Thomas Brown

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 91 ratings

Thomas Brown Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

18 yr Experience

21 yr in Bariatrics

21 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

7 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

Max Age of Patient is 65

91 Reviews for Thomas Brown
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I've had only my surgical consult with Dr. Brown. So far I have only positive thoughts about him and his office. I was referred to his practice through Kaiser (since they only have three doctors of their own that do the surgery in Colorado) and went to his office for my consultation.

His office staff was easy to work with. His Nurse Practitioner was very nice and easy to talk to. She took all of my medical history and answered our initial questions.

His office administrator Kim was great to work with about scheduling dates and overall seems very with it and organized. She also said that she had read my posts on this site which really put me at ease. First, it told me that I was looking at the right website. Second, it told me that she keeps up with what people who have had this surgery are concerned about, deal with, etc.

The whole experience has been great so far. Dr. Brown let me know that I should come to him with any questions from now until he turns me back over to Kaiser which made me feel good - like he really feels like I'm one of his patients, personally.

Dr. Brown was excellent throughout the whole process. He was frank with me and did a good job of putting me at ease. His office staff has been wonderful whenever I've needed any questions answered. I was even able to talk to Dr. Brown personally when I had a question about some dental work that needed to be done right before surgery. I appreciate his dedication to his patients and the quality of his work!


Dr. Brown and Anna are wonderful and have always been there for me.


Dr. Brown's office staff is very helpful and respectful.


I found Dr. Brown to be very knowledgable. He had a dry sense of humor, but I liked it. He was very empathetic, and listened to me.

I have complete confidence that he is the surgeon for me!!

UPDATE: I had my pre-op appointment on 09/15/04...I am even more convinced that fate brought me to Dr. Brown's office. Everyone remembered me (I had only been there once before!!) and were excited for me.

Anna was an ANGEL!! She took the time to answer every single one of my questions, she assured me she was going to take care of me and would even put in my own relaxation CD while I was in the OR.

I must confess that I have been very nervous about surgery, but after my last visit, I don't feel scared at all...I trust that God directed me to them and I trust their skills, dedication and talent to see me though.


Well I was impressed. But i am not going to jump to conclusions As I have just met him once. The office staff have been so nice and open. They were so great with my insurance and breaking everything down for me.

I will rate him better after my pre-op appointment


I have only just started in my proses. But doctor brown staff has been so nice. Susan was so sweet and kind to my daughter and me with getting to the office(we were lost and called a lot). And Kim ,the day after my first call had all my insurace info already and aproved in weeks. I heard the horror storys I was glad I had them to help me. And Shannon the nutrition nurs was just great. She is very up beat and positive person. And Anna was very clear on every thing. I havent meet doctor Brown yet but I will soon. Shannon was very informative about after care and cuntinue sucsess with suport.


I finally had my surgical consult on Aug 4th. Dr. Brown and his staff were very friendly and professional. Dr. Brown explained all about the it worked and all the ups and downs of the procedure. He didn't pull any punches. He explained the possible complications and didn't sugar coat anything. I liked that. He had no proplem answering any questions that I had. I felt very confident when I left his office. I know I have put my life in the hands of a very skilled surgeon.

I will let you know how I feel once I am post-op. :o)


I have to say that my first experience of meeting a surgeon was very nerve racking for me. I felt perfectly at ease with Dr. Brown and his staff. He answered all my questions and even helped to ease my nervousness. I give him a 9.8 out of 10. The only deduction being that I feel that maybe he hadn't dealt with too many people that were very adamant about not recieving blood transfusions. Not that one was needed. But in the event that a complication were to occur I felt that maybe he didn't fully understand my wishes as far as blood transfusions go. Other than that I don't have a bad thing to say about him or his staff. It was a very pleasant experience dealing with Dr. Brown. I would recommend him a hundred times over if I had to.


I dont even know where to start describing Dr. Brown and his staff. I knew from the first moment that I entered their office that I was in the right place. The first person you meet in the office is Susan. It has been so comforting to hear her voice on the other end of the line for the past 9 months. I started the process in Oct-Nov 2003 with my first visit. Kim was my life line for the 3 almost 4 months that it took to get the insurance to approve my surgery. She kept my spirits up when I was at my lowest and celebrated with my when I finally got the go ahead(THE APPROVAL). I had my surgery on March 23,2004. I was so blessed to have the most skilled surgeon working on me and caring for me the whole way. Dr. Brown is a brilliant quiet man that I owe my life to for giving me back my LIFE. Since the surgery Shannon and Anna have been my lifesavers. Anytime that things dont seem quite right I just dial the phone and I always have the help that I need. And last but definatly not least is Melinda. Melinda has been instrumental in making sure that AETNA is paying for all that they agreed to pay since they can be sneaky. I am 18 weeks post op and I have gone from 220lbs down to 150lbs( that's 70lbs). I was wearing a size 22, now Im a size 10 and loving it. The GERD is completely gone, I should be off the CPAP in the next month since I am now breathing when I sleep. My back pain has improved so much that I am no longer on muscle relaxers and pain pills as part of my daily activities. I have not once wished that I had not done the surgery and I cant even put into words how much I appreciate Dr. Brown and his outstanding staff. Dr.Brown and his staff have become like family and I will always hold those people close to my heart because they saved me!


Doctor Brown and his staff are amazing! They are very informative, friendly, and supportive. I have and will recommend this practice always. The aftercare is wonderful. They provide a monthly seminar and support group. Dr. Brown's nurse, Anna, is wonderful. They even have a nutrionist on staff for counseling and support at all times.

Dr. Brown and his staff stay up to date with the latest information and procedures. Their surgical competence are top notch. The majority of his bariatric surgeries are performed laparoscopically. At all times I was informed of the potential complications and risks. Any time I had questions or concerns, each was addressed immediately and accurately.

The insurance administrator in his office was as tenacious as a bull dog and worked very hard to push my authorization through.

Dr. Brown and all of his staff are jewels. I will be thankful for the rest of my life for my relationship with them.

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