The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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Dr. Snyder is a wonderfully compassionate and caring man who seems genuinely interested in helping people become successful in losing weight. He has exacting requirements and just to be able to see him requires you to attend one of his introduction seminars. My seminar was fairly full but he was happy to stay and talk to as many people as needed that day. My impression of him has only improved over time, as has my impression of his staff.rnrnHis office staff is very busy and I am sure they are overworked. However, that doesn't mean they don't care, just that their busy-ness is a testament to how popular and necessary people find his services to be. All of my phone calls and emails were answered and in a manner considered timely, although when you have a question, any delay in getting an answer is tough to handle and, frankly, I can be impatient. From scheduling to insurance approval, everyone in the office has been nice, friendly, helpful, and efficient. Most of all, they have been caring. That means a lot to me.rnrnPotential patients should understand that the pre-appointment requirements (e.g. psych eval and pulmonary clearance) aren't meant to actually delay you getting in to see him. Instead they are a way to ensure that, if you decide on WLS, protecting your health will be of paramount importance and unexpected \"surprises\" during and after surgery are avoided. That's a good attitude for a surgeon to have, and one I believe it (even when it was hard to learn I had additional health issues/deficiencies).rnrnAttending the pre- and post-surgical classes are fun and informative, conducted in a serious yet humorous manner. The classes address upcoming surgery and what you have to do to prepare and what you need to know nutritionally. You aren't just a patient who comes in for surgery and is then discharged with a hearty \"good luck!\" Instead, you are a patient for life and therefore the ongoing care programs supplement efforts to make WLS successful. Dr. Snyder's office and the hospital are very clear that these classes and programs exist to promote your health and success in losing weight. rnrnSurgical risks are addressed throughout the process before you actually get a surgical date. Dr. Snyder's introductory seminar goes into great detail about the risks of the surgery. He also provides information about what steps he takes to minimize those risks. Honestly, I never had any problem trusting Dr. Snyder and his team. I've seen his high standards and they pay off in patient safety.rnrnYou might have noticed that I rave about Dr. Snyder. It's because I find him to excel in both of the important aspects to being a doctor and a surgeon: surgical competence and bedside manner. He is technically skilled and a genuinly nice and compassionate man. For WLS, a surgeon should be excellent technically and be sensitive and compassionate to his patients. So many of us have had rotten experiences with unfeeling or simply insensitive doctors that we don't need or deserve someone who can't be both competent and nice. I'm happy to say that Dr. Snyder is a really great surgeon and a wonderfully compassionate doctor.


Dr. Snyder is so nice, he never rushes his time with you. He makes sure that you have gotten answers to all your questions. Unfortunately if you're the one in the waiting room this will mean you are not going to see him at your appointment time, but oh well (so long as he's not late for the surgury -- ha ha)


I was impressed with Dr. Snyder right away. I had called for an appointment to meet with him without first attending one of his seminars. While he really, really prefers to have his initial consultation after a patient attends his seminar, he gratiously met with me in his office. He was so reassuring, empathetic, encouraging and positive, that I couldn't help but know that this is the guy to do my surgery. Although his waiting room was filled with patients, he took all the time I wanted to make sure all my questions were answered. He has this process down to a science which includes pre-surgery evaluations, the surgery itself, and a major post-surgery program to assure success while offering intensive support. He obviously has the competence to do these surgerys (done thousands), and his bedside manner couldn't be better. He does tend to run late on his appointments, but when you're in with him, you know why. I'm looking forward to a great and rewarding experience.


Dr. Snyder is an amazing man with a wonderful talent for helping people that have no belief left in themselves, to still find some hope for a better life. He obviously believes in what he does and has a passion for helping people. His office staff have been very helpful! He emphasizes aftercare A LOT!!! It is very structured and very clear. I give him a 9 out of 10. The only thing I wish he would have been more helpful of, was when Insurance denied me half way through the procedure, he was VERY slow in getting them a letter out and then didn't push the matter very hard or check back with me at all in the weeks that followed.


I had my RNY on 9/26/06 by Dr. Chae. What can I say about him....Dr. Chae is absolutely terrific! I have never met a surgeon who believes so much in what he does. He held my hand and treated me like an ACTUAL person...I couldn't believe it! His bedside manner is fabulous!!! He was friendly and very personable to my family and friends who were in the hospital room. Above all he is knowledgeable and competent. He answers questions in a way you can \"get\" it without being confused. He gave me hope and the tools to start a new life...God Bless Dr. Chae (and his staff) for all he does and for all he gives to his patients!


Dr Snyder is an amazing professional!


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was great, he knew his stuff and he seemed to have interpersonal skills that some doctors lack. I chose this practice because of the level of experience and that the surgery would be at Rose Medical Center. The visits with Dr. Snyder are fast, and doesn't really allow for a doctor patient relationship to be established. Some of this is to be expected as Denver Bariatrics is busy, but I have had minor surgery in the past and someone calls at home after being discharged from the hospital. There was no such follow up and even after I made two after hours calls no one checked in at a later time to make sure I was doing okay. I do believe that Dr.Snyder did a good job of making sure I knew about the surgery, risks, and his follow up visits and classes. Overall, the office staff could be more accessible and friendly! I do like Dr. Synyder's personality and he's obviously a competent surgeon. Pete has been great for all my follow-up appointments.


I have been very impressed with Dr. Snyder. I first met him when I attended a pre-consult seminar concerning bariatric surgery. I loved the way that he spoke candidly about surgery and his reasons for doing bariatric surgery. I also like the amount of information that he gave us not only about the surgery but the life changes that it will include both pre-operatively and post-operatively. In addition, he was extremely sensitive to the plight of the morbidly obese person. rnI had been on the way to have bariatric surgery in the past with Dr. Chae, but I decided that I was not ready because of my lack of knowledge with Dr. Chae as well as the fact that I felt like I was kind of left out in on a limb without much knowledge. But, inspite of my not-so-great experience previously, I decided to give Dr. Snyder a try. I have been very impressed by the amount of classes, resources, support groups, and information that he has available...all for free.rnHe has a wonderful and engaging personality, is extremely candid yet gentle about the huge trial that I am about to undertake, and was 100% commited to help me during each step including the post-operative process for the rest of my life.rnThe one caveat that I have with Dr. Snyder's office is that it can be difficult to find out where you are in the process and what is going on with your case. You kinda have to be a pain in the butt about it.


Dr.Snyder has been great throughout the whole process. I couldn't imagine having gone through such an ordeal with any other doc.


Frank H. Chae, MD FACSrnI did my research on doctors and felt Dr. Chae was the best. I was nervous meeting him for the first time because I was afraid I would end up not liking him and then have to go through the hassle of finding a new surgeon. However, I was not dissappointed. Dr. Chae was very kind to me and since I brought my children with me, how he treated them was just as important. He was very kind to my children too, and laughed at them when they got grossed out by his slide presentation of the surgery. He patiently answered their questions even when they asked him if he made alot of money! His presentation seemed alittle bit perfunctory but other than that, I was greatly impressed and can't wait to work with him further.rn

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