Joseph Kuhn Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.
19 yr Experience
13 yr in Bariatrics
13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
60% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 15
Max Age of Patient is 77
19 yr Experience
13 yr in Bariatrics
13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
60% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 15
Max Age of Patient is 77

I just returned from the seminar where I met Dr. Kuhn. He seems like a wonderful, caring Dr. and I was very impressed with his surgical history and his demeanor. He provided valuable information that I had not seen before to help me make this my decision to start my journey.
Compeleted my consultation on April 24, 2003 and my opinion of Dr. Kuhn has gotten only better. I came in with a list of questions and he saw them on the table and said "Good you brought questions". He was more that happy to answer each and every one and took his time explaining everything to me.
The office staff was just as helpful as the Dr. One thing I thought was fantastic was that at least 2 of his staff have had the surgery themselves...and they look fantastic! More than willing to answer any and all questions I had.
While I think there is always room for improvement I would rate Dr. Kuhn and his staff as a 9!
Dr. Kuhn offers a monthly meeting, for pre-op patients as well as post-op. I have not attended yet, since I was just approved, I would like to make at least the first pre-op meeting.
Dr. Kuhn also strongly suggest that you meet with the dietician prior to surgery. Classes are also offered after surgery, I was really impressed with this.
I honestly had nothing negative to say about my consult. I believe what you get out of your consult depends on what you take into it!

I cannot say too many good things about Dr. Kuhn. He was very comforting to me before and after the surgery. He and his associates perform the surgery laparoscopically which really cut down on my recovery time. He is a very caring and gentle man who cares very much about his patients. During my surgery, I had a minor problem in that the final staple didn't take, so he had to go in and stitch it up. I was in recovery for a longer period of time, and he wanted to make sure there were no leakages. I was sent to X-ray two days after the surgery and they put some vile stuff down my throat, which I promptly threw up. Dr. Kuhn came up to check on me shortly after I returned to my room, and I told him what happened. He was not very happy when he learned that I had thrown up. He was adamant that I should not be throwing up at that time. He and his assistants took great care of me, and I owe them a lot for that. They made clear to me every step that I would have to take, and even though it is hard at times, I am following their instructions. I'd recommend Dr. Kuhn to anybody who was interested in having the weight-loss surgery.

I thought Dr. Kuhn was very caring and took time to answer all my questions and believe me I did have a list of questions. It's a bit odd the way his office handles the whole approval process because I attended the seminar, after the seminar I sumbitted my paperwork and didn't hear anything until my consultation date. When I received the phone call regarding my approval, his office had picked a date for my consultation. It's almost like I had no say so, while I guess I did because I did try to change my date and it would be another two weeks before I could get in. I don't know, I just think the patient should have a little more input especially regarding appointments, there should at least be alternative dates available within a week of other. Besides that issue, everything really went well. No problems with approval, consultation three weeks after approval and surgery date a month later. At this point I really can't complain too much. Everything really did move like clock work. Dr. Kuhn's office gives patients a folder with a great deal of information about the surgery, things to do before surgery and very informative regarding procedure.

After much research and more importantly after attending the informational session presented by Dr's McCarty and Kuhn on 12/12/02, I have decided on the Weight Loss Surgery Program at Baylor . I had done alot of research prior to attending the seminar, so I didn't walk away with any new info. I was mostly impressed by the honesty and straight forwardness of both Dr's in reguards to the procedure/risks/etc. Another thing that attracted me to the program at Baylor is all the pre and post-op support they seems to offer. I am anxiously awaiting ins. approval so that I may get a consult date and meet one-on-one with one of awesome docs! <br>***UPDATE***<br> I have been officially approved and will have my first consult with Dr. Kuhn on 03/27/03 !!!

I haven't met my Dr.Kuhn, I am on the list for the "Seminar" which I scheduled 2/03 and my date is 7/15/03. I have heard that he is GREAT!! I have also been warned by your site that I have a lot of preparation to do via documents and supervised "diets", that are for 12 weeks, and this is great since I have so much time to get ready!

