Carlos Barba

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.75 out of 5 with 111 ratings

Carlos Barba Bariatric Surgeon

10 yr Experience

9 yr in Bariatrics

10 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

5 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is Any

Max Age of Patient is Any

111 Reviews for Carlos Barba
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I have contacted the office and found out that my insurance is excepted here. I was giving a session appointment and said I wold recieve a questioneer in my email which I am still waiting for. Hmm I had doubts about this office, the person who anwsered the phone was clueless.
On 11/06/05 I will call to reschudule my appt and ask about the email I'm still waiting for.




I've met him and some of his staff they seem to be very organized.I have heard so many good things about him I am trusting that he is a very good surgeon, he has had alot of experience.To me that's important. I will update more after my consult with him. He was very nice and made me feel very comfortabe, I was nervous and he helped me relax, He has a good since of humor. I am confident he'll do a good job.


He is a nice person.the office staff are great and friendly.Is the best surgeon on gastric bypass.He explain all the information i want and i believe too much on him.He is the best.all is great. i dont have any complaints because i feel great and in a good health thats every people want


My first impression was that he was kind and considerate and knew what he was doing.

My impression of him only became better with more time spent with him. I have always felt that he is always available to me and completely honest.

His hospital office staff and I had issues, shall we say. I felt like I was troubling them with my questions and concerns. In addition, I had to even seek out my approval on my own, as the hospital office did not assit me.

His private office, on the other hand, has been nothing but wonderful and completely approachable. Between Felix and Jessica, there is nothing that I could have wanted.

He has a structured after care program that he explains completely. He addresses every thing that will happen at each step of the way and will answer any questions you may have, sometimes even before you know the question needed to be asked.

I would rate him as an excellent surgeon, who has a caring and considerate bedside manner. In addition, he is kind and very warm hearted. Excellent surgeon!!! I would highly recommend him.

Having said all that, I feel that each person who is considering gastric bypass surgery MUST be 100% comfortable with their surgeon. If in doubt in any case, keep looking til you find the right fit.


My first impression of Dr. Carlos Barba is that he had an excellent sense of humor. I met him at the informational meeting. My impression didn't change -- he still has a great sense of humor. He has spent more time with me (especially while at the hospital) than my own primary doctor. His office staff is very nice. They are all willing to help if I have a question. Jessica in particular (had wls) has been able to offer some suggestions on what worked for her as far as getting protein in. He is in great demand! So you may have to wait for your appointment. I am encouraged to go to monthly meetings with others that have had Gastric Bypass Surgery. He also sets up the next appointment when you see him. When I was meeting him for the first time-- Dr. Barba went over everything as far as risks and benefits of the surgery. He is a 10 on a scale of 1 - 10 (1 being horrible). He is the whole package as far as I am concerned. He has an awesome personality, great bed side manner, sense of humor, and a genuine care for his patients. I couldn't ask for a better doctor.


Dr. Barba is wonderful. His office was great and his team treated me very well. Looking forward to spending my weight loss journey beside him.


I will be meeting with Dr. Barba for the first time on 11/16/2004. I am hoping all goes well and hope he will let me have the lap band surgery.

I met with Dr. Barba 11/16/2004 and he set a date for me for 2/10/2005. I wanted surgery on a Thursday as I have school on Wednesday nights and cant miss a class. He gave me the first Thursday he had available. He was very nice but he was running late. He had been at a meeting in the hospital which ran over. He was willing to answer any questions I did have I just didnt want to keep him to long.

I was approved my insurance, Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield and am scheduled for surgery 2/10.

I had an endoscopy at St. Francis. It was a breeze. I am assuming there are no problems. I have pre surgery appointment with the lap band group for February. The appointment is scheduled for 3 hrs on 1/26. I am getting closer to my date and and cant wait. I have been ill though with an upper respiratory infection that kicked in my asthma. I am on steriods and am hoping to be weaned off of the before surgery. I actually just woke up really early and think I am feeling better this am. Thank God. I dont want anything to push this surgery off. I have to get it over with.


My first impression of Dr.Barba was great! He has a wonderful bedside manner,great sense of humor, and takes the time to listen.
Most of his staff is really great! There are some though that need a little help,and manners. That was just my experiance one day.
All in all it's been a great experiance dealing with his staff and they are really helpful and take care of everything. Especially Judy! She really goes the extra mile.
Dr.Barba and his staff always make sure you understand everything thoroughly,and he definately made sure I knew the risks.


I went to the information session in Augsut, 2004. I was impressed by the staff and how organized they were. You could tell they had been doing this for a while.

I enjoyed hearing Dr. Barba speak. He was very honest and down to earth. He didn't make you feel bad that you were overweight. He wanted to let you know he was there to help.

I met with Dr. Barba in November. He was concerned that my BMI might not meet the criteria for insurance to cover the surgery. He asked me to gather as much evidence that I could, i.e., medically failed diets, degenerative disk disease, incontinence, etc., as I could so that they could give as much information to the insurance company to avoid the possiblity of having to appeal a denial.

I went in there with the intention of having a gastric bypass. He suggested I would do just as well from gastric banding.

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