The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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My first impression of him at the seminar is that he is very passionate about his work and really cares for the people he is helping. In meeting him, my opinion of him just got better. He really wants to help people and is very compassionate. I was really impressed with the pre/post op care program they have. They don't want to leave anyone behind! It really feels like you are in this with all the support in the world from the staff. Also, the two main people you work most with are also patients of Dr. Snyder's, so they really have great first hand knowledge of what I am going through. Also, Dr. Snyder gave me his personal cell phone even before I had surgery just in case I had a question! I have never heard of a surgeon doing that! I never felt nervous going into surgery because I really trusted that he knows what he is doing and is very good at what he does. At 5 days post-op, I received a personal call from Dr. Snyder himself...just to make sure I was feeling ok and didn't have any questions or concerns. He made me feel very important and so at ease. I am so glad I found Dr. Snyder and would recommend him to anyone!


A close friend of mine recieved gastric bypass surgery from Dr. Snyder in the fall of 2005 and since then has lost over 150 pounds. Because of the quality of care and the success my friend has had I wouldn't go to any other doctor for my surgery. Dr. Snyder has a wonderful program and support group set up for his patients in order to educate as well as insure the long term success of his patients. He not only has an extensive pre-op program, but a great aftercare program as well. He is a kind and generous person who goes above and beyond for his patients. He is the only doctor I know that will not only give out his email and pager number, but he also is willing to give you his cell and home number if you should need to speak with him.


My first encounter with Dr. Snyder was at the mandatory seminar. As I jotted down notes throughout the presentation, I jotted down my impressions of him. Personable, great sense of humor, down to earth, easily approachable, highly accomplished, very intelligent, easy going..... When I met with him today for my consult, it only got better. He asked me questions about myself and my family and had a \"let's get to know YOU\" session. rnAs a nurse, I can say without any hesitation that I have NEVER ....EVER....met a doctor with such a wonderful bedside manner as Dr. Snyder. I would recommend him to ANYONE that asks and I already have. He is not only a wonderful doctor, but a very genuine and gifted individual. rn**POSTOP UPDATE**rnThere were some ups and downs with scheduling that were unforeseen. My schedule wasn't flexible, but Dr. Snyder and his staff (Dolly <scheduler> & Amanda<nurse>) made it happen. I was able to do all preops the morning of surgery, with special arrangements and special people - and make it to surgery on time. Dr. Snyder had to drive into town from a conference he was speaking out. He was also also not feeling well, but he was still WONDERFUL to me. I met Tony, who was assisting Dr. Snyder in surgery. He visited with my husband and I and also wheeled me back. He added a little humor to the conversation and helped to relieve my nerves. The last thing I remember as I drifted off to sleep on the OR table was Dr. Snyder and Tony talking to me. rnAmanda was at the surgery center checking on me most of the day and Dolly came over to see how things were going! WHAT A TERRIFIC group of people!rnThe nurses at Rose Medical Founder's Building were TOP NOTCH and I learned they had all had to go to training to tend to Dr. Snyder's patients. rnSince my surgery, one week ago, I have been contacted by the office staff, Dr. Snyder, and nurses at Rose for follow up. I am more impressed than I was the night of that seminar and my first encounter with Dr. Snyder. I have a friend who is beginning the journey with Dr. Snyder and his staff and I'm so happy and excited for her. This surgeon gets an A++ in my book!


My surgeon, Dr Chae is great. He explained everything to me and asked if I had any questions. I did and he answered them all. I would recommend him to anybody.rnrnDr Chae has a number to call anytime you have a problem or question and he answers. I have called him on a problem I had with my port incision.


Excellent surgeon. Very cautious and takes all safety measures with qualifying the patient, preop and postop testing. Very personable and accessible before and after surgery. Would definitely recommend him to others.


My first impression of Dr Synder was that he was very proud of himself (which in most cases is a huge turn off for me). He talked about all of his degrees and education as he pointed to the wall. I know he was doing it in attempts to reassure me that he was indeed competent. So many people in my life brag like that because of their low self esteem or need for attention. Dr. Snyder is the real deal, he deserves his bragging rights!rnFirst off I would like to say I dont take my Life casually. I have researched surgeons and gastric bypass for several years, looking only for the best, most qualified, least mortalities, center of excellence, and lastly a loving and careing person that saw his patients as people (as wives, as sisters, daughters, mothers). I did not want to be another \"subject\" with a number. rn I did not randomly choose Dr Snyder, I found him through diligence and my personal goal of putting my life in the hands of the person I felt would give me the life I entrusted back. When I chose Dr Snyder it was becuase I believed in my heart that he Truly was the best in his field. I am comforted that he is well educated, practiced, & self confident. I like that he needs to be in control and that his goal is perfection in all of his surgeries. He is an amazing surgeon and a kind person. He is one of Gods angels and doesnt even know it. He has dedicated his life to giving the obese their lives back. He is so busy and sacrifices so much for us, we are not just a paycheck to him (even though Im sure that does play a role ;P)rn Needless to say he gave me my life back and sent me on a journeey that I will soon not forget. He gave me the tool I needed to save myself a tool that can save me from what I have no been able to save myself from on my own.rnThe staff were extremly busy, obesity is big business! Overall they were courteous and helpful.rnrn


Dr. Snyder is awsome and the staff is very friendly and helpful. He does tell you to contact him with any problems.