Dr Kuhn...
What can I say about him? He's a soft spoken, kind, gentle, man. It was like meeting a celebrity finally after over a year. You see him from a distance, but he doesn't know you. Then finally you get your consult, and even all the great things you've heard ABOUT him doesn't even compare to what you experienced in your consult because he was there for YOU and to talk about just YOU. I couldn't be more happy about the choice I made in surgeons. Thanks to Cari Mosher for recommending him!

First impression was great, I got a really good feeling about him and you should always go with your first impressions. His office staff was wonderful and extremely helpful. The staff as well as Dr. Kuhn strongly recommend that you stay with the aftercare program which is wonderful with dietician clinics, and support group meetings. Would recommend him strongly to anyone in the area.

My first impression of Dr. Kuhn was very positive and hasn't changed at all. He's very professional but at the same time friendly and caring. He was more than willing to take the time to answer all of my questions.
The office staff is definitely a cut above and they are patients, too, so they know where we are in our journeys. They are thorough and go to great lengths to help. They are also extremely busy so one must practice patience and realize there are many, many folks who want to have this surgery now. There was a little delay in getting my insurance information to the right folks but everything worked out in the end.
I cannot think of anything I like "least" about Dr. Kuhn. This has been a most positive experience. I'm more than willing to trust him with my life.
Future patients need to know that they are entering into the best WLS program when they join up with the Baylor team. The process does not happen overnight but then neither did my weight gain. Dr. Kuhn did require me to have an upper GI (pretty routine, I think) and a stress echo test (because of a clotting problem in the past). I appreciate him wanting to make sure there would be no surprises when he performs the surgery. He is also requiring that I have a filter put in before the surgery to make sure no blood clots can get to my heart or lungs and that's definitely a good thing. Dr. Grimsley is putting in the filter on Friday, Valentine's Day. Can't think of a better present for my heart other than losing the weight.
Aftercare is emphatically stressed and the Baylor WLS team has a structured aftercare program in place. Attendance at a nutrition seminar is required before the surgery. There are the follow-up visits, of course, and Baylor has an awesome support group. You can receive answers to questions or help with problems any given day of the week through the on-line support group. Besides support group members and office staff, the doctors often respond to questions, too.
Dr. Kuhn did address the risks of the surgery along with the risks of not having the surgery. I have been given more than enough information to ensure that I understand all that is involved in this surgery.
Overall, I would rate Dr. Kuhn at the top. He and Dr. Todd McCarty have an excellent track record and they were exactly the team I was looking for when I started this journey.
I believe surgical competence and bedside manner are both great in this case.

My first Impression of Dr.Joseph Kuhn was very Good. He is a Very Soft spoken person. I felt completely comfortable talking with him. He explained the procedure to myself and my husband quite well and the questions that I had for him he explained them very well. He explained the aftercare program that Baylor has to offer and their Excellent nutrition program as well. The Staff at the Baylor WLS is excellent.(YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Megan,Amber,Donna,Joy,Yolanda and Anyone else that I may have forgotten Please forgive me. They are a Great Bunch of Ladies to Deal with. from insurance issues to just simple stuff. overall Dr.Joseph Kuhn is a Excellent WLS Surgon I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND HIM.His bedside manners are Excellent. I would rate Dr. Kuhn on a scale from 1-10 A 1000.

Had my consult with Dr. Kuhn on January 30th, 2003 and they set the surgery for February 12th. Dr. Kuhn was very pleasant and I feel completely comfortable with his expertise. His office staff was very informative and helpful and caring. I think that anyone that uses Dr. Kuhn will get the same first impression. He wants to put his patients on the right track but it is up to them to make sure they follow their aftercare programs and he emphasizes the importance of that. All of his staff does. I would rate him as excellent. I think that surgical competance is the most important thing to me. Dr. Kuhn specializing in patients that need abdominal reconstructive surgery due to cancer, so he sees this all day long, that is why I picked him. I am sure everything will go just fine with my surgery, I have complete confidence in him. The Lord shall guide his hands.