Frederick (Rick) Johnson

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 71 ratings

Frederick (Rick) Johnson Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

30 yr Experience

4 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

0 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

71 Reviews for Frederick (Rick) Johnson
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Dr. Johnson is top notch! He is very friendly, personable and caring. I have had a lot of experience with doctors, and he is at the top of my list. The staff at his office are great as well. I highly recommend Dr. Johnson.


I have not met Dr. Johnson personally yet. He has impressed me though. The same day my chart was complete he read it and requested some obscure additional info. He seems very thorough! And on top of things!

I met Dr.Johnson today. He is a concerned, kind, soft spoken man. He was wonderful!


I saw Dr W, Johnson he is an associate of Dr Bakers. Very nice man I was very comfortable with him and the cool thing is that he was or seemed as excited to meet me as I was to meet him. He spent time with me and answered all my questions He made it seem as though I was the only patient in the office at the time. The staff at the office is great they are very informative and they want you to succeed. I cant say that there was anthing that I disliked about the doctor or the staff i was very pleased.
After having my surgery and my one week post-op I can say that I like doctor Johnson even more. When I was in the pre surgery area the day of my surgery he came bouncing out of the OR like a little kid on christmas. I think he was more excited then I was. He is such a sweet kind man i would reccomend him to anyone that is looking at this surgery. this incision site is less then 6 inches more like 4 inches all the stitches were internal. I could not be more pleased.


Dr. Johnson did a wonderful job on my surgery. My site is so clean and only 2 inches long. I have heard of others and his work along with Dr. Daniel Bakers is the best. I would highly recommend him for anyone. He does a wonderful job making sure that you know what you are getting into and answers your questions wonderfully. I have had the best experience with him and his staff.


9/18/03 I went to an information class today at Unity Hospital in MN. Very informative. Dr. Johnson were there to help answers questions. He seems like a very nice person.


First implression was a great one. He was a very personable. My family Dr. highly recommended him. He had worked near him for many years. Very easy to talk with. The staff at Unity in the clinic as well as the hsp were outstanding. They always have a smile and tell you exactly what you need to do. The strongly recommend that you follow the diet plan they suggest. That is 3 weeks of liqids and then one week of pureed foods and then the food afterwards. They tel you the risks of the surgery and then they tell you what happened as far as their patient history. Overall rating of my doctor would be a ten(fantastic). Dr. came into the hsp room everyday and asked if there were questions and to see if you were doing all that was required by him before he let you go home.


He is VERY friendly. His office staff is absolutley wonderful. I weight in at their office every 2 weeks and I call them almost daily and they NEVER get tired of me!!! They are great. They have great programs for before and after the surgery. On a scale from 1-10 I would rate Dr Johnson and his staff a 20+.


First Impression: Nice
Impression Change: Caring
Office Staff: Very Structured
Liked least: No game plan in place if you can't take tylenol based pain killers. Didn't seem to understand that I NEEDED to wait to have surgery because of work schedule. Told me a couple of times I could have surgery sooner. Guess he was use to having people ask for surgery the next day instead of almost 5 months later.
Aftercare: Yes
Structured aftercare: Images
Risks of Surgery: I really didn't have any questions. My concerns where about using a non-tylenol pain killer. I didn't have a sheet of questions that needed to be answered..


Dr. Johnson is a very kind and caring surgeon. I never once was nervous or scared going into this whole process. He made sure I was well informed and prepared. The office staff is more than willing to help you with any questions that may arise and will give you advise on what you can do. Dr. Johnson is very strict that you are well prepared for when you go home because that is when the real challenges arise. He makes sure you are well informed and gives you phone numbers to call if you have questions or a problem should arise. Aftercare is extrememly important and you HAVE to make it to your follow up appointments. If i had to do this surgery over again I would for sure choose Dr. Johnson. He is very competent and has a wonderful bedside manner. on a scale of 1 to 10. I'd give him a 10. He is great and I'm very happy with the care i received.


Dr. Johnson seems like a truly kind man. When I brought a five-page list of questions to my meeting with him, he didn't bat an eye. He told me it was my right to ask as many questions as necessary to feel comfortable. (I didn't actually ask all of them.) The office staff is very nice--very busy, though. I only had the one meeting with him, and there really wasn't anything I didn't like. (I'm still pre-op.) He seemed extremely knowledgeable and obviously has a lot of experience. The aftercare program sounds excellent! Evidently, you are given Dr. Johnson's pager number upon discharge from the hospital (two-day stay usually), and you can call day or night. Past patients have told me that he calls back immediately. Regular follow-up visits are also scheduled. I will update this after my surgery when I can give a better picture.

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