James Viglianco Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.
15 yr Experience
9 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 60
15 yr Experience
9 yr in Bariatrics
15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
2 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
100% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 60

Dr. Viglianco was all business at my first visit to the BTC. He told it like it was. On the day of my surgery, it was kind of a "dream state" but I remember him telling me everything went great and congratulations. He was very sincere. The office/staff at the BTC in Groveport is awesome. You are made to feel very comfortable there. It would be nice if all hospitals/staffs were as caring and comforting as theirs. I can't think of anything bad I could say about Dr. Vig. He saved my life. Aftercare at the BTC is of the utmost importance. They stress this very much prior to your surgery. You must understand the importance of follow-up. The program at the BTC is like clock work. It has been fine tuned. Dr. Vig addressed the risks of surgery the way any surgeon would. They must tell you all of the "could happens" and "maybes". Formalities that are very rare but not unheard of. I would rate him and my whole experience at the BTC, now the Barix Centers, 10 out of 10. I think that surgical competence is most important, however, performing surgery on patients with the emotions and fears of the unknown that come with our surgery is a very close second. I am a raving fan. Uncommon, but true. I cannot say anything I would change about my experience. I was prepared for all aspects the surgery. The only thing I suggested to them, was a meeting maybe for the children or caregivers of the patient so they know what to expect. I thought I might even write a children's book! My little boy couldn't figure out why I didn't look different when I got home! Maybe marriage counseling following surgery too for those husbands I have heard about that get suddenly jealous of their "new" wives.

From my first visit with Dr. Viglianco (Dr. Vig as we call him) I was impressed and felt very comfortable. He's a wonderful, compassionate man. Now, he greets me with a hug and a warm smile.
His office staff were also comfortable and very professional.
Future patients should know that Dr. Vig is one of the best surgeons around. He truly cares for his patients and is gentle and funny too.
Aftercare is of utmost importance to Dr. Vig and the Barix family. It is a wonderful program that begins way before surgery and continues after. The before and aftercare includes nutritionists, internal medicine physician, pulmonary techs and any one else you need. They were extremely thorough which made me feel very good. They give you a great notebook that gives you step by step instructions from the first day through 6 months and on. You are also encouraged to attend a monthly support group which has been wonderful and extremely helpful, before surgery and after.
Overall, I would rate Dr. Vig and Barix Clinix as THE #1 WLS program in Columbus!

I have only met my surgeon once so far, and have talked to him one more time on the phone recently. He seems caring and considerate. I had heard a lot about him thru some of his other patients. I have not had a lot of contact yet with his office staff except by phone. I think that the main thing that I learned is not about the surgeon OR the staff as much as how long it takes to get all the testing done, results faxed, and then to finally get the surgery scheduled.
There are a lot of questions yet to be answered on the day of my Preadmission Testing on Sept. 9th.

Well let me tell you i have spent over a year researching for a sergion and meeting with them, checking there background, etc..and I fell inlove with Dr.vig. (thats what we call him for short cause his name is so hard to pronounce)lol..Although i havent had the actuall surgery yet , i will tell you my experience now and then update as my journey progresses. What i noticed right off hand is the bariatric center and the people there..patients,staff, clean, etc...and let me tell you it was awesome the place was very , very clean,they had everything in obese sizes for comfort, (example: beds,rooms, gowns,chairs,couches,halls bathrooms..etc)it was decorated in a very warm, cozy, home enviroment feeling. the only complaint i would have to say that i noticed is with it being a bariatric center i wondered why didint i see any protien bars??so i went to dietary for answers..and answeres i got,they do have protien bars, but mainly for staff because patients are not able to eat them at there stage while there, but for some reason they are or want them they are there ...which of course brought up another question most of the staff has had or is in process of having the wls..i was thrilled that to me meant a great deal ..i couldnt of been more pleased.. the employees all were very pleasent,friendly, and perfessional!! they all seem to enjoy there jobs and want what is best for the patients, no wonder i felt the sincerity and compassion when i walked in the building not only do they work there they have gone through or is going through it so they know what we are feeling and going through.... in speaking with some of the patients in the waiting room and some that were doing there walking after surgery, they all seem completely satisfied and at static with Dr. Vig..they said there care was impecable and with talking to them i realized he has a tremendous love for his work and patients. Which just made me feel even more comfortable with him..i have gone to see him him 4 times now to just check in while i wait through this 6 mnth dr supervised diet...and keep a repore with him and just keep my feeling and concerns at bay..he is allways attentive to my needs,very funny , perfessional, never rushes me or makes me feel like he is in a rush, and not only answers my questions he shows diagram and breaks it down to every detail..i was impressed when he asked me about my daughter and her cough did it get any better?? I couldnt beleive it!!! He remembered about how i was concerned with my daughter's cough from my visit, 4 months earlier..To me that showed how much he really takes interest in his patients and he really does listen to us..So far, no complaints, before i go what they do to make this experience even better for us is they have an insurance department that all tehy do is work for you to get approved tell you what you need and how to get it before they will even submit the paper work so you can get approved easier!!!!That is AWESOME!! all we have to go through and everythign that is changing in our life for them to take that extra step to get rid of the stress of all the insurance paper work is wonderful!!!ok i have typed enough i will update more as my journey continues..god bless...

My doctor was VERY POSITIVE, right from the start. He was very personal, and answered any questions that I had, trust me I had plenty. From Beginning to End, he was there every step of the way. Always keeping the upmost confidence in me that I COULD DO IT. The Staff at the office were very nice, and pushed me in the right direction. I cant think of anything I didnt like about my doctor. (I know you must think, I'm crazy for that) but he is OUTSTANDING. Dr. Vig. is the best there is, and I would recommmend him to everyone. He encourages you to follow up with him, to make sure you stay on track. Everything is structured w/ BTC. The Risks on the surgery were discussed up front on your first visit. I have to admit that was a bit scary, but I knew if I didnt do this, the outcome of risking my life could come sooner. On the scale from 1-10. Dr. Vig. is a 10! You will love him. He has great beside manners, and he knows what he is doing.

My first impression of Dr. Vig was that he took his time listing and answering all my questions. The whole staff was great! I loved the big chairs! He did inform me of all the risks involved. He's a 10 for sure. My only complaint was the wait to be seen, but now I understand that they really listen to people and take their time.