Carlos Barba

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.75 out of 5 with 111 ratings

Carlos Barba Bariatric Surgeon

10 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Any

Max Age of Patient is Any

111 Reviews for Carlos Barba
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My first impression of Dr. Barba was very good. He came across as a concerned care giver who is really interesed in your best intrests. He has the abilty to explain things in an understandable way, and gives a good sense of confidence in him.
His office and staff has the system worked to a science. More and more people are getting involved with these procedures and they are handling the work load well. The staff is very busy and does not have time to waste, therefore you sometimes get the impression of just being a number. But given the work load involved, and when you really can talk to them, you'll find they do really care and their efficency is a benefit to all involved. His physician's assistant is excellent. Both he and the Dr. really explain what's involved and the risks involved and the future is painted with hope spread with responsiblity. I would highly reccommed Dr. Barba and His office. It is important that you take the responsiblity for your own part, get the refferals for the doctors, be punctual for appts. fill out the forms as required, and follow the office instructions. Because more and more people are finding out about wls and getting involved, it becomes harder and harder for the office to do things for you. The more we do our part the better they can help us. I only see this issue growing as wls is realized as the real solution to our problem. I will update after surgery


Originally, since I was first denied my surgery by my insurance company back in 2001, I was supposed to have Dr. Lorenzo as my surgeon. However, when I started going back to St. Francis to appeal my denial, I was placed with Dr. Barba. Dr. Barba is a wonderful and truly caring doctor, as was Dr. Lorenzo. I would have been happy to be either of their patients.


Dr. Barba is a wonderful physician. My first impression of him as knowledgable and caring has only deepened with the surgery and follow up care.
His office staff is helpful and caring, but very overworked. The office is going thru some growing pains, but I do not feel that any issue I have raised has not been addressed in a timely manner. Time frame may seem long from initial visit to surgery, but well worth the wait. They do not minimize the risks. The doctor and his staff make sure you know all you should before proceeding. The surgical procedure and aftercare in hospital was very good. He has great bedside manner and takes time to answer you questions. I feel anyone would be lucky to have him do their surgery.
Downside: Only that I feel aftercare should be more structured and more closely monitored (my opinion)


First let me say that I would not have had this surgery if Dr. Barba was not the doctor. I know him as a trauma Doctor! He saved my life 5 years ago and on 5-28-03 he did it once again!I have an extensive medical history with having gone septic,and having bacteria in my blood on 4 different occasions, (after sugery)If it weren't for Dr. Barba and his office I would not be here with my children now! He has a wonderful personality and answers all of your questions. It's funny.. the first time i had him as my doctor, I was in a coma, but when I heard he had switched to bariatric surgery i finally felt i could consider having this done. When i went to the seminar..he remembered me! His staff remembered me and they were all wonderful. Carlolyn is very nice and very helpful. She didn't get to involved with me until my date was set, but once she does, you feel special.She answers all your questions and really takes a lot of time with you. As much as i love him and his staff I will say that they are extremely busy, so you must have patience! This is one of the things that makes them so good. I know people who have had the surgery at different hospitals, by different doctors, who are not as "strict" in their screening. neither one of them are having good results. They have both been back in the hospital, and one still can't hold down food ( 8 months post op) and the other has streched her pouch (7 months post op) I know it's hard but, trust me.. they are preparing you for a reason, and you need to trust them. I would have never considered this is if Dr. Barba was not available. I started with a BMI of 38.5 and severe back problems.I am now starting my "new" life with the help of Dr. Barba and his staff!Dr.Barba has a good aftercare program. We have a support group once a month, which both pre-op and post-op go to. He has a nutritionist that is just a phone call away to answer any questions, she is just the sweetest thing!You can call the nurse with any medical questions anytime... Anyways...Thank you Dr. Barba, Carolyn, Judy, Rosemary, Amy, Carol, Laura ( even though your in the recovery room now) and any one I may have forgotten! I will see you in the support groups! God Bless!


,,,Dr. Barba is very "down to earth". He NEVER makes you feel dumb about ANY question you may ask. He is patient, understanding and VERY caring about the results of EVERYONE'S surgery.
,,,His entire office staff do their VERY BEST to make everything happen in a timely manner. There are SO many of us wanting to have the operation and the number is growing by leaps and bounds. There is a LOT of testing to be done and it's all with specialists so we just have to wait our turn. If we were trying to get these appts. on our own we would probably be waiting a lot longer to get in to see them. Please have faith in the office,,,they DO care.
,,,The office has a VERY structured aftercare program and I will be there to take advantage of every last bit of info they offer me!
,,,Dr. Barba keeps NOTHING from you. He is blunt, honest and very explanatory on every issue we may encounter through the entire process.
,,,I am STILL waiting to find something about him I can be negative about. Somehow I don't think it's gonna happen!! I think he's a super doctor AND person. I have ALL the faith in the world in what he's all about,,,Thank you Dr. Barba for being you.
,,,The only NEGATIVE thing about the entire process is THE VERY LONG WAIT.
,,,And, if my "GLOWING" report on he and his office staff is "suspect" in any way because it is so positive, then so be it,,,


I went to an initial meeting at St. Francis Hospital Gengrass Auditorium on Tuesday evening. It was interesting and informative. I am just a bit confused as I don't know what type of surgery I should get. I want the safest (adjustable laproscopic band surgery) but it appears there is more weight loss with the regular gastric bypass. I am getting very scared now. I should be a good candidate for the lap band surgery. I wish there were more people out there to talk to who had the lap band surgery.

I am really starting to get upset with Barba's office. I still have not heard a thing. I had called them once and the person said with a laughing tone "it hasnt even been a month yet", it was a few days shy. The meeting was 3/12/03 and we are 6+ weeks since, still with no word. Perhaps this wont be the Dr for me.


Dr. Barba is a people person, he really wants to know about you. He has a partner Dr. Lorenzo who is an excellent DR. but Dr. barba has the most personality out of the two. THe Staff is very professional and knowledgeable. Dr Barba is very concerned about after care. As a matter of fact he provides you with a package of information on the surgery and do's and donts' he also has a urse practitoner and dietician on hand always. He fully explianed all the risks of surgery. I would give hima "10" out of 10 for all around excellent doctor. Excellent bedside manner!. I didnt check my spelling!




I liked him very much right from the start, he was open and caring and a great sense of humor. I still feel the same way, I have never had a more caring doctor. His staff is as great as he is, always there with help and support. There is nothing about him as a doctor that I did not like. He is very committed to his patients, his pre-op testing takes a long time but it is definatly worth it. Aftercare is very important with him and his staff. There is a structured after care program. The risks of the surgery were explained to me by my doctor and his staff, I was allowed ample time for questions. I would give him a rating of 100%. Both are great.


I have seen both Dr. Barba and his associate Dr. Lorenzo. They are both very nice and are very good at explaining everything. Dr. Barba is, perhaps, warmer and a little easer to talk to at first. I didn"t feel comfortable with Dr. Lorenzo at first, but am now comfortable with both doctors.
The staff at the time of y surgery, were very helpful and informative. Sincethen the staff has increased( along with the practice) and I sometimes feel a little like a number. You have to be persistent to get answers that pertain to "you."

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