The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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Dr. Snyder is a wonderful man and doctor. He came highly reccommended by my OB-GYN who said a nurse friend of hers had the surgery through him, and she loved him. I knew when I went to his seminar that he was the right doctor for me. His positive attitude and energy is amazing, and he really seems to care about what he does and has a genuine love for his job. I also was very impressed with how willing he was to sit and talk with me and answer any questions I have - he never appeared to be in a big rush, which is very important to me.rnrnThe office staff is just as great as Dr. Snyder. His entire clinic is very organized, and easy to get along with. Everyone you talk to you is more than willing to help you and answer any questions you may have. rnrnMy surgery is scheduled for Aug. 14, 2006. I will update with how they were in the hospital and aftercare later.


Dr. Chae is a very kind and respectful man. I had my surgery done when he was at the University Hospital so I saw alot more of his students than I did of him which was a negative. His staff was always respectful and courteous. I needed a massive hernia repair, it would have been my third with him and instead of saying he would not do it, he had me come to his office and gave me a brief exam and then told me he would not do was obvious that he had decided already. After care was fair. He was very direct about the risks of surgery. I would rate his bariatric surgery an A, he is a perfectionist. His hernia repairs were unsucessful but that's not unusual for me...I had massive infections after both. He is very soft spoken and kind and his bariatric surgery was excellent.


Dr. Snyder is terrific! I have felt very comfortable with him from the start. Meeting some of his patients and talking to them about their experiences has helped as well. He is efficient, knowledgeable, understanding, caring, and has a great sense of humor. He has a great aftercare program. He is surgically proficient and has a warm bedside manner. I have met his PA Pete, and Bariatric Nurse Kim and am very impressed with them both. I have felt well cared for by his medical staff. My only isssue is with responsiveness of the office staff. I highly recommend Dr. Snyder!


Dr. Chae is wonderful. He took time to explain everything and answer questions. His staff is wonderful and very supportive. I would recommend Dr. Chae and his staff to anyone. Dr. Chae is not a \"warm fuzzy\" but I always felt like I was in excellent hands.


Dr. Chae was immediately warm and supportive of me. He made me feel hope for the first time ever. I told him I wanted to change my life and he took my hands in his and he literally promised me that together, we would just that. And we have. He has always been very available to me, very kind and honest. He hugged me on my way out after my hospital discharge and he told me to \"Go enjoy your new life!\". He is absolutely the kindest most compassionate and caring doctor. When I went under the anesthesia, I knew I would wake up again...Dr. Fry is also an excellent anesthesiologist. Thanks Dr. changed my life!!!


I really liked Dr. Snyder from the first time I met him at a seminar in 2002. I found him very honest and forthcoming about what WLS is all about. I had to delay my surgery for 4 years due to cancer but I knew if and when I did get this done it would be by Dr. Snyder. He is SO ENERGETIC and enthusiastic about helping his patients, he is very busy but he still comes across as caring and concerned. He lets you know right up front this risks and the benefits and lets you decide for yourself if this is for you. If you have any issues at all both pre and post op he and his staff are very quick to respond to you. His office staff is efficient & quick. I received approval after completing all my required exams and tests within a week, I attribute that to Dolly his insurance specialist. I feel the aftercare program is one of the best available. I have other friends who have had WLS with different Dr's. and there is NO aftercare past the surgery except standard office visits. Dr. Snyder & his staff make sure you attend nutritional classes and highly encourage you to attend support groups. That is a Godsend to someone who is a babe in the woods regarding the outcome of WLS to have such incredible resources availble to them. I rate Dr. Snyder a 10 on the scale of competency and compassion he is a wonderful, highly skilled surgeon and I would highly recommend him to anyone! Afterall I put my life in his hands and what more valuable thing does anyone have? HE's the BEST!


'Dr. Snyder has a wonderful gift of making people feel comfortable


Dr.Snyder has a great orea about him when you meet him you automaticly feel comfortable with him. My husband went with me and he wasnt vary happy with me getting this surgery but after speaking with Dr.Snyder he was much more confidant that everything was going to be ok. I researched this for over a year and finally decided to do it when I read about Dr.Snyder I feel vary comfortable with putting my life in his hands.


Dr Snyder is a wonderful person. I met him at his lecture in February and I was overwhelmed by his passion for his work. He is extremely thorough, covering all of the benefits as well as risks of the surgery. His complications stats are amazingly low. Once I met this man, I couldn't imagine ever considering anyone else performing the surgery. His pre- and post-op programs are rigorous and thorough. This is not a man who is going to do your surgery and then leave you flailing like a fish out of water. He and his staff are accessible at ALL times. Dr Snyder is a perfect 10 in the surgical world, and both his surgical competence and bedside manner are wonderful. The ONLY bad thing I can think to say about him is that he is known for having his office visits run late (so don't arrive early for your first one like I did!), but it's only because he gives each and every individual he sees the utmost attention. He never rushes anyone out the door with questions unanswered so that he can stay on schedule. Personally, that's something I'm more than willing to wait for.


I first met with Dr. Snyder at a weight loss seminar. Very much a type "A" personality. I like him.

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