Joseph C Moran Bariatric Surgeon M.D., F.A.C.S.
13 yr Experience
9 yr in Bariatrics
13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
98% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18

13 yr Experience
9 yr in Bariatrics
13 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery
9 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics
98% Practice is Bariatrics
Min Age of Patient is 18

I had a roux-en-y bypass in 2009. A year later, I was diagnosed with an ulcer at the site of the anastomosis. I threw up quite a lot over the next years, but my parents both became demented and my health care became non-essential. I had two endoscopies in 2019. In 2020 I fainted, threw up a lot of blood and was admitted to the hospital by ambulance. I went back on carafate and did okay for five months. I then fainted and threw up a lot of blood clots. Another ambulance ride and I’ve been hospitalized for three days.
I’ll see another bariatric surgeon next week, since Moran apparently suddenly skipped town a few years ago.

I was a victim (I'd not consider myself a patient) of this doctor back in February 2008. Joseph Moran was the surgeon.
Almost immediately after being discharged, I began experiencing complications which led me to believe something had gone wrong with the LapBand he'd installed. Unfortunately, in six visits over the ensuing eight months, instead of listening to my issues and agreeing to conduct tests to either assuage my concerns or confirm that there was something wrong, "Dr" Moran flatly refused my requests for tests, never giving reason for his declination beyond an explanation that "I don't believe anything is wrong."
Finally, I stopped seeing Moran, in part because of a change in insurance carrier and in part because I was tired of "kicking water uphill," arguing with him about complications which he would continue to dismiss out of hand. Due to insurance coverage issues, I would go eight years without bariatric care.
The total weight loss I'd had under Moron was 30 pounds... 30 pounds which I regained and more in the years that followed. Finally, in 2016, I was able to see another bariatric physician - one who was competent, who understood that when a patient brings up an issue it's a good idea to investigate it.
Within days of my initial appointment with this new doctor, the tests I'd asked for eight years earlier were scheduled - at which point I learned that Dr. Moran's LapBand was installed in the wrong place - creating a pouch not in my stomach, but my lower esopaghus, and causing me over eight years of vomiting up one meal in every three, acid reflux so severe that it was producing blackout spells as a side effect, and having other gastric complications.
As for Moran, if I were to ever see him on a street, I'd pummel his ass with a mallet - payback for the eight years of pain and suffering I endured simply because he was too arrogant to sign off on some simple tests. In the meantime however, I'll simply suggest that you take my past experience with this quack into account, and STAY AWAY FROM HIM AND HIS PRACTICE AT ALL COSTS.
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I was 331# at me heaviest I 2008 and started having a lot of problems because of it, including Type Diabetes Type 2 diagnosed on 12/31/04. I decided to have a lap band procedure because it was reversible. I found Dr. Joseph Moran and had my first surgery on 06/08 at Rex in Raleigh, NC. I was discharged when I could keep water down. Two days later after throwing up water first thing in the morning I called him and he said "Meet me at the hospital." I was diagnosed with dehydration and started on an IV in the ER. I had a revision of the Lap Band with Dr. Moran putting in a smaller one. I knew to chew each mouthful of food like 50 times, but if I didn't, it would hurt the moment I swallowed until I felt it pass through the Lap Band. I complained every time I went for a check up, but never saw Dr. Moran again until, fed up with the pain, I had an appointment with him to tell him I wanted it out asap. He tried to tell me that I was his first patient that had any problems with it and that he wanted me to go to Rex and have a tilt-table test to diagnose what was making me hurt. I told him to take it out now. Reluctantly he scheduled me to have it removed almost a year to the day later. I felt so much better afterwards and have gone on and lost 50 more pounds by dancing and watching what I eat! His office staff in his smaller office was nicer than the new office staff at his new bigger office. I was also told by his PA during an after check that I had MRSA, which was proved incorrect later by my finding out I had an allergic reaction to waterproof tape! Needless to say, that was a very painful and expensive way to lose 50 pounds! I notice that he now practices in TN.

I had RNY surgery with Dr. Moran almost two years ago. I have read comments of a gruff nature and bad bedside manner, but I NEVER had trouble with any of this! I adore him and his staff. In my opinion he is top of the charts!! I had NO complications and I am down to my goal weight. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't do it with anyone else by my side than Doctor Moran. I also loved the staff at Rex. My overall experience was great.

I am now 1.5 years post op. Dr. Moran's office staff are amazing. They set up all of my pre-op tests to be done on a single day, so that I would only miss one day of work! The Raleigh Center for Weight Loss Surgery also has both an in-house therapist and a nutritionist to help you understand more about the decision you are making and to ensure that you are ready for it! The office staff runs free seminars to help you determine if you would qualify for the surgery, what life is like pre-op/post-op and what the pros and cons are of various weight loss surgeries. Dr. Moran informs his patients but lets them decide which surgery is right for them. I chose to have the roux-en-y gastric bypass. I am now at my goal weight and couldn't be happier. Routine visits with Dr. Moran and his staff ensure that I stay on the right path and am getting all of my nutrients.

