to have a deep desire to want to help me! Most of his office staff is great, they are helpful and knowledgeable. The thing I liked the least were the waits in the office. Sometimes you are not seen until 30 minutes or so after your "scheduled" appointment. Overall, I think Dr Snyder is the best. He changed my life, and I will be forever grateful for that! Dr Snyder really emphasizes aftercare especially in the first year. After the first year, he still wants to see you yearly, but if you don't show he doesn't try and find out why. He addresses all of the risks and tells you to way out the good vs. the bad. Overall, I would have the surgery with him again. I really enjoyed having him as my surgeon because he never made me feel horrible for being fat, he just made it clear how unhealthy I truly was! I think he is an extremely competent surgeon who explains EVERYTHING to you! His bedside manner is also wonderful--he gives out his pager number in case you feel like you need him for anything at anytime!


I first met Dr. Snyder at a information seminar. Until then I was considering traveling out of my area to have this surgery. I was so impressed that I immediately changed my mind and chose to go through Dr. Snyder

I still feel Dr. Snyder and his team was the best choice for me. The support you receive from them is great.

His office staff is wonderful. I am sure I drove Dolly nuts during the approval process.
They were and still are a great team

There is nothing I didn't like about Dr. Snyder. He is very thorough and makes sure you know everything that will or possibly will happen, before, during and after surgery

That he and Patrick and very careing and really do have your best interest at heart, and will do what ever it takes to help you through any problems you may have

Aftercare is as important as the surgery itself. He insists you pay attention of everything after surgery. I am glad he stresses this, because I believe it is part of his success rate/

He insists you come to a 3 and 6 month check up and then yearly after that, unless he feels you need to come back before the yearly.

You know of any or all risks long before you actually schedule any surgery with him. He is very thorough and goes over every step and procedure you will encounter.


Dr. Snyder is a highly competent surgeon, his success rate is one of the reasons I choose him. His bedside manner is great also, you just need to lister well because he talks very fast ;-)


Dr. Snyder and Patrick (his assistant) are very nice and devote the time to answer all your questions. They give you their pager number after surgery should you experience any problems. I only had a minor problem but was telephoned almost immediately. At first I didn't like Dolly, she is the insurance person. Over time I realized that she was just doing her job and making sure that all the paperwork was in order to make this experience less stressful. I had a deadline so that the insurance was going to pay. Even though at the time you want the surgery so bad you can taste it (just a pun) it really is wise to let things take their course. She proved to be a valuable ally in this process.
Before even scheduling your first appointment you must attend a class on bypass surgery. It is very informative and also allows for general questions regarding the risks and dangers. If you are still interested after the class, you can set up your initial appointment for consultation. I received a packet during the class and it fills you in on even more information about the surgery. I did all the preop consultations before seeing Dr. Snyder for the first time and that helped in getting the insurance approval faster.
After the surgery it took a long time to get the food limitations down. It was around three months before I was able to know the feeling that I needed to stop eating. I threw up alot. I hate to throw up, however, this is not at all like having the flu and throwing up. It is one quick spurt and you feel better immediately.
I don't feel that I ever connected to Connie the after care person. I don't know if she was too busy or it was just a bad time of year (December). It was very hard to measure the grams being taken in at the hospital. The cups were in two types of measurement and when you thing about it you are still trying to get your legs underneath you. Physically I bounced back immediately, was walking down the hall and back alot further than they expected.
My mind couldn't process all the information that I thought I was prepared for. Looking back, I wanted the surgery and had read all the information over and over and thought I was ready. Maybe my mind didn't quite prepare itself. I felt somewhat like I was living in a dream and that it wasn't actually happening. I'm not sure what I could have done to remedy this but it felt very odd at the time.
Now almost a year out, I am so greatful that I had the surgery. I have lost 123 pounds in the last year and am quite happy now at 160 lbs. I think if I had my saggy skin removed I would loose more, but all in due time. Even when I was skinny before I always had a butt. It is funny how the weight comes off. I have absolutely no butt now. Flat as a pancake. My fold in front sticks out further than my butt.
I will see Dr. Snyder again in a few weeks. Am curious to see what the blood work shows. Maybe I can go off of some more medication. I was almost immediately taken off of blood pressure medicine after my surgery.


10/03 My first impression was, DR. Snyder was a little intimidating but very nice. "update 1-25-04" Although I am still warming up to him he is very nice. 2-04 Dr. Snyder
Is one of the most kindest and informative Doctors I've ever met. He does not sugar coat things he lets you know just what it is you are getting into. On the flipside he isn't a tyrant either. I've heard so many horror stories about other surgeons. Thank God I was directed to Dr. Snyder. My one downside was at first I sort of had a problem with Dolly the insurance lady. I sort of felt like I was always bothering her and she didn't have any patience in me. I felt like she wasn't very sympathetic. Well really she is just a very hard worker and just doesn't have too much extra time to get chatty. I respect that. If she did get side tracked too many people would be waiting forever to get their insurance approvals. She is just a no-nonsense person. She will tell it like it is so just brace yourself LOL. I am not sure about Dr. Snyder's aftercare I'll have to let you know more about this later. If I had to pick one bad thing about Dr. Snyder and really this is pretty hard. I would ask him to spend just a little more time with his patients.UPDATE~11-13-04, Well had my surgery 2-3-04 I have had a chance to have some "aftercare" with Dr. Snyder. He does very much want his patients to come in and see him or on most cases his PA. Patrick ~10 days, 3 weeks, 3& 6 months and a year afterwards. Also every year after that. I would like future patients to know that when they have Dr. Snyder as their surgeon they are really getting a top notch, top quality surgeon. Also his PA Patrick who works alongside Dr. Snyder is a very wonderful person as well. HE isn't as personable as Dr. Snyder but is still great at what he does and seems to have an understanding of where we, (pre-op and post-op) people are coming from. I really like Dr. Snyder and Patrick very much they are both very kind souls. I feel like the world is a much better with these two men on it..I do wish however that I could talk to them and know them more but I just still get very shy and withdrawn when i see them mostly because I just lack self-esteem and self-confidence. Anyhoo i do also like their appointment ladies, Lori and Brandy as they are quite kind and patient ladies. The waiting room for Dr. Snyder is quite comforting and so very clean. The chairs there are huge so no problems with fitting in them LOL. I would rate Dr. Snyder a very high 10 or 100% he is great! I just wish he had a bit more time for his patints but he is a busy man afterall. I think surgical compitance and bedside manner are both great. I would not want a surgeon to work on me if I felt like I was just another number or dollar sign to him. I would not want him to make me feel intimidated by him nor would I want him to not be surgically compitent right? These are my worrds and my thoughts only..
I am Michelle Aragon-Shafi and approve this post and update


