The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Center
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 477 ratings

The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Center

477 Reviews for The Denver Center for Bariatric Surgery
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I spoke to Dr. Snyder on the phone before I met him in person on November 20, 2004. He is a very personable and smiley individual. He seemed genuinely concerned and anxious to help me "make my dream come true". He is a PATIENT human being! The office staff is TREMENDOUS! Aftercare is a MUST. Not up for discussion.


My first impression of Dr. Snyder is that he is a very caring person. His initial seminar is NOT a sales pitch, he states over and over again that he does not need the biz, that the decision needs to be a decision made by yourself. Dr. Snyder will return your page anytime of day or night within 5 mins!!!! I didn't believe this, and before surgery he just tested me to page him. Well I couldnt bring myself to do it for no reason, and so when I finally needed him, I paged him and it was less than 5 mins for a return call. That makes your needs seem important to him as well and also makes it easier on you when you have a concern you dont have to run into his office right away....

Dr. Snyder emphasizes that you MUST follow the post-op classes and follow the diet given to make the most efficient use of your new "tool". His office is also there for you when it comes to getting a support group for you.

I rate Dr. Snyder overall as a 9.


Dr. Snyder is a wonderful, energetic, skillful person with an office staff to match his caring attitude. I "had" a surgery in February 2004 but it was unsuccessful. During surgery my oxygen level dropped too low and Dr. Snyder decided to stop the procedure. Of course, at first I was mad and dissappointed. I am glad it took me only minutes to realize how lucky I am to have a Dr. and his team who were able to notice it at the right time. He came out of surgery room to talk to my husband and said that if it would've been his mother or wife he would not perform the surgery. I truly appreciate his caring way. During the year after the first try it was discovered that I have a bad sleep apnea. I had to lose some weight (yack!) and be on oxygen (double yack!). I went thru more tests than most patients. I am ready now. During the year between surgeries I lost my job, insurance denied the coverage for surgery, I've been on antidepressants, and discovered other illnesses. After all that, my "due date" is July 5th. Am I happy? Yes!!!! Am I scared? Yes!!!! The only thing that keeps me going now is that I know I am in the skillful hands of a good Doctor.
It is always a pleasure to see him. He truly cares about patients and porovides so much information before hand that it can calm the most anxious person. He never said it would be an easy ride. I know it would be a lot of work on my part but I am glad I don't have to do it alone. I have Dr. Snyder, his office staff and a support group to help me in this journey.
I hate rating systems but on my scale he is 11 out of 10. The only negative thing I have about him is that his energy is a real "dumper" for all his overweight, energy-less patients. Well, the day will come....


My first impression of Dr. Snyder was that he was extremely knowledgable and very confident in his capabilities. He was also sensitive to the fact that being over weight in today's society is not acceptable in any of the social circles. I was impressed with his understanding and his willingness to treat this as a disease.

He is an outstanding individual and I think he is light years ahead of his time.


First impression was that he is very hyper but extremely caring of obese people.

My impression didn't change he is a great guy and I'd refer anyone to him.

They are all so nice every one of them!

I haven't yet found anything I didn't like.

He is very thorough and very caring.

He emphasizes it a great deal, He and staff even give personal pgr and home numbers to surgery patients.

Yes, you must follow his program as well as attend the nutrition classes (mandatory) and support groups.

all surgery are high risk but i feel confident in Dr. Snyder.
on a scale from 1-10 i'd rae him a 20++++++!

a Dr. needs to have both qualities to make the surgery a success and make the patient feel safe and confident with their surgeon!!


Dr. Snyder is a wonderful man and doctor. He cares for every body he see's. His office staff is wonderful and get back to you as soon as they can. Dr. Synder lets you know everything up front when you see him for the first time. I highly recommand him!


I found Dr. Chae on this website and met him 5/5/05. He was obviously very caring and friendly. Seemed a bit abrupt and rushed at times but took the time to answer all the questions of both my wife and myself. We then met with Kelly Elliot, the Registered Dietician. She was very friendly and caring as well and did not make me feel like a schmuck for my eating habits. That was refreshing.

Dr. Chae really outlined the detailed risks and complications possible with a revision and even had a virtual surgery he showed us on a laptop. The facility he is in is quite nice and I am hoping to get approval very soon. We went to the nutrition class (required) on 5/15 for 5 hours. It cost $150 but was necessary and well worth it. Kelly outlined the vitamin regimen and eating patters post-op. This surgery is no "magic bullet" but it sure is nice having a Dr. like Dr. Chae and his staff to help me through.


My first impression of Michael Snyder was that he was very dedicated to his patients and bariatric surgery. I was amazed at how much information he shared about bariatric surgery and for free. THis really made me feel at ease after attending one of his seminar. I knew from that point that I selected a great surgeon.

I am 8 weeks post op and I am really impressed with how Dr. Snyder can keep up with all his patients to make sure they are ok. If you have any concerns or issues he makes sure that his entire staff is available to help you including himself. Currenly I have not had any misunderstandings or miscommunications about my post op process or after care. As far as risks are concerned Dr. Snyder and staff are very open and let you know the probability of risks. For example, Four weeks post op I suffered an obstructure. Nothing I ate was going down. Dr. Snyder made me aware that 1 in 8 of his patients suffer from this. So as soon as I thought I was having an issue I called Dr. Snyder in the middle of the night and he responded right away told to get to the ER and they would take care of me. He was absolutely correct.

Overall I would say that Dr. snyder on a scale from 1 to 10 is a 9. With his patient list being so high it is very challengeing for him to meet all of my needs, He is only one person and he performed exactly the way I expected.

I beleive that surgical competence and bedside manner are both better to have especially as a Doctor or nurse you have a persons life in your hands and it is critcal that they feel as comfortable as possible.


He seemed really pasionate about helping people in my situation. He was very charming and funny. He made sure I understood everything before I left his office.
His office staff is great, they are really on top of things (like if all my paperwork is filled out).
Dr. Snyder encourages aftercare by talking about the support groups (I am curently attending one and they are helpful even pre-op!).
He has a monthly mandatory meeting that goes over ALL the statistics and risks of the surgery. VERY HELPFUL!!
I definintly rate Dr. Snyder and his office a 10 out of 10.


Dr Snyder is great! He has a great program
very personable and very honest

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