Highland Hospital Hospital
All the nurse staff, OR staff, pre-admission staff where wonderful and very confident in what they did. One nurse was a bit witchy during the first night after my surgery, I told her how bad my IV was hurting, but she kept pumping all my meds through it. By morning my hand was the size of a lg. grapefruit, very hot and extremely painful. The am nurse immediately changed it. This made my life a bunch eaiser. If I hadn't been so out of it with the morphine, I might have gave her a piece of my mind. The same nurse who wouldn't change my IV also came in to draw blood. I told her that I always need a butterfly needle in a certain spot. She informed me that the staff used the size need according to their ability. Well guess what, 4 pokes later and 2 different nurses, she decided that it would be OKAY for them to try a butterfly in my prefered vein. Guess what, it worked like a charm. GRRRR! Anyway there always has to be one bad apple to spoil the whole cart. Overall my surgery was a breeze. I would do it again in a heart beat.