Frederick (Rick) Johnson

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 71 ratings

Frederick (Rick) Johnson Bariatric Surgeon M.D.

30 yr Experience

4 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

0 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 70

71 Reviews for Frederick (Rick) Johnson
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Very Informative and Reassuring
The staff was great too!


I first saw Dr. Johnson at the initial informational meeting. He was the one to answer all the questions people had in my meeting group. My first impression was a positive one. He wanted us to ask anything that might be on our minds. He thoroughly answered every question he could, and if he didn't know something, he came right out and said so. Very open and honest!

My next meeting with him was a one-on-one appointment at which I received my surgery date. This is where I was able to ask more personal and specific questions, as well as any general ones that may have popped up in the months since the informational meeting. Again, he was very open and honest, and if he didn't know something, he'd say so.

He was very direct and concise about what would happen before, during and after surgery. He clearly explained the pros and cons and made sure that I was totally aware of everything I needed to know. He really wanted to make sure I was ready for this huge step.

Aftercare is the major issue with his program! Very structured and thorough. You don't feel like a mere number. He and his staff really help you feel that you are a deserving and important person. Follow-up visits are stressed as being a necessary and crucial part of your recovery and success. In fact, they require you to make your first post-op follow-up visit appointment at this appointment with the surgeon.

One thing that can be considered positive and negative at the same time is this: During my appointment with Dr. Johnson, he was paged. While in the middle of all of my questions, he stopped and asked me if it would be much longer because he wanted to get the page. This didn't impress me much and made me feel rushed and hurried. I said I only had 2 more and he stayed, but then he ran out to get the page. That's the negative part.

On the positive flip side of that, Dr. Johnson gives his post-op patients his direct pager number so that if they have any problems or questions at any time, they can reach him directly without having to go through a nurse or answering service. I think this is wonderful! So I guess it depends on how you look at it. I now understand why he wanted to get it, and he did offer to come back, but I didn't want to impose.

After my surgery, while I was still in the hospital, he came in and checked on me a few times. He didn't pass that task off to a nurse or another member of his staff, and that made me feel so good. I definitely made the right choice with placing my life in his hands! The Baker/Johnson program at Unity Hospital in Fridley, MN is the best.


He was very caring


My first impression was that he was very informative and seemed very nice. My impression didn't change, he was wonderful and had the best bed side manner. He also took the time to answer any questions or concerns I had. His office staff are wonderful and get back to you promptly. There was not one thing I didn't like about him, I have referred friends and family to him!He is a wonderful doctor and cares a great deal. Aftercare has been great with him, when you get out of the hospital he gives you his pager # in case you have problems. He does have a structured aftercare program. He addressed the risks of surgery very well. I would rate hom wonderful overall. He was great in surgical competence and with bedside manner! You couldn't ask for a better doctor, and he has a sense of humor!!!!


When I met Dr. Johnson he was really nice, understanding and caring. He was upfront and honest about the complications I could have after surgery.

WOW! Im impressed. His staff and himself were WONDERFUL. He stopped in quite often to check on me through-out my hospital stay. He did a great job on my insision and it is only 3 inches long. It healed up nicely. He was great before, during, and after my surgery. I'd recomend him to anyone.


My first impression of Dr. Frederick Johnson was that he is very thorough and wants to make sure that you understand that this is a tool that you need to work with to make the WLS successful. I found the office staff to be very kind and most helpful. While I was in the hospital Dr. Frederick Johnson as well as the hospital staff carefully explained the aftercare program several times to make sure I new how important it was to help with my recovery. I can't explain how grateful I am to Dr. Johnson....he was extremely patient, understanding, awesome bedside manners and answered any and all questions I had. I would recommed anyone looking for a great surgeon to contact Dr. Johnson at General & Bariatric Surgery in Fridley, MN. I was extremely impressed with his overall professionalism!!!!!!!


Dr. Johnson is the best! He is friendly, attentive, and truly passionate about what he does!


My impression of Dr.F.Johnson is that of a very sweet, and caring man. He makes you feel very comfortable, and makes sure all of your questions are answered...without rushing you might I add!!He does have a VERY structurized aftercare program, and will not allow you to have surgery if you do not commit to what the aftercare entails. Both Dr.F.Johnson and several nurses have addressed the risks of surgery to make sure that you know what you are up for.His office staff are also AMAZING, you can tell they really love their jobs!!I rate Dr.Johnson and his staff 10 out of 10!!! I would reccomend him in a heart beat!!


My surgeon was Dr. Johnson at Unity Hospital and my first impression of him was very positive. He is very caring and thorough. My impression has not changed a bit - his focus is not on the surgery alone - but on long term success and good health. The office staff there is very friendly and helpful and knowledgeable. They truly are just a phone call away. There was nothing I did not like about the staff or program.
The aftercare program is excellent, they are quite specific about what we should eat, how we should excersise, what we can expect and they are available if we have questions or concerns.
The risks are addressed at every step of the process toward surgery, at the seminar, at the first appointment, in the counseling sessions before approval and throughout the medical visits with nurses and the doctor.
I would rate Dr. Johnson and this program very highly, I felt confident in him as a surgeon and continue to rely on him and the nurses for guidance.

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