Dirk I Rodriguez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.83333333333 out of 5 with 223 ratings

Dirk I Rodriguez Bariatric Surgeon

15 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

223 Reviews for Dirk I Rodriguez
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Good first impression. Quiet, confident.
I've only had one meeting with him so far. Will post more as I find out more.


Dr Rodriguez is a great doctor. He cares about his patients and does what he can to make them as comfortable with him & his staff as he can. He has helped me become a smaller happier person. His follow up is great--have to go in every 3 months to be examined & weighed. He is very pleased with my progress. He gives me pointers on how to increase my exercise routine and has told me over & over I am doing a great job myself that he just did the surgery. Which I could not have had without him. I have referred him to many people & have a co-worker who has also been to him & has had surgery with him. My sister is now trying to get approval from insurance & will be seeing Dr Rodriguez in August for her first check in...She is pleased with my results too!


I attended an all day seminar with Dr. Rodriguez and found it to be very illuminating. They told us pretty much everything I had ever thought I wanted to know about the surgery and some things I didnt. They were all very friendly and knowledgeable and made me feel very welcome. They didnt sugar coat or minimize the risks of the surgery which I really appreciated. I felt that I had all the info I needed to make an informed decision. He has a structured aftercare program that i feel is excellent. He treats the mind as well as giving you the tools needed to change the body. When I first met Dr. Rod I found him to be a little brisk, but I have since learned that he is anything but that. He is a kind and compassionate man and a most excellent surgeon!! I have had no complications and I attribute that largely to the notebook that he gives all his patients prior to surgery. It has the answers to almost any question you might have. I would recommend him to anyone that is thinking of having the surgery. He is wonderful!!!! Thanks Dr. Rod for giving me back my life!!


Dr. Rodriguez is AMAZING!! He is very compassionate to his patients and has an excellent bedside manner. He is very direct and honest, and is very strict about post-op exercise, diet, and support groups. We could not have asked for a better surgeon, and know that we will be in good hands through our entire post-op process.


I think Dr. Rod is awesome. I have never met any doc that was so sincere and caring as Dr. Rod. I am thrilled that he will be my surgeon and am looking forward to my new life after surgery.


My first impression on him was that he knew what he was talking about. He treat me with respect. That was very important for me and he is a very straight person, he will tell you the truth weather you like it or not. His office staff is great. The nurse answer all my questions during the information class and Melba, the insurance lady she is great, she will help you on evrything that sh e can to get you approved. He emphasize aftercare a lot, and he make you sign a contract that you will do your exersice, he let you know from the begining that aftercare is not an option is a requirement to success. He has a very structured aftercare program including support groups. He address the risk in a very professional manner but always being sincere with the patient. The only thing I didn't like was that for the first visit you spend the all day in the office. I got there at 8:00 am for the information seminar and in the afternoon you get to meet him. I left the office at 5:30 pm, the good thing you leave the office with a surgery date. I will rate him a 10.


Just as I expected, Dr. Rodriquez was all business, however he took the time I needed to answer questions (even some pretty tough ones)
The office staff has been just great. Very helpful when called.
Dr. R. takes his mission very seriously. He is professional and thourough.
I rate him a 9 out of 10.


Dr. Rodriguez is at Dallas Methodist. I checked out several of the Dallas area surgeons, but they were either not on my insurance or they had an over a year waiting list, or I was not comfortable with them. I needed to try to get this done prior to school starting the new year. I drove to Palestine to meet Dr. Rodriguez. I felt pretty good him and his group.

Dr. Rod (as most call him) is a great surgeon and very compassionate. His team is pretty good too. Be sure to work with the dietary consultant. The office is still chaotic at times, but it is worth the confusion. You will really like and trust Dr. Rod if you go that route. I recommend you attend one of his orientations to decide for yourself. He is very blunt at times, but I like honesty. Aftercare is a major key. Look for a good program for you.

We lost our Fort Worth support group. I hope we get a new one put together eventually.


He is great Office Staff very helpful and caring


He is a no non-nonsense man, how is very dedicated and very serious about what he is doing.

He's office staff is amazing to say the least, they took care of everything for me and have great seminars and support groups.

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