The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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Everything good that you have read or heard about Dr. Snyder is absolutely true. I don't have anything to say about him that hasn't already been said. He is excellent. The day I was doing my pre-op stuff even the nurse told me \"you know you have the best doctor\". I said yes I do that's why I am here and not in Texas where my insurance company wanted to send me. His accomplishments and knowledge is impressive. He explains everything effectively so you know what to expect and gives you time to ask him questions if you have concerns. The support after surgery is great as well, he is the only doctor that I know of that gives out phone numbers to reach him at any time if you have a question or problem. Luckily, I haven't had to do that. I highly recommend Dr. Snyder to anyone looking for a doctor that they can trust and rely on before and after surgery.


I did my research on doctors and felt Dr. Chae was the best. I was nervous meeting him for the first time because I was afraid I would end up not liking him and then have to go through the hassle of finding a new surgeon. However, I was not dissappointed. Dr. Chae was very kind to me and since I brought my children with me, how he treated them was just as important. He was very kind to my children too, and laughed at them when they got grossed out by his slide presentation of the surgery. He patiently answered their questions even when they asked him if he made alot of money! His presentation seemed alittle bit perfunctory but other than that, I was greatly impressed and can't wait to work with him further.rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrn


Dr Snyder was very professional and exciting to talk to. He made me feel like it was ok to feel the way I did and that having the surgery was a very viable option. It sounds like he has a great aftercare program and I appreciate that I can talk to him or his staff at almost any time needed.


My surgeon was sitting at his desk in his office with the door open when I first saw him. I thought that the \"open door\" was significant in that I think it made him seem very accessible. He said during our first interview that I would have a direct telephone number to speak to him should I have any questions or concerns. This was AWESOME! He is loaded with excellent credentials as well. I know I am in good hands when he does surgery on me. I have another appointment with him before surgery where I will be gathering more information. I think his surgical competence is better than his bedside manner; but both would rate excellent in my opinion.rnrnI have seen my surgeon again (the last time before my surgery) and I am more convinced than ever that he is going to take great care of me. He has given me a telephone number to contact him directly if I need to. (I won't have to go through anyone else! How cool is that?) rnrnSusan at the front desk is incredibly kind and helpful--and funny! She makes the entire visit more comfortable and enjoyable.rnrnOn the negative side, they have one of those automatic blood-pressure cuffs in the office. They hurt like crazy and no amount of yelping will influence the cuff to stop adding pressure! Ugh!


I first met Dr. Snyder at one of his seminars on WLS. I was immediately put at ease about my condition and the possibility of regaining my health through surgery. I was most impressed by his knowledge of the disease of obesity and his compassion for overweight people. He did not try to \"sell\" the surgery to anyone, he simply was there to educate. His credentials were impressive as was the fact that his clinic is recognized as a Center of Excellence. My pre-op work up, my surgery (LapBand) and my follow up care has been incredible. Following surgery I had no complications and my health continues to improve everyday. I have referred two of my friends to Dr.Snyder (both are set up for WLS with him) and will continue to do so. Not only is Dr. Snyder caring and compassionate, he has surrounded himself with a first rate team to support his patients. The best thing is after surgery Dr.Snyder has a complete support system in place. There are support groups, online support groups, nutririon classes and Dr. Snyder as well as every person on his team gives you their personal pager numbers and email addresses so you can contact them directly if you need them. The biggest challenge I've had is the fact that I live six hours (one way) from Denver so it gets expensive to go down there for my fills and post-op appointments.


10/4/06 I met Dr. Snyder at a seminar required before an appointment is made to evaluate whether you are a candidate for surgery. He is extremely motivating and seems to be very compassionate towards his clients. I have heard this stated numerous times by previous clients and I too believe he is the best surgeon for me. Dr. Snyder takes time to not only listen to what finally brought you to him but thoroughly explains what to expect. It seems that all bases are covered with seminars, follow up care and support groups. So far I have been very impressed. Now I await insurance approval. My only complaint is that I always have to leave messages and can't talk to someone live when I call. This is very frustrating when return calls are inconvenient because of work or school.


Dr Snyder is the most compassionate and precise surgeon I have ever met. He has a true understanding of Morbid obesity and Loves the miracles he interacts with everyday. I interviewed 4 Doctors and choose Dr Snyder because of his manerisms and compassion.


Gifted, caring and dedicated surgeon. His staff has been supportive and have gone the extra mile to answer questions and concerns.


Love Dr. Snyder. He knows his shit--excuse the language, but he's just damn good at what he does. I did months and months of surgeon research and no one could come close to Dr. Snyder.


The best. Based on many factors. He treated me intelligently, treated my family with dignity and respect, had the entire \"process\" of surgery (not just the 30 minutes in surgery) down COLD. I have a lifetime of aftercare, and it is clear that he understands that, and is ready for it. His diet regulations are extremely humane. I honestly believe he is one of the few people, let alone dr.'s that GET obese people, without he himself being obese. He has a confident and at ease bedside manner, as does his staff. The staff seem rushed and a bit overworked. Come on doc, hire about 2 more people.... But they are kind (Brandi is my fave) I would by far recommend this crew to my very own daughter if she ever needed it done.

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