Dirk I Rodriguez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.83333333333 out of 5 with 223 ratings

Dirk I Rodriguez Bariatric Surgeon

15 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

223 Reviews for Dirk I Rodriguez
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My first impression of Dr. Rodriguez was that of a very busy and intellegent professional. He is a very caring person to perform all of the procedures that he does to help people like me that came to him with morbid obesity.
I just thank GOD for professional people like him. His program is so well put together and his office staff is great. If you follow the black book and do as it says you can't go wrong. Everyone loses weight at different speeds. Some may lose a lot quick and others it may take longer, but as long as you are losing isn't that what matters. It is for me. I am thankful that I did my research and found out about Dr. Rodriguez. I needed his help and I got just that. Very professional with me and my family. I would send anyone that asks me to him, in fact I have told several about the upcoming seminar so they too can have a chance at a great life. His black book gives you the before, during, and after care. You just have to follow directions. He and his staff have been nothing but professional to me and for that I am greatful.


Dr Rodriguez is awesome! He is full of information. I attended his siminar today and felt like I had the information that I needed to change my life.

He is to the point and I like that. I don't think I will be able to get away with anything. I believe that he really cares.

I will update more after I get to know him better.

3/18/2005 Since surgery and before Dr Rod has been wonderful. He is sensitive and to the point. He is just as awesome as everyone told me and I am so glad that I found him. He jokes with me and makes me laugh even when I'm crying. I weighed in his office on Wednesday and I lost 26 lbs since surgery and he said, "Don't tell me I want it to be a surprise." So I didn't but I nave a 50lb goal by the time I get to my first post-op visit. Dr Rod is so kind and he knows his stuff like no other. I feel like everyone else should have all the same wonderful treatment and if you don't come on over to his great practice. Thanks so much Dr Rodriguez you are unique and to your own and I believe that you have a special gift that so many of us need!

I just have to say that Dr Rod and his staff have continued to support me on my journey. I am so grateful for them! Thank you Dr Rod and all of your staff for making this happen for me!

If you want a doctor that shoots straight and really cares then Dr Rodriguez is for you!


Dr Rodriguez is awesome. He is there if you need it, but you better be working the program or he doesn't have much patience. The office staff is wonderful and helped me get through some really tough times!


I have my first meeting with him on the 11th of January, 2006.

My OB/GYN referred me to him as well as some other friends.

01/29/05 I attended a WL Seminar with Dr. Dirk Rodriguez and his team this morning. Any questions or concerns that I had in my mind was answered today. His seminar is a must to anyone considering this surgery or using him. He was direct and to the point, did not sugar coat anything. His team was Awesome and I was very pleased at the information that I recieved.

If you are looking for a good surgeon I would recomend Dr. Dirk, this is all he does and very good at it, from the people that has used him and recommended him.


My first impression of Dr. Rodriquez was that he was extremely busy! I had my orientation day in December, so of course everyone was trying to get their surgery done before the end of the year. There was a lot of waiting, and we rescheduled once, but it was well worth the wait!
His staff is phenominal! They have their stuff together. You can tell they really work hard to help people as best they can, with as much information they can. They seem to want to empower people to take control of their own lives, and are very strict. I like this. I don't need someone else enabling me to stay the same...if that were the case, I would not have the surgery.
Anyone thinking about using Dr. Rod should know that he is a straight shooter. He is not going to spread butter all over you and hot glue little ruffles all around. He tells you it just like it is, and recommends what he feels, based on his experience, is best going to help you be succesful.
Aftercare is very important, and talked about a LOT! Also, our part in following the program and walking is reiterated over and over and over again. They give you lots of information right up front. And require follow up appointments for aftercare.
I would rate Dr. Rod very high. He has both the surgical competence, and a wonderful bedside manner...just don't be in such a hurry. Leave your attitude at home, and just remember, we didn't get this way over night, we can't snap our fingers and it all be done. It is all a process and I am so thankful for it being available to us-to help us live, instead of exist.


At first Dr. Rodriguez seemed to be wonderful, that was until after the surgery and I started having complications. It took two weeks to receive a phone call back from his office, and then I only got a call back because I asked for my medical records to be sent to another physician. I was vomitting everything I ate and drank for two weeks and was in severe starvation according to the ER doctor and I felt that no one seemed to care. As of now, I have a new surgeon and would not recommend Dr. Rodriguez's office to anyone.


He seems very competent and sure about himself. First impression was good . His staff was very helpful and informative . He really stresses aftercare , exercise is a MUST !!


>My 1st impression with Dr Rod was very pleasant. He is a no holds barred kind of guy, tells it like it is, and is not in the business to play games. He is in it to help us help oursleves. I felt a genuine concern from him in my health and well being.
>Office staff was/is very pleasant and easy to speak to,and again has that sense of really caring for the patients.
>nothing to dislike
>The doctor/staff seem to really care about the health of their patients.
>Aftercare is a MUST.No excuse is good enough
>From what I have read the aftercare program is solid and a must
>The risks of surgery was explained in detail.
>Overall, I would rate (thus far) Dr Rod & staff an 8 ONLY because I have not had surgery, Just from my 1st impression with them.
>Surgical competence,bedside manner, is yet to be discovered. seeing how they were in the office i expect the same type of treatment.
>>>The ONLY negative to say is the cost of the procedure and the difficulty of having to deal with the insurance. Nothing about the DOC/staff, thus far into my journey.


Dr. Dirk Rodriquez is a great doctor. Post military, and does not mince words. Will answer all your question with a truthfull answer and will be very direct. Will recommend to anyone and the best. His office staff very friendly.


Very professional and knowledgable about obesity issues and surgery.

The office staff was very nice and I have had the opportunity to speak with Karen and Melva several times. All is handled professionally and I am so glad I chose this surgeon!!!

Very strong emphasis on aftercare which I liked.

Has a structured aftercare program.

Would rate him a 10+ at this time

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