Dirk I Rodriguez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.83333333333 out of 5 with 223 ratings

Dirk I Rodriguez Bariatric Surgeon

15 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

223 Reviews for Dirk I Rodriguez
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My first im[presion of him was that he seemed to be a careful person who did not try and push his service on to you.
Now that i have decided to have the surgery he insured me that due to my condition that he makes sure he has all he needs to make sure that everything will be in your favor.
Thing I like least about him is that I met him before He realy got settled in at Methodist Dallas but that was not really a big deal and is anoying to me.
They should Know he is all busniess and a very straight forward person.
Dr. Rodriquez will be very big on after care and he has a well planed after care structured plan.
In my case he has in just a short time went to length on making sure that all risks are covered and that he and I are always on the same page.
So for I rate him as great. Since I have not had surgery yet I can not say anything about his bed side manors.


At 4 months post op I have been back to see Dr. Rodriguez about 4 times, one for a follow up, one for a stricture, two more for check ups. I believe Dr. Rodriguez is the best surgeon out there!! When I had a problem and paged him he promptly called me back, on a weekend at that. He quickly took care of the problem after explaining exactly what he would be doing. He cares a great deal about his patients and he does expect you to follow his program, if you don't you won't succeed!


Dr. Rodriguez and his staff are very personable and friendly. They are well informed on what Dr. Rodriguez does and answered every question I had! He made me feel at ease and was very understanding and took the time to listen and was not rushed. He really puts an emphasis on how the Roux-N-Y is a life changing surgery and stresses the importance of after care. He was upfront about the risks of the surgery and explained everything in detail. He makes all his patience go to a pre-op seminar and get a psychological evaluation before scheduling surgery. His surgical competance and bedside manner were GOD sent and I would rate him as an excellent physician!


I brought alot of documentation with me. I
was impressed with the fact that he read my
info (in the hall) before seeing me. It cut
down on the wasted time. He didn't treat me
like a child. I asked some pretty candid
questions (his morbidity rate, etc) and he
answered them to my satisfaction. He was
confident when talking about his abilities, as
well as, insurance. During the seminar that
a.m. aftercare was explained in depth. He
just moved to Dallas, Texas (from Palestine)
and doesn't have much "wait time". His web
site is www.texasbariatriccenter.com I need
to get a psych. eval & history done-medical
records for the past 5 yrs. and then his
staff will "handle it from there". We will
see. I got the impression that he appreciated
the fact that I had done extensive research.
I got the most out of my time (and his).


Met with Dr. Dirk Rodriguez On June 23rd. He's absolutely wonderful. He came across as very knowledgable and skilled. He actually teaches his technique to other surgeons. I believe his staff informed us that he is the spokesperson for the manufacturer of the equipment for laproscopic surgeries.
His new office is in Dallas,Texas and even though it was a farther ride from Houston, I am sooo glad we made the trip. The seminar was great and very informative. Dr. Rod pretty much conducted the seminar (though I think he won't be doing this too much in the future because he really cover alot of information with us and had a lengthy Q&A session. I loved it!!!! PS His staff is also a great group of people.


I have nothing but positive comments about Dr. Dirk Rodriguez and his staff, particularly his nurse, Karen. They were informative and encouraging throughout the process.


Love everything except the aftercare..


He was very professional, but very thorough.
Karen was so kind and helpful.
We've only met with them once.


I will see Dr. Rodriguez on March 17th.
Met Dr. Rodriguez and his Staff and they are GREAT!!
Dr. Rodriguez was not at all your normal run of the mill arrogant surgeon. Even though he had been called to the OR for an emergency appendectomy he didn't make me feel rushed. He still answered questions and explained what would be expected of me after surgery. I have definitely made the right choice.
I found out a few weeks ago that Dr. Rodriguez will be movung to Dallas so my surgery has been moved out to June 10th instead of the 3rd and I will be going to Dallas instead of Palestine


When I met Dr. Rodriquez, he totaly threw me off from what I thought he would be like in person than from his picture. He is the nicest Dr. I have met when it comes to my problem with my weight. He answered all my questions and didn't leave the room until they were answered. The office is very casual and the staff very nice and supportive. The seminar that was held was extremely informative and answered most of my questions before I even saw the Dr.. He is very strict on you staying with the program (sticking with what you are to be eating or drinking and having an exercising program). If you are not committed, he states the surgery is not for you. The risks were explained very well and staying committed is very important so the risks are less likely to be. I really like Dr. Rodriguez and I am looking forward to my surgery and the commitment I am ready to give him so I can have a better life and live longer.

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