The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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He is a really good guy ... out going... full of life. His staff is a little stand offish but they are really really busy so that is understandable.


First impression was he was real nice and kind. My impression of him stayed the same. His office staff was kind of rude, it just depended on the day. He was very professional about everything no complaints. Future patients should know that he does know what he's doing and he is very committed to everything he says or does. Aftercare is very important to his office. Some what structured, when you attend his Seminar you will find where he will describe all the different risks and complications you may experience. i would rate him from 1-5 a 5 ratiting. Both are great!


There are three aspects that ultimately led me to choose Dr. Synder; Compentence, Compassion, and Committment to Outcomes. Compentence is more than just how many surgeries you performed or new gadgets you use, it is a display of a persons command of the profession that they are in, and ability to learn and better themselves on an ongoing basis. Compassion deals not only with connecting to patient, but helping the patient understand for themselves what the best direction to go is. Finally, Committment to Outcome deals with the pre-op, operation, and post-op activities and follow-up that is required to help ensure good outcomes, and empower patients to achieve their goals.rnrnI've seen all three of these traits in Dr. Synder which makes me feel at complete ease at his ability to help me achieve my goals.rnrnIf I had any criticism, it would be that since my first appointment, and I was given my mission to loose 50 pounds, I have not heard a word from Dr. Synder or his staff. I would think a follow-up call to find out if I was still alive would have been nice.rn


I loved Dr. Chae from the first moment I met him. He's a bit soft spoken, and I think a little shy, but he's so caring. I just had my two year check up with him. He takes such good care of his patients after surgery. rnrnKelly Elliot, the nutritionist on his staff, plays a major part of that follow up after surgery. Many people don't attend her monthly support group, even though it's completely free to Chae patients. I think the support group is a big part of my success. I've lost 110 lbs, 15-20 more than was expected and I know weigh what I did in highschool, 147lbs. I've maintained my weight with the help of Kelly and the support group. rnrnSuzie and Kelly recognize my voice the moment I start talking, I often don't even get to the point where I can tell them my name! They say, \"Hey Laura, it's great to hear from you, what can we do for you!\" rnrnDr. Chae is a master at what he does and has some of the lowest percentages of problems for his patients after surgery and he's right there for you when you do have problems. rnrnI refer everone I know to Chae. I wouldn't send them to anyone else! rnrnLaura Smith


Dr. Chae is all business, impersonal, but professionally wise. Only wanted to see for follow up after a week, no interest in long term knowing how things were going. Said I was to go to my general pract. doctor with any problems. I did return to him to get my gall bladder removed a few years later. I didn't even need to go in to visit first. It was weird we made the appt. on the phone and I came down for the surgery. He is a good surgeon.


What a question to ask! The first time I encountered Dr. Snyder was during his mandatory seminar. It was amazing how it felt like he was talking directly to me - but the room was full of people. I cried during most of the Seminar as it felt like Dr Snyder gave me permission to forgive myself for being obese. My husband was very impressed as he has been by my side the whole time I've been researching my options for surgery. And we had already seen 2 local surgeons but they just didn't \"do-it\" for either one of us. Once we attended Dr. Snyder's seminar - my husband looked at me and said \"I think you've found your surgeon\".... We made an appointment right away to have my first consultation with Dr. Snyder - and his first question to me was \"When did you attend my seminar\" and the 2nd was \"How did you get in here so quickly?\".....


My first impression of doctor Snyder was that I felt he does WLS because he really cares about helping the obese people. The more I got to know him the more I felt this way. He seems to be a very caring, kind and very intellegent individual. Over time my impression of him has only improved.rnHis office staff are all very helpfull.rnFuture patients should know that you well be taken very good care of by doctor Snyder.rnHe has a very structured aftercare program that he expects complience from. There are nutrition classes and support groups that one must attend or do online. There are followup appts for the first year then annually after that.rnHe is very honest and up front about the risk of surgery.rnOverall I would have to give Dr. Snyder a 10 out of 10, I have worked in the medical field for 30 years long enough to know when its the real deal and Dr. Snyder is the real deal.rnSurgical competence is the most important to me and Dr. Snyders history shows what an excellent surgeon he is, and then you get the added benifit of a great bedside manner. You cannot go wrong with Dr, Snyder.rn


My first impression was at the seminar put on by Dr. Snyder. If you want any kind of appointment with him, you HAVE to attend a seminar. I really liked that idea simply for the fact that it's a matter of getting straight facts from the surgeon himself rather than reading somewhere in a magazine or gossip from a friend's cousin's aunt. I was really impressed by the way he handled the pressure of not being able to start his seminar because of the lack of a projector. He had his assistant go out and buy one from across the street and started anyways with introductions. rn At first, when Dr. Snyder throws his credentials at you, it's somewhat overloading. He has studied in a lot of great areas with a lot of different significant people and I think that has made him to be the rounded, personable person he is. We never talked at the seminar, but afterwards, I was stoked to meet him face to face to see if that was really him or if that was just a front for a presentation.rn Well, turns out, he is truly as genuine as he was at his seminar. He complimented my kids (and my friend's son) on how beautiful they are, despite the fact they were rearranging everything in his waiting room. The kids stayed out in the room while Dr. Snyder took me back and weighed me and took my \"altitude\". We talked for a while about the new patient packet that I had filled out and he thought that I was superb for the surgery. He did speak fast, but I expected that. What I didn't expect was a doctor, much less a surgeon who actually got where I was coming from. I did go in with the idea that I was too young and I still should just get off of my ass to do more and eat less. Dr. Snyder's outlook on it all really has made me feel better. He took the time to answer my questions and he said he'd like to have this done within a month (that was May 18th). All I have to do is my pulmonary and a GPB (?) for my heartburn, and then it's time to wait. rn Dr. Snyder really is a person that you wouldn't expect to actually be from this day and time. He cares, he's compassionate, and he's obviously phenomenal at what he does with so many happy patients who have gone on to lead healthier, happier lives. I am truly blessed to know such a kind person. Such a truly real person doesn't even qualify for a rating. I would have liked to have gone over everything pre and post op as far as nutrition and what I should expect physically, but I know that would take a lot of time and there are classes provided strictly for that. Dr. Snyder is definitely a nine and a half out of ten. rn Dr. Snyder deserves a 9.75 out of ten. As for his staff, they all work together as a team to get things done for me, which I really, really appreciate. The communication between them must be awesome to have such a great practice going on, but the communication with me of what's happening could have been improved a lot. Confidently, I'd give them an 8.5.


I am thrilled to be a patient of Dr. Snyder in part because I'm not just his patient, I'm a patient of his entire staff. They are genuinely caring and concerned for their patients. My road to surgery has seen a few bumps with insurance and medical clearances -- but I will get there and I am excited to be traveling this road with Dr. Snyder and Denver Bariatrics. When I've had concerns Dr. Snyder and his staff take the time to email me or call me and discuss.rnrnOne area that sets Denver Bariatrics head and shoulders above any other provider is the pre and post care program. From seminars, to support groups, to nutrition and cooking classes -- this is a true life altering journey and thankfully Dr. Snyder is there for the long haul.rnrn


Dr. Snyder and his staff are great. My surgery went well. They have all been very helpful and supportive. The hospital staff was excellent also. I would recommend Dr. Snyder to anyone interested in weight loss surgery.

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