Dirk I Rodriguez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.83333333333 out of 5 with 223 ratings

Dirk I Rodriguez Bariatric Surgeon

15 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

223 Reviews for Dirk I Rodriguez
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Dr. Dirk is a teaching surgeon in his field. He is very business like, but very personable. He really cares about his patients and want them to know everything about the surgery. You have to go to a meeting with his nurse before you are ever schelduled for surgery. I had hand assisted laporscopic surgery. Everything went well with the surgery. Had a follow up after two months. Everything is going great. He was very happy with my results. He keeps my family doctor in the loop on everything. Dallas is about a four hour drive from San Angelo where I live. I found his office staff to be very helpfull. The thing I liked least about Dr. Dirk is his insistance on exercise, which I know is for my good, but he gets down right mad if you don't abide by the exercise rule. Guess that's why I was so over wieght in the first place. I hate to exercise. I would rate him a 10. He is competent and also has good bedside manner.


I have not met with him yet. Everything I have read has made a good impression. Will update after I meet him. Seminar scheduled for Aug. 12, 2004. My husband and I attended the seminar with Dr. R and his nurse Karen.. I was very informative. He is very straight-forward just as I have heard everyone say. His nurse Karen was very nice. I told her that this school year was going to be about me and I was not going to wait for a break at school to have the surgery. She just hugged me and said that is what she loves to hear...She really made me feel comfortable. I can't wait to get approved.....


direct honest professional


helpful caring

be prepared

requirement - sign agreement


seminar - required


both great


Dr. Rodriquez has been wonderful to me. He is a very direct person and to the point. He doesnt beat around the bush and will answer all your questions you may have.
When I have had a couple of physical problems he was there immediately for me. He returns my calls instantly.
He is not a one to treat you like your going through a service line. He refuses to do that.
His after care program is all up to you. It's there if you need it but it's not pushed on you.
Everything was explained, either by him or a member of his staff.
In a rating of 1-10, I would rate him a 10.
His strength is definately in his surgical competence.

I think he is great.


My first impression of Dr Rodriguez is that he is deeply committed to helping patients recover from obesity. His manner was likened to a "gentle drill sergeant" and I think that this is an apt description.
Right now, my first impression of him the only one as I've just met him.

His office staff are very friendly and extremely helpful. They are dedicated to helping their clients and do so by offering information, support, education and friendly smiles. In all, I am so far very impressed.

Future patients should recognize that Dr Rodriguez (and staff) are serious about this being a life-changing event. This is NOT cosmetic surgery and no one should go in thinking that it is. This is a suregery to save your life. Period. Any additional benefits (fitting better into clothes, etc.) are gravy.
Speaking of gravy...the staff and surgeon are also *very* adamant about the dietary restrictions and excercise. They feel that if you aren't able to HONESTLY live up to these changes then you should step back and reconsider. Make sure that this surgery is for you because going back is HARD.
Of course, they offer you a fairly comprehensive pre/aftercare package for you to have. It is nicely organized with lots and LOTS of information. Plus they make themselves available to their patients. I would say overall Dr Dirk Rodriguez and staff are top notch.


My first impression of Dr. R was one of intenseness... he was very straight up and honest and did not leave any details out.

The office staff is GREAT! That is the only way I can explain it.

I think all future patients of any doc should research and research to find the doc that is compatible with him/her.

Aftercare is an important subject for him, he is very intense about that.


Dr. Rodriguez was very kind, but serious and to the point about the surgery. His office staff was very friendly and helpful. Easy to reach on the phone and very informative. His overall program covers all aspects of this surgery, and I was impressed with the required psych evaluation even though it cost me out of pocket. For me - surgical competence is the most important issue, I don't expect my surgeon to be my best friend!



Dr. Rodriguez seemed to be very confident and caring. His manner was very professional, and I left feeling that I would be in very capable hands. His staff was extremely polite and upbeat. Karen, his nurse, was warm and nuturing and the dietician and trainer did convey a strong sense of care and dedication.

Aftercare is central to this practice. I met a post-op patient in the lobby that said he was not being very good about his diet and said that Dr. Rodriguez was extremely passionate about the requirements of the regimen. He said, "Dr. Rodriguez doesn't mess around!"

The $150 for the day's session was very well worth it. I have been researching this for well over a year, and I learned several new things. Only negative was that Dr. Rodriguez was held up in surgery and therefore we had to come back the following day to meet with him one-on-one. Fortunatly, this was not a big deal for me.

Overall, I am very excited to have Dr. Rodriguez and his team on my side (and no, we are not related!).


Nice & informative
Impression did not change.
Office staff seems under staffed
Only saw one time
Honest & to the point.
Aftercare is why I selected this dr.
Great aftercare program.
Risks of surgery were discussed.
He is great.
Overall excellence with dr.


Dr Rod is a great Dr...he is very clear in what he wants u to and he will tell u take everything in ur own hands to get the ball rollin...lol...and i did the day after i met with him...i went to see the 4 dr i had to get clearance from....so i think i only have the heart tests to go now...Melba said if i get in everything i might have my surgery by the end of july...if not then the very frist week of aug...my dream is gettin closer....please pray for me ...my friends...that all goes well...Dr Rod... on a scale from 1_10so far i would rate him a (10) he is a wonderful Dr...i have no fears where he is concern..and as long as i follow the rules everything will b fine..THANK U GOD!!

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