Dirk I Rodriguez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.83333333333 out of 5 with 223 ratings

Dirk I Rodriguez Bariatric Surgeon

15 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

223 Reviews for Dirk I Rodriguez
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I am so thrilled that I have the opportunity to express my feelings about Dr. Dirk Rodriguez. My first impression of Dr.Rodriguez was that of pure joy! And,that first impression has not changed. He was, and is, a precious gift that God sent my way to literally save my life. He is very cheerful,optimstic,and compassionate. He is a good listener, as well as a superb motivator. In my opinion,this kind surgeon is worth travelling some miles to obtain his services. He is very intelligent, young, and is advancing in his field rapidly.Palestine, TX is so very fortunate to have him practicing here. To be sure, I am not over-rating him, and I can not think of one negative thing to say about him. He performed the Rn-Y surgery on me in July l999. I weighed 364 lbs. Today, October 26, 2000, I now weigh 240 lbs., which is a loss of 124 lbs. He has followed my progress closely with regularly scheduled appointments, and continues to offer me emotional support and encouragement. Knowing that he really cares, and that I am not just another "patient" has meant as much to me as his superb surgical-medical competence.


I am an RN and had worked with Dr. Rodreiguez he is a patient advocate from the word go. He want his patients taken care of.
My impression has never changed, he is caring and a thoughful doctor who wants to help.The staff is excellent, they get as excited as you do about the approval when it comes in.Dr. Rod emphasizes total care of the patient. He seek excellent outcomes.


I had Gastric Bypass surgery Dec 1 2003 at Methodist Hospital in Dallas, Texas, by Dr Rodriguez. I lost some weight and after 9 months no more. I have been gaining and I tried to go back to see him and found he had left Hospital.
I think he is a good doctor and knows what he is doing, but I would like to find him to see if he can do a revision and question Rose and StomaphyX revisions.
Sherrie O'Quinn

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