I had my Lap Band surgery with another doctor but Dr. Moran has followed me after i relocated to the area.. Being that I have experience with a different office I am here to let you know it is not uncommon to see a "qualified" professional after your surgery for follow up appointments. He is a doctor not god!!! I lost of total of 100lbs after having surgery and I must say I saw a nurse practitioner for most if not all of my adjustments because my surgeon was...."IN SURGERY" . I think expecting to see the surgeon at every visit is a little bit on the selfish side considering he could be in "SURGERY" helping other people lose weight!
In addition , lets call a spade a spade at the end of the day we all proceed with surgery to in fact be "THINNER" so that we can in turn be healthier.
I have attended support groups and found that those patients who had the bypass lost a lot of weight pretty fast with less effort. I chose the band because it was less invasive for me with the understanding that I would have to work harder than a bypass patient. I don't compare my experience with other people (example those "who have lost 100 pounds in 6 months with no exercise") because I don't know there story or what procedure they had done. I know that the office is always ordering blood work so pretty sure those people are "healthy" or if not are being followed up to make sure they don't have issues.
I think that you seriously need to understand when you go to the store and buy a piece of equipment you have to actually use it in order to make something. Think of Dr. Moran like that your purchasing a tool from him now go home and use it. You don't expect him to hold your hand every step of the way do you because if that was the case he would be a one man show and not have hired all of those hands to help.
I don't understand how people who have lost weight and claim to be healthy can get on this thing and complain or even bash there surgeon and staff. . I just don't get it! I will chalk that up to a bad weigh in or a bad day!
Great office great people PERIOD!
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I have been a patient of Dr. Moran's for a while now, over two years. I am COMPLETELY happy with the weight I have lost since my LapBand surgery. I DID NOT LOSE IT FAST and it was never my goal to so. However, even though I am happy I feel as if Dr. Moran & staff are not. It seems that lately all they care about is how much you lose and how quickly you lose it not, how much you can lose and how long can you keep it off. It seems they are promoting a "get skinny quick" regime and that is just not the facts. The fact is that most people lose a lot in the first year and then b/c they never really adjusted their lifes they don't really know how to be healthy and gain it back. Dr. Moran really seems to be altering his practice to conform to this "get skinny quick" notion and it is just completely disappointing. It seems an unhealthy weight loss is preferable to a slow but steady loss.
I have lost ~65 pounds since my seminar about the lap band to now. I am healthy, active and excercise a lot! (so much more than these other people I hear about who have lost 100 pounds in 6 months with no exercise) I don't care what you say, it's just not healthy and unfortunately more often than not these people gain it all back. I would love for everyone to be able to lose like they want but the focus should be about a lifestyle change not, how quick can you lose it. Even his website phone number has been changed to something like 888-get-thin. It's just not like that and I am saddened to hear that this is what it has become.
About Dr. Moran, he's an interesting character. He is arrogant, cocky, and at times obnoxious. While I agree, he does know what he is doing, don't expect any kind of bedside manner from this one. In the past when I have had a problem he was knowledgeable but defensive. His staff is extremely helpful and always available. When I first had my surgery I saw Dr. Moran a lot but now I barely see him every 6-8 months, it seems patient care is actually handled by a PA not a MD which is not always the route I want to take. I would wager that Dr. Moran is THE BEST in this area so as long as you know all of this up front there won't be any surprises. I think if you have the right attitude and don't set your expectation up at the "get skinny quick" route you should be fine.
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Dr. Joseph Moran and his team are my new heroes! I love them and if I wasn't on this journey, I'd cook up a whole bunch of Southern food for them!
They have all been very supportive, full of information and always eager to get me the answer to any questions that I've had.
Dr. Moran is not the warmest sweater on the shelf, but he makes up for it with his direct answers and straight forwardness. His knowledge of gastric bypass surgery is endless. His team is also responsible for the support group that his office sponsors. This is just icing on a cake! How very nice of them to do this for their patients. This is the best aftercare program ever.
Dr. Moran insists on a follow up vist just ONE week post-op.
My only complaint is this: I haven't seen Dr. Moran since day of surgery, he was not even able to come up to my room before I left the hospital. That was disappointing. While I have the utmost respect for PA's & RN's, they are not the doctor, therefore at some point seeing him would have been nice.

I first met Dr. Moran after my sister had had surgery. I was impressed with him right from the start. He is a surgeon - straight forward, no time to waste, get to the point - kind of guy. Since my first meeting with him, nothing has changed. I think he is an excellent surgeon, both my sister and I have had surgery by him without complications. His office staff is very knowledgable with the various procedures and they are very thorough. Before even setting a date, you have to go through a bunch of testing, meeting with a nutritionist and a psychologist even before they send everything to your insurance. The one thing I didn't like about Dr. Moran, and I feel awful saying this, but as I mentioned before, he's a surgeon. His bedside manner could be improved, but he is great at his job. And as my Grandmother once said, what does his bedside manner matter? I'm not going to bed with him. Dr. Moran is also the Director of Bariatric Surgery at Rex Hospital, and I felt completely safe in his hands.
I would rate Dr. Moran and his staff as excellent. I would give them a 100% approval rating. I have been very impressed with Dr. Moran, his staff and the staff at Rex Hospital.
I should point out that Dr. Moran works in Raleigh, NC, and I live in Charlotte, NC. The drive is a little under 3 hours, and I did have to go 6 times before my surgery. If I didn't feel completely, 100% happy with Dr. Moran, I would have found someone a lot closer to me in Charlotte.

New Band Dr: Dr Joseph Moran
Dr Moran seemed like a good dr, however after 2 years of visiting him and not getting any real help I moved surgeons. Figured out I was being mis-diagnosed!
Original Surgeon:Dr Muhammad Jawad (Ocala, FL)
Jawad is very straight forward, and I like that. He will tell you what you need to know and help you when you need it. His staff is wonderful and extremely helpful in getting things done. I would recommend him to anyone looking for a surgeon for LapBand or Gastric Bypass.