The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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So, I had my surgery yesterday and went home last night. I can't tell you how GOOD I feel..... I feel so blessed!!! I can't thank Dr. Snyder, Pete, Kim and the whole hosptial for the incredible treatment I received. I was scared and they all made me feel so comfortable and I have to say I was in the BEST hands!!! A BIG thank you to all!!! I am starting my new life now!!!rnrnDr. Snyder is an incredible person. You can really tell that just from attending his seminar. Everybody at his office has been very nice and I appreciate everything that they have done for me.


Dr. Michael Snyder is a force of Nature! I went to his intro seminar and was blown away! He is so positive, entusiastic and energetic...and most of all, believable. He inspires confidence at your 1st one on one....and continues to listen and care about your concerns. His office and nutrition staff is TOP NOTCH and they stress ongoing nutrition classes and education and support groups. The only flaw in the whole process is that Dr. Snyder will take as much time as a patient needs in their you might have to wait to see him. But, that, of course, means he will also give YOU all the time you need. Overall....I'd rate Dr. Snyder and his entire staff the BEST in bedside manner and surgical competence!


Loved him at the seminar. Didn't really take the opportunity to introduce myself then, just got the info I wanted and left. Went in for my consultation and realized I had made an excellent choice. Honestly, I wish the office staff were a little more friendly, but I haven't really met all of them yet so I am sure that some of them are nice. For example, it would have been nice to know that there was complimentary valet parking at the building. I was running late looking for a place to park, and ended up parking a few blocks away. I am sure that I will have more to write once I have had some more experiences with this office staff.


Dr. Snyder is a very passionate physician. He truly believes in what this surgery can do to help improve people's lives. He was very caring and understanding when I met with him for my consult. I'm looking forward to having him as a surgeon.


I first met Dr Snyder at one of his information seminars in September 2005. I was very impressed with his knowledge of the way obese people think and hurt. He seemed genuinely caring about making our lives better. I was very impressed.rnrnUnfortunately, due to insurance issues, I wasn't able to have the bypass surgery until this year. January 2, 2007. Dolly was wonderful in helping me to \"please\" the insurance company. I really appreciated her support in getting the wheels rolling!rnrnI have had no side effects whatsoever, and I feel great. I'm drinking lots of water, and trying to get in all my proteins. rnrnI had my post op appointments with the PA, so I haven't spoken to Dr Snyder since the surgery. He did say he is always available by phone or email, and I believe if I need him, he'll be there. rn


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was that he was incredibly warm and friendly and smiled easily and naturally, unlike most physicians I've met. And after meeting me only once in an office setting, I encountered him one day near the hospital, and he recognized and stopped to speak to me. I was impressed with that. He's also very passionate about the service he performs. I liked and trusted him instantly.rnrnDr. Snyder's staff are fairly friendly and seem to work closely and well together. Tere seems to be a synergy amongst them. rnrnDr. Snyder is an outstanding physician, and prides himself at being the best in his field; whoever chooses Dr. Snyder for their surgeon will benefit immensely from his expertise and experience.rnrnDr. Snyder has a great aftercare program and encourages networking and support groups to help people through this life changing event. He describes his relationship with each patient as a lifelong relationship - he's committed to giving the best care possible to each and every one of us.rnrnDr. Snyder was upfront and realistic about the risks of surgery, and demanded all kinds of medical tests prior to consenting to do the surgery. Overall, Dr. Snyder is an excellent surgeon and an outstanding human being - I'll take surgical competence over bedside manner any day, but fortunately for me, Dr. Snyder's surgical competence is fabulous, and so is his bedside manner.


I found Dr. Snyder to be extremely caring and sensitive to my needs. He took his time on my first visit to see him. What amazed me was the precautions that he takes before he will ever even consider operating on you. He does not leave anything up to chance or hurry the surgery along. He wants to check every possible area to make sure that there are no complications or if there are going to be complications he is fully aware of what to expect. rnrnAs of this writing I cannot answer everything about Dr. Snyder, but I will say that he has thourghly explained the risks and he has an excellent pre-oop seminar.


After attending our first informational seminar given by Dr. Michael Snyder, we knew we had found the perfect surgeon for me. He is highly intelligent, has a wonderful record with his past surgeries, and shows a great deal of empathy for his patients. Most of all, he inspires HOPE in those of us who had totally given up on ever getting back to a reasonable weight. His office is extremely thorough, requiring a myriad of pre-testing and reading. The aftercare, which I am just beginning (now 6 days post-op!) is set out in a very easy to follow and reasonable format.rnWe are requred to attend seminars at 1 wk, 3 wks, 6 wks, and then again at 3 months and 6 months. Dr. Snyder did not mince words about the risks, but with his excellent record he easily convinced me that all would go well.rnI believe (of course) that surgical competence is by far the most important aspect here, but Dr. Snyder has a light bedside manner which kept me going forward with confidence. He also makes his pager available to all his patients, further easing any fears.


Dr. Chae is one of the best Doctors I have ever met. His bedside manner is awesome. He truly cares about every patient. He will spend as long as you need with him. He is always available to answer questions. His staff is always friendly and very helpful. Overall, I would rate him a 10 as a surgeon.


When I first met Dr. Snyder I was a little reserved and was not sure what to think. I had already met with a couple of other Doctors regarding WLS and was reluctant to met another. However, he made me feel right at ease and was very easy to talk with. I had several questions for him at his seminar and at my consulation and he was very patient and made sure that he answered all of my questions clearly and accurately. rnrnI have had a few issues with some of his staff members and I brought this to his attention. He acted very quickly on my concerns and we were able to get the issues resolved very promptly.rnrnDr. Snyder is a very talkative and energetic surgeon, therefore, if you are looking for a quiet and reserved surgeon he will not be on the one for you. He is full of sarcasim but in a way that eases you when you are feeling stressed or nervous.

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