I have had my initial consult and have not yet scheduled a date but feel Dr Snyder is very empathetic to the person with weight issues. He is very very thorough with his pre-op work-up and has an excellent track record for both procedures. He requires a cardiac, pulmonary, and psychiatric workup preop.rnrnThe office staff has been OK. His scheduler did not encourage us to even try to file insurance but just self pay. She said it was not worth the trouble. She also did not return my phone call last week so she was pretty negative in general. However, Dr Snyder has encouraged us to email him personally with questions and emphasizes communication so I will email him if I don't get a phone call. They also won't schedule me until all consults are in so I don't have a date yet and that causes some anxiety,really. rnrnDr. Snyder is very much focused on aftercare and support groups and rules for eating post op and seems to take a personal interest in how his patients do with wt loss. rnrnMy husband and I will both be having the Lap Band surgery. I am a nurse, by the way so have been particularly worried about complications. His are almost non existent and his surgical history and his experience w/bariatrics is more extensive than any other surgeon in the Denver area. rnrn***Addendum to the above I spoke w/the scheduler today (she did not return my call on Friday because she is off on Fridays), She has filed for the surgery thru our insurance and was informing us at the time she filed that she did not expect it to be accepted as this is an exclusion of my husband's company's policy. Apparently I did not hear any of this the day I was in her office and I stand corrected. (I was a bit overwhelmed by it all) My husband understood clearly as he has a clear mind for insurance and I get the clinical stuff. So, I must clear this up to say that the insurance was filed after all.


FIRST IMPRESSION: Really nice, kind, and caring and has a great sense of humor. He's young and relatively new (compared to other surgeons in my area--a few years as opposed to a few decades experience), but his training & experience so far are as good as it gets, his record superb. He's respectful, easy to talk to and put me at ease. He's a great listener, and eger to answer all questions. He gave me his email address the day I met him, and promptly answers his emails (HE even called once when the office system went down to make sure I got his reply!) I saw him a week after initial consult for an upper GI and he very sensitive to my needs. I absolutely trust him, and look forward to working with him over the next few years.rnrnPOST-OP: Dr. Metz did an excellent job with my surgery, and my recovery went great--i was back at the gym within two weeks. He continues to be super easy to get along with; whenever I'm in the office--usually not even to see him--he says, \"hi,\" and is genuinely interested in how I'm doing.rnrnAnybody considering having surgery with Dr. Metz should know that they are in great hands, and they will get the best of both worlds--he's an amazing surgeon and his \"bedside manner\" is the best. He's a meticulous perfectionist when it comes to his surgeries, but he's very relaxed with his patients and his staff, and seems to treat everybody as his equal, unlike many surgeons I've known.rnrnOFFICE STAFF: My two initial phone contacts with his office were horrible. I felt condescended to and the person on the other end seemed abrupt. It was so bad that I almost decided not to take the consult appointment. I'm REALLY glad I didn't let that first impression make the decision--everyone has bad days & one's perception of a tone of voice is imperfect. rnrnMy experience from the time I arrived at the office and beyond has been INCREDIBLE. Everyone is extremely friendly & helpful and each support person is available and willing--eager, even-- to answer additional questions or help address concerns.rnrnThe office staff (PA, social worker, dieticians, etc.) go out of their way to help patients with any needs or concerns; follow-up care & patient success is the priority. rnrnMy only criticisms of this amazing group are that sometimes things can seem a bit unorganized, and some of the pre-op nutrition education is contradictory or confusing. This is most likely the result of a lot of staff changes & additions this past year--right before I started working with them.rn


My first impression was that he was nice, but as all surgeons, seemed like he was in a rush. So, I felt a bit pressured during my initital consultation with him. My impression changed over time as I realized, my process had little to nothing to do with him until it was \"cutting\" time. I, as most, had to go through all of the insurance hoops and 97% of what I had to deal with was my nutritionist, pshychiatrist, fitness expert, PCP & Susie the insurance coordinator. Those people are all so amazing and kind and respectful....I came to realize that Chae had set up an EXCELLENT team and they really, truly knew what they were doing so that I could be prepared for surgery. That was a wonderful reflection on Dr. Chae.rnHonestly, in my experience, there wasn't anyting to dislike about Dr. Chae. He's very kind and seems sincere and everything went well for me.

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