Edward Facundus (COE) Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.
15 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
17 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
13 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 16
Max Age of Patient is 70
15 yr Experience
15 yr in Bariatrics
17 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
13 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 16
Max Age of Patient is 70

I liked him right away. I asked him some very tough questions, and he was very forthcoming with the information. If any change, I have more respect for him now after hearing all the praises people are telling of his work. His staff is very helpful, warm and receptive. I haven't found anythings about him or his staff that I didn't like yet.
Ask him anything you like. I asked him how many people that he had operated on had died as a result of this surgery. He told me the truth.
This has been there emphasis all along, how to live with weight loss surgery. How to help the healing process, and how to absorb the most nutrients.
He works in connection with the Bariatric Wellness Institute, which is also in Huntsville, AL. They are all about making you successful.
He let me know that this was major surgery, and with any major surgery there is an amount of risk to be concerned about. However, he also assured me that the amount of time he has spent in the operating room and the experience of his assisting staff should give me real peace of mind.
I really like Dr. Facundus, and on a scale of 1-10 (ten being the highest) I give him a 9.
I would definately say that a surgeon who has the ability to put his patient as ease as well on the road to a better life is the best combination.

(Pre-Op comments) I met with Dr. Facundus for the first time on August 31, 2004. I had already read and heard a lot about him. Yes, he is as gorgeous as everyone said he was. He was very nice and everyone in the office staff has been EXTREMELY nice to me and answered my questions. Several of my friends have had gastric bypass done by Dr. Facundus so it is really by their recommendations that I sought him out and so far I have been comforted by all the positive reviews of him that I have seen on this website from his other patients. I was absolutely floored when I was given a surgery date of only 1 week away. I am looking forward to the journey!
(Post-OP comments) will update later

I liked him from the start and my opinion of him after the surgery is that he is excellent. His office staff is very friendly and up to date. I would recommend him to anyone thinking about having this surgery. He does emphasize aftercare with his surgical consultant and dietician. The surgical risks were well explained. I would rate him overall on a scale of 1 to 10 as a 10 on surgical competence which is the most important factor to consider in selecting a surgeon.

I had heard nothing but good things about Dr. Facundus before my appointment with him. I was not disappointed. He was very thorough and efficient. He seems geniunely concerned about his patient and wants to make sure that all the bases are covered. He has a good bedside manner and allows you to ask as many questions as you need too. He emphasizes aftercare and has a very structured aftercare program. He was very open about the risk involved with surgery. I would rate him excellent both in surgical competence and beside manner.

At my first meeting he was very professional and gave me the opportunity to ask questions. Since I had researched WLS so much, I didn't have many. I felt confident that I had picked the best surgeon. I think he took my lack of questions as a lack of understanding of the seriousness of WLS. He didn't spend much time with me. Why should he if I had no questions. It really was my fault.
On the day surgery day, he was super! I am 52 years old and was at moderate risk for respiratory problems. The surgery went extremely well. My family was very impressed with him and so was I. At the two week follow up visit, he couldn't have been nicer or more caring. I give him a 10 out of 10 points. I would recommend Dr. Facundus to everyone. He also has creditials up the yahzoo with results and statistics to support them. MY HERO!!!! He's also, not bad on the eyes ladies. I mean Eye Candy!!!
He also has a more stringent post-op eating plan than most doctors. But his patients don't have the complications that a lot of others. He also keeps up with me through reports from the Bariatric Wellness Institute BWI). The counselor and nutritionist report my visits to him. That way I don't have to go to his office in addition to the others. He said if I have any medical questions or problems to call his office. Otherwise the BWI could give me guidance. The aftercare program is very structured and he is insistent upon support group attendance.
I did hear others not so pleasant comments, but as for me---I am very pleased!

Was very trough. I did not seem him personally put one time and then in the recovery room. On my pre op vist I saw his partner. I had trouble after surgery with blood clots and saw a different partner. Office staff was prepared and helpful. They were great with my help in doing my appeal. I feel like I went home to fast. I had surgery at on 7-29-04 at 10:00AM and got to my room at 6:30PM. I went home the next day 7-30-04 at 8:00AM, I had a low grade temp then but did not know it was dangerous I thought it was expected. So I really think they should not release you that fast. His aftercare is detailed in vists to bariatric counsler and nutritionist. Risks of surgery where explained and you get detailed booklet that helps explain all. Very busy but I do think he is very good and competant in what he does. He does 10-14 a week. Just hope that does not make him careless. This is only my personal impressions of my experience and I am making no statements about what other people may experience.

My 1st impression of Dr. Facundus was that he was strictly business but I wouldn' want it any other way when he is going to be doing surgery on me. He is extremely proffesional & thorough with explanations & expectations, and makes sure you understand what it is you are looking at doing.
His office staff is 2nd to none, the most friendly, efficient & proffesional I have dealt with.
Aftercare is avery important issue with Dr. Facundus especially making sure you understand the nutritional aftercare.
He was very thorough in explaining the risks of the surgery and what happens if there were complications.
Overall, just after 1 visit, I would rate him & his Staff a 10!