My first encounter with Dr. Snyder was at his orientation seminar in June of 2003. He appeared to be a very careing and concerned doctor. He was very up front with all of the information about how he operated his practice and what his expectations were from his patients. He made it very clear that he was in for the long hall. He considered the surgery only the beginning of a lifetime relationship. I thought that was very important. This was the final confirmation that I needed to start the process. I had already done most of my homework about what my insurance company would cover and what the surgery was all about.
The following comments are based on my personal experiences and in no way reflect the experiences of anyone else.
I admire Dr. Snyder and am very thankful that I chose him as my surgeon. I realize that he is a very busy doctor but I wish he had the time to know me as a person.
Doctor Snyder's office staff that he had when I first started the process were very friendly and tried to be helpful. I felt that they lacked some organization or possibly were overloaded. I would leave messages but no one would get back to me until I became a pest. The staff that he has now is great. They seem to have everythng under control.
I don't think there is anything that I dislike about Dr. Snyder. I don't think any patient could ask for a more careing doctor.
Future patients should know that Dr. Snyder is very thorough and has certain procedures that he feels are important for the wellbeing of his patients. He will take whatever precautions, require whatever tests he feels are necessary to insure that you as his patient have a very successful and comfortable surgery experience.
Dr. Snyder feels that his patients are a lifetime committment. He expects to see us periodically for the rest of our lives. He is always there to answer questions. He has a very elaborate aftercare program which includes support groups, e-mail availability, and an extensive web site. His aftercare program includes visits at 10 days, 6 weeks, 3 Months, 6 Months, one year and once a year after that. Plus anytime you feel that you need to inbetween. He sponsors the support groups and support group facilitators at his expense to make it available to his patients. He has classes post surgery to help his patients understand what they are going through and what to expect during the various stages as they reenter the normal world.
Dr. Snyder offers a variety of information about the risks of surgey. He is always available to answer any questions his patients may have. He will give you as much detail as you want.
I would rate Dr. Snyder as an A+++. He gave me back my life. Because of the surgery I have found out that there is so much more to life than going to work going home. I can now go places and do things with my family instead of making excuses.
I feel that Dr. Snyder and his team's surgical competence is the best that anyone could ask for. Their bedside manner is second to none. I recommend them constantly to my friends and anyone who shows any interest or will listen.


Very positive. I was skeptical at first, and attended a seminar for information about the surgery. Dr. Snyder appeared to be very genuine, and concerned about helping people find a better way of life.

My impression has never changed. He is very concerned about offereing people like myself a better way of life.

Pleasant. Very helpful.

Extremely upbeat. I was not sure if it was real or marketing hype.

Sincere, very professional.

Extremely pro-support groups, and follow-up.

Yes. I was fully prepared for all issues including death.

I felt very lucky that I was in such good hands.

Surgical competence 60%, bedside manner 40%.


Upon first meeting Dr. Snyder you can't help but feel energized by his enthusiasm and understanding of each patients personal situation. He has made it a personal mission to research each diet fad that is out there so that he personally knows what each of us has endured over the years.

The support he and his office staff give each individual is beyond reproach and I never hesitate to call with questions or concerns. There is always someone available to answer no matter day or night.

I would trust Dr. Snyder with any type of surgery he determined was necessary for me. He always has my best interests in mind.


Dr. Snyder has really taken care of me. I am still very happy with the compassion he has and his willingness to help no matter what. Thanks for being there Dr. Snyder.


I was very impressed with Dr. Snyder from the very beginning. He's very full of energy and truly dedicated to the program and your weight loss. His after care program makes a big difference in your success. I have seen other patients that their surgeon doesn't have the after care program and their success isn't NEARLy as good as ours. He has even said that those patients who don't have a program, if they want,can start coming to see him for his program and he will help them. The program is one things that he stresses from the very beginning. He never misleads you one bit about the surgey or the complications. The first step to sing him as a surgeon is to go to his free seminar, that explains the entire process and his expectationsof you as well as any information you ask for. Couldn't ask for a better doctor. His office staff is friendly and as helpful as they could possible be. Over all I would rate Dr. Snyder as a 10! He has the best of EVERYTHING!!!


I first met Dr. Snyder at one of the info. meetings, which was very worth while. He is high energy, professional and polite. His communication was clear and direct. Clearly he is biased but not negatively so. The panel of about 20 patients was a welcome support for the meeting and he clearly respected their contribution. He reviewed the complications and difficulties related to the surgery in detail. Even some of the panel addressed their complications. He stressed the success of patients was also due to the highly encouraged support groups that you are welcome to join even before your surgery. I felt his dedication to a safe and successful surgery was genuine. His office advocates the use of email for communication which works for me but can be annoying if you want a quick answer over the phone.

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