Peter Henderson

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 89 ratings

Peter Henderson Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.

28 yr Experience

7 yr in Bariatrics

19 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Per Case

Max Age of Patient is Per Case

89 Reviews for Peter Henderson
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i met dr henderson for the 1st time at a information meeting at the camden hospital. i really took a liking to him right away. he was nice and explained everything about the surgery clearly. my 1st visit to his office i saw the PA sandra and she was really nice. the staff and office staff were all very friendly and easy to talk to with all the questions i had. when i finally saw dr henderson to talk to him we really didnt talk to much. he had just got back from a surgery and was late so sandra had asked most of the questions. looking forward to talking more to him before surgery. i seem to hear only great things about him.


Dr Henderson and his staff have all been wonderful. Always taking the time to answer questions, and get us the answers we need. Thank you for your care


Dr Henderson was willing to answer all my questions. I did not feel like I was rushed at all. He never referred to me as obese. I was heavy. I liked that. Obese just sounds like a nasty thing. His office staff is WONDERFUL. They are willing to help you figure stuff out instead of just make the appointment and you are on your way. Any questions that you may have are answered by them right away. I'll update more after my surgery...


I met with Dr.Henderson and his P.A. Sandra Setzer for the first time today. I really like the whole office staff. They were very friendly and willing to answer any question that you may have.


I met Dr. Henderson on March 23, 2005 for my initial visit. He is very easy to talk to which is important to me. He seems to be very compassionate about his work and his patients. Dr. Henderson covered all the risks of surgery. He told me how important aftercare is. I also think his office staff was very nice and knowlegable of everything. I think that bedside manner and surgical competence are both important. Dr. Henderson has both in my opinion.


Dr. Henderson was very pleasant and he made sure I understood what was going to happen and he answered all my questions and concerns. His staff was wonderful. I felt so relaxed and special like I really mattered. I would highly reccommend anyone considering surgery to him. He does emphasize aftercare. However, in my case, I didn't see him after 4 months because I moved away. He is very good and You will be very pleased with him. I didn't discuss what happens with all the access skin when I have lost the weight. I was not thinking that far in advance at the time. I do regret not finding tht out.


I was very impressed with Dr. Henderson and His staff.
He was very nice and answered every question I had.
His physican assitant was in for appointment also.
I liked everything about him.. He explained things in normal english and was very nice and was not rushed and I felt he really wanted me to feel comfortable that every question had been answered for me.
Be prepared with your questions he seemed to like I had brought a list of questions with me.
He told me his office had started a support group for after care in my home town.. That is great..
He went over the risks and any comlications that may occur and how they handle them if they occur.


I met Dr. Henderson just a couple weeks ago, but I had already heard so much about him from my mother, who also had bariatric surgery, preformed by him. He is so freidnly, and very open to questions. He didn't make me feel like I had to hurry and rush out of his office, and he was very in depth explaining everything to me. I really liked him a lot because he's down to earth, and not snobby, and he deosn't act like he's better than you. I really liked that he calls it overweight instead of obese. I hate being called obese. It makes me feel like I am one million pounds. His office staff is also very friendly. They helped me get the whole process going and always made sure I could call if I ever needed to. Dr. Henderson has a wonderfully structured plan. You have to take the psyc. eval, see the psychologist, dietician, get 2 pre surgery blood draws, see him twice, go to the weekend workshop, and get your insurance to send them an approval, then you're good to go! If I had to rate him between a 1-10, I deffinately say 10! He's great!


Dr. Henderson is a very soft spoken, great guy and I thank God for giving him this gift to help people like myself. His office and team are very friendly and helpful. He enhasizes the importance of aftercare. He has an excellent aftercare program. He will address the risk of surgery and any other fears that you may have. On a scale from 1 to 10 I would rate him a "10". Surgical competence and bedside manner are equally as important.


I chose Dr. Henderson because I have talked to several previous patients of his and they all recommended him highly and some who weren't his patients but wish they had been. I haven't actually met Dr. Henderson one on one yet, but I have attended the weekend workshop and he showed up twice. He was very friendly and took his time to answer all of our questions. He also attended a support group meeting I attended and again was very friendly and approachable. He really emphasizes aftercare and mental care. I can't wait to speak with him and schedule my surgery. Hopefully very soon.

After I found out I was approved by my insurance co. I made my appt with Dr. Henderson 12/22/04. I was impressed with him as well as Sandra his PA. They made me feel comfortable and took their time with me, and answered my husbands' and my questions completely. We both felt very comfortable about the surgery after we met with them. My surgery is scheduled for 1/11/05.

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