Titus Duncan Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS, FAACS.
19 yr Experience
19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65

19 yr Experience
19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
8 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
80% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18
Max Age of Patient is 65

I've only been to Dr. Duncan's office once so far and met with his assistant for the screening process. He had been delayed due to an emergency surgery and many of the patients had been waiting several hours. His office staff was extremely professional. On my way out of the office, he was introduced to me in the hallway. He seemed very pleasant. I return for my visit with him in about 5 weeks. I'll update then.

Dr Duncan was personable with a great staff working with him. Might take a while to get things rolling but once you do you are in for a great ride. Expect a long wait when you go for your appointments I suggest you take along a good book to read other than that they move pretty fast. Will know more about his aftercare program in a couple of months. Wish surgery wasn't scheduled so far in advance. He does have a support group and he does emphasize this to you on your first visit. So far I would reccomend him highly for his knowledge and manner....his history is great deffinatley worth checking out. Work in Medical field and have talked to many that know and have worked with him and nothing but postive comments...he is thesecond surgeon Ihave gone to for this and I felt confident that I made the right choice when I walked into his office.

I was very impressed with Dr. Duncan. He was warm, kind and easy to talk to! He seemed as excited for me as I was about having the surgery! I personally haven't had any difficulty with the office staff like I have heard others say--they have been very nice to me and very efficient in getting me prepared for surgery. My Insurance Company recommended Dr. Duncan to me. Dr. Duncan has a support group that meets monthly with a program to help you understand important things a person needs to know to keep the weight off and stay healthy.

Dr. Duncan has a great personality; that is unusual in a surgeon. He seems able to adjust to your needs, for instance, I already knew all about the surgery and he treated me thus, not condescending at all. My impression has not changed. He is a general surgeon who specializes in laproscopic surgery. I think what I like least is the after care, it needs to be expanded. He was up front as to the risks of the surgery. Overall, I rate Dr. Duncan as excellent. Surgical competence and bedside manner were both great.
Dr. Duncan and staff are working very hard to get a great support group going and are making changes to adapt to patient needs. I would recommend him to anyone.

I saw DR. Duncan on May 10, 2001. I am so glad that I went with my friend to see him, they just worked me in, and that made my day.
His nurse Kristen requested for approval with Phoneix Home Service's in about 3 week's. The office staff is very nice and really like's to be of help to their patient's whenever they can.

Dr. Duncan was very friendly and made me laugh. If I can laugh with you, I can feel comfatable with you. Although he made me laugh, he also told me the seriousness of the surgery verses the seriousness of being obese. His staff was very professional. I had also checked into other Doctors. His diet after the surgery in comparison to other doctors seems to be very strict, but every doctor is different. He has a support group which I plan to attend after my first 2 week visit. I really felt safe with him because I had heard so much about him from several of my girlfriends who had other surgeries performed by him. He also has some type of segment on television and teaches other physicians. I just had no doube of his competencey. I would definitely reccomend him and would advise anyone thinking of this surgery to "research" the actual surgery and the doctor that will perform it. The only thing that I can think of that I didn't like was tht his officed moved before I actually went for my first appointment and I was not informed and went to the old office and in the hospital after the surgery in the hospital I did not see him but one of his assistants.

I actually chose to meet with Dr. Miller who is in the same office. She will be performing my surgery once it is approved. I thought she was wonderful. She spent a lot of time talking with me and answering my questions. I had to wait for about 1 1/2 hours prior to seeing her, which is not too bad. She stressed the need to meet with a nutrionist and get as much info about the lifelong changes this will entail in diet.
The staff was friendly and professional. I had all he forms filled out in advance so I didn't have to do any paperwork at the office. Dr. Miller told me that they have started a support group on Saturdays for before and after the surgery. They gave me a booklet to read while I was waiting that detailed the surgery. Overall, I found the experience a positive one and am anxiously awaiting approval from my insurance.

Dr. Duncan appears to be a wonderful doctor. He has great credentials and very happy patients. His office staff seems to be very nice, one of the best I've ever contacted. He has a serious interest in making the surgery as safe as possible, he explains in details about the risks involved with this surgery. He's well respected, honest and has a sense of humor.

I had my initial consult today. I waited forever to see him. I am talking 3 hours, OMIGOD. On the flip side, Dr. Duncan is really nice, funny and knows what he's talking about. He sat and talked with me and my sis for one hour. He would not even interupt our session by taking phone calls or anything else. He devoted his time to talking with us. They are faxing my insurance info Friday or Monday. They said surgery can be scheduled between 3-5 weeks after approval. Now I begin the insurance wait...
Surgery is set for Monday, July 23rd. There was a cancellation!! I did my pre-op testing today. Four days 'till the other side!

Dr. T Duncan and his partner Dr. Miller are wonderful. The office visit may take a while but that is only because he answers all your questions and very caring about what is going on with you as a person. The support group is just beginning but it is a great group and is growing. The stafff are wonderful and try to answer all your question as well infact Kirsten the young lady who handles the insurance called me at 8pm just to let me know what was going on with my insurance. That is dedication.