The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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I have not met Dr.Synder yet. I will be attending his seminar in Denver on April 26th.


My 1st impression of Dr. Snyder was that he was very nice. He was very informative and caring. The one thing that he said to me that really stayed in my head was and I quote,\"I am my on customer service representative. If at anytime you feel like my staff is not giving you what you need or treating to right, here is my personal home, cell and pager number. I will get back to you within 1 hour and make everything ok\".rnrnMy impression of him neverchanged.rnrnThe office staff was very nice also. I noticed as patients came into the office whom had already had surgery, the staff knew their names and greeted them as such.rnrnLiked everything about him.rnrnThat he genuinely is concerned for your health.rnrnHe emphasized aftercare strongly. rnrnDuring the 1st year post op, you are scheduled to see him regularly. After 1 year if needed he will see you.rnrnPlainly and simply.rnrnHe gets a 10.rnrnBoth.


Fantastic!!! Extremely supportive office - they are always keeping track of you - MAKING you go to nutrition classes, encouraging support groups. Very, very thorough!!!


He has a higher energy level than I'm usually comfortable with but he's funny, kind, VERY knowledgable and exceedingly professional. Dr. Snyder and His team work with you to get your head ready for the big changes BEFORE surgery and everything is in place for an extensive aftercare program. I couldn't have chosen a better Surgeon, nor a better team of professionals.


Simply the BEST!!! He exceeds all expectations you may have. My life has never been in better hands.


My first impression of Dr Snyder was that he was very unique in the fact that he was open and honest. And FUNNY as heck! My impression has not changed at all. He is still a crack up, and I am trusting him with my life.


Dr Snyder is a very energetic, positive, and caring physician. I have had follow up appointments with Dr Snyder's office RN and PA, and both were very nice and very positive. Both are very informative, and have great bedside manners.


I can't say enough good things about Dr. Metz. When I first met him I thought maybe he's too young and hasn't had enough experience, but after my 2nd meeting with him, all doubts were gone. His training is the tops, and he's extremely skilled, not to mention, a really nice guy. When I left that second appointment, I had no doubts that he cared every bit as much about my well being as I did and that he was as good as any surgeon in the business. That was so comforting to me in those times when I got scared. rnrnWhen I got to the hospital, the staff there also spoke highly of Dr. Metz, and that says a lot.rnrnAs for my results, since I'm only a few days out, I can't speak of long term results, but in the short term, I've had no problems such as nausea or gas or any of the common things that many people report. I don't know if I was just lucky, or if there are techniques that the surgeon and anesthisiologist used to prevent such things. So far, the whole experience has been easier than I imagined. rnrnAs someone else mentioned, his office staff can be a little difficult on the phone, but they are great in person. I'm not sure what the problem is with the phone. I was interested in the VSG and they wanted to know why I would want to have THAT done and said they only did it for people who had no other options. This is NOT true. I almost didn't make an appointment after that, but I decided to go to an informational seminar and the presenter encouraged me to make an appointment with Dr. Metz to discuss it with him. I'm so glad I did. rnrnThe nutritionist and social worker were very helpful also, and a years worth of follow up is included with the surgery fee. rnrnSo, if you are considering Dr. Metz, I say do it. You will be very lucky to have him as your surgeon. He spends time to make sure all your questions are answered and he even answers e-mails!rnrn


Dr. Snyder is AMAZING!!!! Of course i am from Kansas City, MO and hes in Denver, CO and i wasnt looking to travel so far out of my area but i heard about him once and thats all it took. I started going to his website and he sounded like jesus's brother everyone made him out to be a miracle worker and he is that good! My first impression was he really CARED about his patients and i was so impressed by his kindness. The office staff is very kind as well although there were some that were harder to get a hold of and had problems calling back it wasnt him. He let me know all of my options he didnt try and push anything on me he let me know all the risks up front and what i would need to do to stay in the place i long for. This is only a TOOL and it will only be a success if i use it. I would give the doc over 100%. When you have a spirit of excellence it motivates others to be great.


Dr Chae has got to be the best surgeon around. He is definitely hand-ons regarding every little instance. If I needed him, he was right there. He gave his personal phone number in case of emergency. He cares about his patients, not just treats them as a number. This has been a very pleasant experience for me and my family.rnrnThank you Dr. Chae!!!!

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