Dirk I Rodriguez

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.83333333333 out of 5 with 223 ratings

Dirk I Rodriguez Bariatric Surgeon

15 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

7 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

6 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

100% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 75

223 Reviews for Dirk I Rodriguez
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Met with him for 30-45 minutes back in June 2003. I opted for surgery in December. Met with office staff and said I needed to see his face before surgery. He came to see me in pre-op. We talked and I felt better about the situation. After surgery, I had panic attacks with the NG tube. Next morning, I told him, and he took it out himself (not the procedure as I was explained). Surgery was on a Wednesday, and he tried to discharge me on Friday. I said I wasn't ready, and he told me, "well, lets give it another day." His nurse is great, but the insurance clerk (who is no longer with them) had trouble putting her hands on my paperwork from time to time. Aftercare is a big issue for him. I had some pain in my side and thought it might be fluid. Went to see the dr., and this surgeon called me and my dr. to see how everything was (I live 4 hrs. from Dallas). Surgeon saw me every morning in the hospital. Never once looking at the incision, just asked how I felt. This was a little strange to me. I would give him a strong 9 out of 10 for competence & bed side manner.


Dr. Dirk Rodriguez and his staff are absolutely tops in every way! Being an RN I am very critical about other medical personnel, and I couldn't say anything negative about them.

He is extremely thorough and competent in his work! He is very caring and very professional.

They have very structured before and aftercare programs where they really follow you.

Competency wise and bedside manner on a scale of 1 (bad) - 10 (excellent), I would give him a 15! My family was even impressed with him and his staff!


Dr. Rodriguez is the greatest. He is strict and serious with his approach to weight loss and he is determined to help his patients succeed. He expects every patient to be an active participant in their weight loss journey. He's a great supporter of his patients - always recognizing accomplishments and giving terrific advice. His aftercare program is excellent. He stresses the importance of support groups. He expects his patients to exercise daily, follow the regimented protein and vitamin requirements daily, and eat properly. I give Dr. Rodriguez a '10'. He's simply a terrific doctor, a wonderful surgeon, and a great supporter of obese people who are ready for a life change.


Dr. Dirk Rodriguez is great. He knows what he's doing. This is a doctor who cares about his patients and has the staff who also cares. I highly recommend him. He is knowledgeable, caring and most importantly, no nonsense, he won't lie to you. He will tell it like it is. Risks, your responsibilities, your needs after the surgery, and all you are facing. The lifelong commitment you are making. This guy knows what he is doing and what he is talking about and he will turn you down if he doesn't think you are serious about this or don't need it.
He really puts an emphasis on how the Roux-N-Y is a life changing surgery and stresses the importance of after care. It’s like I said earlier he was upfront about the risks of the surgery and explained everything in detail. He makes all his patience go to a pre-op seminar and get a psychological evaluation before scheduling surgery. He is insistent on you taking care of your part. I like him. And he has a really great staff.
Like I said this is a doctor who cares about his patients. I have nothing but positive comments about Dr. Dirk Rodriguez and his staff, particularly his nurse, Karen. They were informative and encouraging throughout the process.
I would encourage any one considering WLS to see Dr. Rodriguez. Be careful of your choice of surgeon, ask many questions, and check for board certification and not some one who decided over night to start doing WLS. Ask about the number of post op complications and even deaths of your surgeon’s previous patients!!!!!


My surgeon, at first, seemed very stern & matter of fact, but not real personal. I apreciate that sometimes but there are other times when I would like to feel like there is someone on the other side that cares. The care & the information I recieved from him is great. He answers any questions you might call him with after surgery. All in all I am glad I chose Dr. Rodriguez.


My first impression of Dr. Rodriguez was that he is very professional and knowldgeable about Bariatric Surgery. He was kind and waited patiently to answer any questions that I had. His seminars are small groups and you can ask all the questions that you would like. Karen his nurse is wonderful. She was always kind and you actually get to speak with a person most times that you call.

The thing I liked least about him would be that he performs a hand-assisted laparoscopic procedure which means that you do have a tiny incision.

Everyone should know however that he is very proficient and the hospital where he performs his surgeries is extremely modern and the nurses are kind.
He has an extremely structured aftercare program which is taught to you at the seminar. The program includes a nutrtionist who goes over the diets after surgery and an exercise program.
I would give him an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10.
He has a great bedside manner and I completely trust his surgical abilities.


I think that Dr. Rod was very informative and really took the time to get to know me. He seemed to be very concerned with how the rest of my family felt about me having this surgery. His office staff are all very nice and eager to help you in any way. He is very addiment about his after care program and following it to the max. He was very upfront about the dangers of this surgery and I believed he kind of scared my mom a little with his frankness. I hope to be finding out about his bedside manner soon and will update later.

I had my surgery on Sept. 15th and everthing went fine. Dr. Rod is a very busy man, but he will stay and answer all of your questions. He has a good bedside manner.

He is very strong on his aftercare and in the hospital he does not want you in any pain.

His main focus after surgery is exercise.


I am very impressed with Dr. Rodriguez and his team. He is very honest about what this surgery can do for you but also about the changes you will have to make to succeed. He seems to have a firm but caring nature. I researched him throughouly and I feel very confident in my choice. His staff was also very knowledgable and kind and I feel that they will be very supportive and on top of things.


Dr. Rodriguez was very straight forward, patient, friendly and had a good sense of humor. I had over seven pages of questions which he took the time to review and personally write answers to each question during my initial consultation.

His office staff is very friendly and efficient.

Aftercare is mandatory and you will be asked to sign a contract indicating you will be compliant with your follow-up appointments, the nutritional guidelines and daily aerobic exercise.

Having attended several informational sessions, I found the setting for the Texas Bariatric Center session was very intimate and friendly (although if you want one of the comfy chairs...come early..HA! HA!) as well as being very in-depth!

They charge you $150.00 for this session but also provide you with your surgery discharge book that provides you with step-by-step information regarding pre-op, the surgery, your hospital stay, your medicatations, dietary restrictions and guidelines, exercise guidelines, potential risks and aftercare instructions. You meet with the wonderful nurse Karen...then with the nutritionist and finally the exercise physiologist.

Following that you will break for lunch and then have your private consultation with Dr. Rodriguez and with Andrea the insurance coordinator.

Dr. Rodriquez aftercare plan is very structured.

Dr. Rodriquez has an extensive release you have to sign which outlines every conceivable complication so there should not be any question in your mind of the potential risks.

I really liked Dr. Rodriguez. It is important to me to be able to have a friendly relationship with my caregivers and I feel he has a warm personality that will be able to work well with me as I start this major journey in my life.

Overall so far so good!!!


Pleasant, friendly,

very helpful

takes the surgery and aftercare very seriously
extreme emphasis

very thorough and structured



both great

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